Grocery Story Field Study

AP Human Geography

Due: Wednesday, February 13th

Guidelines: To be completed independently or with a group of no more than three individuals. The field study will be worth 50 points in the major grade category (that’s half a test grade). Answers to the analysis question must be typed. There is no minimum length, but make sure to answer each of the questions completely. The analysis question at the conclusion of the project should be answered in complete sentences.

Part #1 –Complete the questions below from your visit to the grocery store

Part #2 –Answer the production to consumption question in a typed document

Part 1: Choose SIX Produce items such as vegetables, fruits, etc… (TWO must be considered “organic.”)

Choose THREE Perishable products such as meats, poultry, chocolate, etc (ONE must be considered free range or organic)

Please answer the following questions, to the best of your ability, related to EACH product chosen:

1.  Where were they grown, raised? U.S. and/or somewhere else? If you are having trouble with this, look at the packaging of the product. You may also be able to look up the producer/company online.

2.  What is the climate like (climate region) where this product was grown/raised? Use the atlas, textbook, or internet to help you with this.

3.  What is the dominant crop grown in this region? Use the (or other sources) to help you with this.

4.  Which MAJOR corporations/companies are involved in the distribution of this product? Where are these companies headquartered? *Look at the sides of the boxes/crates/packaging to see where these foods come from!

Map this:

5.  Create a map (feel free to use on the blank outline maps on my blog, or find one of your own) which shows where all the products you have chosen are grown, raised, etc… *Make sure you create a key which identifies which products are organic, non-organic, type of product, etc….

6.  Create a map which shows where the companies that produce these products are located. *Make sure you label which companies are which on the map.


Part 2—Analysis: PICK ONE PRODUCT from your field study and answer the following: Discuss what you feel are the most significant factors related to the process of “production to consumption.”

·  As you answer the question consider the issues outlined in the questions above, and also the following subjects:

o  How does the transport of this product relate specifically to the concept of truck farming?

o  How much of the price of this product comes from transportation costs, advertising, growing cost, labor, etc…you may even want to ask the produce manager!

o  What is the products estimated shelf life?

·  Be sure to tie your answer in to the subjects discussed in the unit (in class and in the text). You may want to review/read the following sections:

o  “Mapping Agricultural Regions” (page333-334

o  “Key Issue 3 (Agriculture in developed regions (page 342-347)

o  “Importance of Access to Markets” (page 350-351)

o  “Challenges for Commercial Farmers” (page 351-353)

o  “Perishable Products” (page 378)