List of excluded studies based on full text evaluation
Study / Type of exclusion / Reason for exclusion
Agrawal [1] / Study design / No control group
Apkon [2] / Intervention / No multidimensional guideline
Augstein [3] / Intervention / KADIS decision support report, KADIS is based on a mathematical model that describes the glucose/insulin metabolism in type 1 diabetes in the form of a coupled differential equation system
Bassa [4] / Study design / Before-after study without control
Bindels [5] / Outcomes / Not studying relevant outcomes for our review, drop out of 9 of the 11 (82%) participating GP's in one cluster
Bindels [6] / Outcomes / Outcomes not relevant for our review
Bloomfield [7] / Intervention / No multidimensional guidelines
Bouaud [8] / Study design / Before-after study without control
Buising [9] / Intervention / Multifaceted intervention
Cannon [10] / Population / Research participants: One was a clinical psychologist, one was a registered nurse, one was a social worker, and one was an addiction therapist.
Cleveringa [11] / Intervention / Multifaceted intervention
Cobos [12] / Intervention / Intervention not only towards physicians, also promotion of healthy cardiovascular lifestyles towards patients
Dean [13] / Intervention / Not on-screen during consultation, form providing decision support for determining site of care and antibiotic selection.> form was faxed
Demakis [14] / Intervention / No multi-step guideline, different kind of alerts
Eccles [15] / Intervention / Not on-screen during consultation, messages were attached to the reports of the radiograph
Emery [16] / Intervention / Cancer risk assessment
Etter [17] / Population / Intervention towards patients
Feldstein [18] / Intervention / E-mail with link to internal and external resources, not on-screen during consultation
Filippi [19] / Intervention / Alert system
Fox [20] / Study design / Descriptive
Fung [21] / Study design / Test of the applicability of the computerized templates in a laboratory setting
Frances [22] / Intervention / Computerized and written reminders: mixed effects; insufficient data
Fretheim [23] / Intervention / Multifaceted intervention
Glasgow [24] / Intervention / Printouts for physicians, intervention mainly towards patients
Goergen [25] / Study design / Before-after study without control
Goldberg [26] / Intervention / Not on screen during consultation, information stored and displayed the following day
Goldberg [27] / Others / Duplicate of Goldberg et al 2000
Harpole [28] / Population / In-patients’ orders
Hobbs [29] / Methodological quality / Analysis based on 14/25 practices + 5 practices did not enter any data in the system
Holbrook [30] / Intervention / Multifaceted intervention, part of intervention towards patients
Horowitz [31] / Intervention / Not electronic
Johnson [32] / Population / Intervention towards patients
Johnson [33] / Study design / Descriptive
Kashner [34] / Intervention / Not electronic
Keeffe [35] / Study design / Qualitative part of a RCT
Kenealy [36] / Intervention / Alert system
Khoury [37] / Intervention / Multifaceted intervention
Kitahata [38] / Study design / Before-after study without control
Lesourd [39] / Intervention / No guidelines, pregnancy rate of system vs pregnancy rate achieved by physicians
Lester [40] / Intervention / Via e-mail
Levenson [41] / Study design / Before-after study without control
Litzelman [42] / Intervention / Alerts
Lobach [43] / Intervention / On paper
Lobach [44] / Intervention / On paper
Lobach [45] / Intervention / On paper
Lorenzoni [46] / Study design / No control group
McCartney [47] / Intervention / No electronic guideline-based implementation system
McEwen [48] / Outcomes / Independent predictors of giving advice to quit smoking
McMullin [49] / Study design / Retrospective cohort study with artificial construction of a control group
Mitchell [50] / Intervention / No electronic guideline-based implementation system
Montori [51] / Intervention / Multifaceted intervention
Margolis [52] / Others / Discontinued after 5 weeks
Morgan [53] / Intervention / Alerts, (paper-based as well as on-screen)
Nease [54] / Intervention / Alerts + reminders were automatically printed in advance of patient appointments
Nease [55] / Study design / Observational design
Nilasena [56] / Intervention / Printed paper health maintenance report
Ornstein [57] / Intervention / Multifaceted intervention
Palchuk [58] / Study design / Descriptive
Pestotnik [59] / Population / In-patients + descriptive epidemiologic study
Plaza [60] / Others / Language: Spanish
Ramnarayan [61] / Study design / Simulated cases, not tested in a real clinical environment
Riddell [62] / Outcomes / Maori/non-Maori differences
Rios [63] / Study design / Observational design
Rossi [64] / Intervention / 1-page guideline reminder placed in the patient's chart
Roumie [65] / Intervention / Multifaceted intervention
Safran [66] / Others / Not found
Seroussi [67] / Study design / Before-after study without control
Shiffman [68] / Intervention / Handheld computers
Smith [69] / Intervention / Report on paper
Subramanian [70] / Intervention / Every night, the guideline program produced both Intervention and Control HF care suggestion reports for each enrolled patient who had a primary care appointment the following day. Reports were clipped to the patients’ outpatient charts
Thomas [71] / Intervention / Computer-generated report, patients had to complete a computer version of the CIS-R before consultation
Tolman [72] / Intervention / Dose calculation system
Toth-Pal [73] / Intervention / Alert system
van Steenkiste [74] / Intervention / Intervention also towards patients, mixed effects
van Wyk [75] / Study design / Descriptive
Vissers [76] / Outcomes / Outcomes not relevant for analysis in review
Vissers [77] / Outcomes / Outcomes not relevant for analysis in review
Wells [78] / Study design / Before-after study without control
Westfall [79] / Intervention / Report, no electronic guideline-based implementation system
Whitley [80] / Study design / Retrospective analysis
Ziemer [81] / Intervention / The patient-specific reminder was printed out and attached to the front of the chart each time a patient presents for a visit

Reference List

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