Section B: Planning Template

Team Planning Tool for Student-Focused Planning Practices and

Student Development Practices

2010Oklahoma Transition Institute

September 14 - 16, 2010

Norman, OK


2010 Oklahoma Transition Institute Team Planning Tool  Team Information

Team Name: Mid-Del
Team Leader: Carl Perkins
Position: Voc Rehab Counselor
Organization: Dept of Rehabilitation
Best Address: 1110-20 S. Air Depot MWC, Ok 73110
Best Phone: 405-737-4897 Fax:
Best e-mail:
Team Member: Rocky Winkle
Position: Transition coordinator
Organization: Mid-Del Schools
Best Address: 2712 S. Midwest Blvd. MWC 73110
Best Phone: 405-739-1696 X 208Fax:
Best e-mail:
Team Member: Chris Allen
Position: Special Needs Counselor
Organization: EOC TEch
Best Address: 4601 N. Choctaw Rd. Choctaw, OK 73020
Best Phone: 405-390-9591 X 247Fax:
Best e-mail: / Team Member: Vickey Davies
Position: Transition Coordinator
Organization: Eastern OK County Tech Center
Best Address: 4601 N. Choctaw Rd. Choctaw, OK 73020
Best Phone: 405-390-9591 X250 Fax: 405-390-9598
Best e-mail:
Team Member: Claressa Tuggle
Position: VR Counselor/ Back up team leader
Organization: VR #15 Midwest City
Best Address: 1120-10 South Air Depot, Midwest City, OK 73110
Best Phone: 405-737-4897 X 230 Fax:
Best e-mail:
Team Member: Dawn Pelletier
Position: Teacher at
Organization: Jarman Middle School
Best Address: 5 West McArthur Drive, MWC 73110
Best Phone: 405-739-1771 x Fax:
Best e-mail:
To include all members, use additional pages if necessary
Team Name: Mid-Del
Team Leader:
Best Address:
Best Phone: Fax:
Best e-mail:
Team Member:
Best Address:
Best Phone: Fax:
Best e-mail:
Team Member:
Best Address:
Best Phone: Fax:
Best e-mail: / Team Member: Nancy Seeley
Position: Student Services Coordinator
Organization: EOC Tech
Best Address: 4601 N. Choctaw Rd, Choctaw, OK 73020
Best Phone: 405-390-9591 X 244Fax:
Best e-mail:
Team Member:
Best Address:
Best Phone: Fax:
Best e-mail:
Team Member:
Best Address:
Best Phone: Fax:
Best e-mail:
To include all members, use additional pages if necessary

Oklahoma Team Planning Tool  Team InformationSeptember 2010  1

Part 1: Assessing Current Implementation Student-Focused Planning Practices and Student Development Practices



Extent Implemented


Extent/Quality of Evidence

  1. Students’ IEPs include coordinated transition activities and services (e.g., instruction, community experiences, etc.), including a course of study, that will enable them to achieve their post-school goals. (from Student-Focused Planning practices)
Related Breakout Sessions:
Developing Transition Activities: Students and Families (LeFrancois and Oliver)
Summary of Performance and Self-Directed Transition Planning (Sylvester)
A Framework for Supporting Individuals with Autism (Daman and Smith)
Teaching Transition Education Skills in an Inclusive High School Classroom (Sears and Farley)
What Students Need to be Taught Before They Graduate (North) / DK1234 / DK1234
*Tech Centers require assistance from feeder schools in being notified of IEP meetings
*Progress being made w/in Tech Center with additional staff members attending IEP meetings
*Mid-Del Schools currently addressing this area in the IEP with all students as indicated by being reviewed/checked by District Special Education Consultants when received at district office
*VR/VS attends IEP meetings as needed by IEP Teams
  1. Students, families, educators, and relevant service providers work together to plan and provide instruction and services. (from Student-Focused Planning practices)
Related Breakout Sessions:
Parent Involvement and Self-Advocacy in Transition (Burzio)
Student Involvement in the IEP and Transition Planning Process (Martin)
Involving Parents of Elementary Students in the Transition Planning Process (Hilborn)
Understanding DRS and Services (Osborn and Lucas)
Community Resources for an Effective Transition (Bruce and Garner) / DK1234 / DK1234
*Tech Center hosts a ‘Parent Night’ to provide parents/students with information from a variety of agencies, including local businesses and service providers
*Tech Center holds an end of the year Board Advisory to review the year and the progress that has been made and determine what needs to change to address the current needs of the students
*Mid-Del hosts a Transition Fair each year that brings parents, students & service providers together; Tech Center is a part of this event
*Resource Book containing important contact information has been created and available to parents at IEP meetings & during the Transition Fair
*Tech Center Instructors/Counselors work together with the student & parent to work towards the goals of the student
*Parents are being encouraged during IEP meetings to think about their child’s future as it relates to education and work
*Evidence is shown through documentation in the IEP and individual evaluations, as well as job placement rate



Extent Implemented


Extent/Quality of Evidence

  1. Students are prepared to participate and do participate meaningfully in development of their IEP and in their IEP meeting. (from Student-Focused Planning practices)
Related Breakout Sessions:
Student Involvement in the IEP and Transition Planning Process (Martin)
Summary of Performance and Self-Directed Transition Planning (Sylvester)
Outside the Box: Community Based Work Experiences after High School (Blose and Smith) / DK1234 / DK1234
*Self Determination Packets have been provided (beginning of school year) for students in grades 5-12, which includes home & in-school activities that help the student understand the IEP and Transition process; first year of implementation
*Transition Assessments are being given to students in grades 8-12
*Teachers are encouraging student participation in IEP meetings; students are not actively participating in meeting
*Service Providers are encouraging students to ask for available services by helping them to identify those resources
*Tech Center educates each student on what their disability is and what assistance is available to them to help them be successful
*Reports from evaluation tools from vendors are/can be used in individual IEP’s to address the current needs and ability level of the student
*New programs are currently being implemented and data is not available at this time to indicate effectiveness
  1. Life skills development, including self-determination skills (from Student Development practices)
Related Breakout Sessions:
Creating Transition Electives (Heller and Teague)
Empowerment, Independence, and Equal Access: Students with Disabilities in Postsecondary Education (Cheng)
Lessons Learned: Beginning a Transition Program (Parker and Cook)
Person-Centered Thinking (Long and Randle)
Tools for Developing Self-Determined Students (Cantley, McConnell, and Little)
Teaching Transition Education Skills in an Inclusive High School Classroom (Sears and Farley)
Transition in Mid-Del Schools (Winkle, Wilson, and Hurt)
What Students Need to be Taught Before They Graduate (North) / DK1234 / DK1234
*Mid-Del is currently using the PAES program to teach students how to do certain work tasks via individual student interest assessments; students also rate their interest on each task/job
*Casey Life Skills assessment being used at all levels to assess students
*Tech Center: assessing job skills; life skills; banking skills during the 13th/14th year; through pilot program in conjunction with VR
*Mid-Del utilizes OKCIS as an additional assessment tool
*New programs are currently being implemented and not enough data is available to show improved outcomes
Practices / Extent Implemented / Extent/Quality of Evidence
  1. Employment and occupational skills development, including paid work experience (from Student Development practices)
Related Breakout Sessions:
Creating Transition Electives (Heller and Teague)
Transition Made Easy…(ier): Computer Applications & Entrepreneurial Projects via Tech Now (DeRennaux)
How to Prepare 9th and 10th Grade Students for Career Tech (Eason)
Lessons Learned: Beginning a Transition Program (Parker and Cook)
Transition in Mid-Del Schools (Winkle, Wilson and Hurt)
What Students Need to be Taught Before They Graduate (North) / DK1234 / DK1234
*Mid-Del has approx 15-20% of Transition-Age students in a work-study program
*Mid-Del has implemented the PAES program; 35-40% of high-school aged students are involved in occupational employment or skills development
*Tech Center has approx 80% of students in work-study programs; in the past has had 60% job placement rate after work-study program
*Tech Center is currently in transition to 13th & 14th year students and data will be available at the end of the current school year
*Evidence of these programs is based on documentation through student IEP’s, time sheets, and monthly assessments
  1. Identification and provision of support services that foster students’ skill development and achievement of post-school goals (e.g., environmental adaptations; accommodations; related services such as AT, OT; etc.) (from Student Development practices)
Related Breakout Sessions:
Empowerment, Independence, and Equal Access: Students with Disabilities in Postsecondary Education (Cheng)
Understanding DRS and Services (Osborn and Lucas)
Community Resources for an Effective Transition (Bruce and Garner)
NIMAS: Providing Accessible Materials for Students with Print Disabilities (Jaco and Stinnett) / DK1234 / DK1234
*All schools and Tech Center are having evaluations completed as needed for AT; interpreters are available; work place accommodations have been made as needed for individuals; OT/PT available to work on site for students for schools and Tech Center
*All support services are covered in individual IEP’s and accommodations are given to all staff members who are involved in the student’s education
*Monthly evaluations will have documentation of evidence of accommodations, as will VR case reports & IPE’s

Oklahoma Team Planning Tool  Part 1—Assessing Current Implementation September 2010  1

Part 2: Identifying Strengths and NeedsStudent-Focused Planning Practices and Student Development Practices

Practices / Current Strengths / Needs / Kind of Action / Priority/ Immediacy
  1. Students’ IEPs include coordinated transition activities and services (e.g., instruction, community experiences, etc.), including a course of study, that will enable them to achieve their post-school goals. (from Student-Focused Planning practices)
/ *Good communication among team members
*Cooperative efforts among team members
*VR attends IEP meetings; provides necessary information for post-school / *More notification needed at the Tech Center from the feeder schools / Practice / High/
  1. Students, families, educators, and relevant service providers work together to plan and provide instruction and services. (from Student-Focused Planning practices)
/ *High parent involvement in Transition goals
*Continued increase in participation from parents, students, agencies & vendors in annual Resource Fair
*Annual meeting at Tech Center has good attendance from parents & students
*Sophomore EXPLORE Career program at Tech Center / *Increased advertisement to increase parent, student, feeder school, agency & vendor participation
*Relationship between Tech Center & Feeder Schools needs to become stronger through communication and collaboration
*Separate Resource Fairs need to be held in order to serve the needs of their students & parents in the area
*Possible separate transition team for Eastern OK County/Tech Center / Practice/
Other / High/
  1. Students are prepared to participate and do participate meaningfully in development of their IEP and in their IEP meeting. (from Student-Focused Planning practices)
/ *Approx 98% of Mid-Del students are attending IEP meetings
*Self-Determination Packets being given to students in grades 5-12 in Mid-Del schools
*Mid-Del Schools have specific conversations w/students regarding transition/post-secondary goals / *Eastern OK County schools need to increase student participation/attendance at IEP meetings
*More positive statements/comments on the IEP that focus on student ability
*More information to parents to develop realistic expectations for their child / Practice / High/ Long-term
Practices / Current Strengths / Needs / Kind of Action / Priority/ Immediacy
4.Life skills development, including self-determination skills (from Student Development practices) / *Tech Center 13th/14th year is about increasing student skill level & knowledge
*Mid-Del offers Life Skills elective classes to students during the school day to increase work/job skills
*PAES lab being utilized by Mid-Del students on a daily basis / *More documentation needed to show increased student skill level; Mid-Del uses reports from the PAES program
*Increased parent involvement/ knowledge
*Allow students to ‘teach’ their parents the program they are currently working on / Practice/
Form / High/
5.Employment and occupational skills development, including paid work experience (from Student Development practices) / *Good communication w/site staff & agencies
*High-rate job placement at Tech Center
*Mid-Del work-study rate consistent with job availability / *Transportation, including mass transportation
*Increased driving training for students; however parents may not have the funds for or access to a vehicle
*Grant and/or donation for availability of vehicles; car pool network / Policy/
Other / High/
6.Identification and provision of support services that foster students’ skill development and achievement of post-school goals (e.g., environmental adaptations; accommodations; related services such as AT, OT; etc.) (from Student Development practices) / *Close working relationships between schools/Tech Center and agencies
*Increased communication with parents regarding accessing & utilizing resources from agencies
*IEP’s reflect the use of support services, such as AT, PT/OT / *Continue increasing parent involvement
*Increase student self-advocacy in the area of accessing available resources / Policy/
Practice / Medium/

Oklahoma Team Planning Tool  Part 2—Identifying Strengths and Needs September 2010  1

Part 3: Setting Goals and Planning Student-Focused Planning Practices and Student Development Practices

Student-Focused Planning Practices
Focus: Students are prepared to participate and do participate meaningfully in development of their IEP and in their IEP meeting.
Goal: To increase the number of feeder school special needs personnel involved with OTI Council Activities in order to educate personnel to best practices in transition services and student led IEPs.
Specific Goal-Related Activities / Person Responsible / Timeframe
  1. Secure administrative support at local level with EOC Tech feeder schools.
  2. Complete 2010-2011 Goals and Planning decided at OTI with the Mid-Del Group
  3. Meet with Feeder School Special Ed Teachers to do after school inservice to disseminate information from the 2010 OTI.
  4. Pull together Special Ed Directors to attend 2011 OTI meeting
  1. Chris and Vickey
  2. Chris, Vickey, Nancy, Claressa, Carl, Rocky, Dawn
  3. Chris, Vickey, Nancy and Claressa
  4. Chris, Vickey, Nancy and Claressa
  1. September 2010
  2. September – May 2010
  3. Spring 2010
  4. September 2011

Outputs/Products / Expected Outcomes / Potential Indicators / Data Sources
Newly formed team to reflect all of Eastern Oklahoma County / More student centered IEPs due to increased education for the teachers. / # of student actually leading their student centered iep and Teacher Documentation reflects this / IEP Record
OTI small group meeting notes
Additional stakeholders and/or TA needs:
Student-Focused Planning Practices
Focus: Students are prepared to participate and do participate meaningfully in development of their IEP and in their IEP meeting.
Goal: Provide needed materials/resources to our Teachers regarding Self-directed IEPs .
Specific Goal-Related Activities / Person Responsible / Timeframe
  1. Distribution of the self-determination packets.
  2. Resource guide updated and made available to the middle school staff
  3. Identify Transition contacts in the district.
  4. Continue to hold Transition fair each fall
  1. Rocky
  2. Rocky
  3. Rocky
  4. Rocky, Carl, Vickey, Donna and Angela
  1. October 2010
  2. November 2010
  3. October 2010
  4. November 2010

Outputs/Products / Expected Outcomes / Potential Indicators / Data Sources
Updated Resource Guide
Self Determination Packets / Increased student awareness
Self Determination Packets completed by Students / More students self-directing their IEP meetings / Rocky’s email to teachers
Documentation on the IEP
Additional stakeholders and/or TA needs:
Student Development Practices
Focus: Employment and Occupational Skills Development, including paid work experience.
Goal: (Possible Goal is to hold a Job Fair in Spring 2012- this may be separate goal for EOC only).
Specific Goal-Related Activities / Person Responsible / Timeframe
  1. Coordinate with Mid-Del schools to put this on.

Outputs/Products / Expected Outcomes / Potential Indicators / Data Sources
Additional stakeholders and/or TA needs:

Oklahoma Team Planning Tool  Part 3—Setting Goals and PlanningSeptember 2010  1