WJHS Field Hockey

Contact information: Angela Kline


Email is preferable; I rarely check my mailbox for missed phone calls. Emails will be checked and responded to within 24 hours.

Mission Statement:

The mission of the WJHS field hockey program is to create skilled athletes with positive attitudes and a sense of confidence as both an athlete as well as an individual.

Coaching Philosophy:

As a coach, I will start with fundamental skills, work on techniques for individuals and the team. Everyone will learn the defensive and offensive skills they need to help them succeed. I will take every opportunity to teach and demonstrate teamwork, sportsmanship and respect for others. I believe that practice makes perfect and the skills they need to be successful should become habits and natural.

Team pride is extremely important to this team. Players will work hard and make a commitment to individual and team goals. While winning the game is important for everyone, each player should focus their effort on working to build their skills and playing the best game they can.

Playing time is earned, not given. Playing time will be based on attitude, skill level, commitment to the team, absence, and game situations.

At the end of the day, I want your girls to have fun and have a wonderful experience at WJHS. I want them to develop the skills and create positive lifelong memories for each individual player.

Coaching objective/team objectives: As a team, our goal is not only to win games, but to learn the skills the girls need to be successful. The girls will learn skills correctly, safely and in a controlled environment.

The girls will be required to create their own goals in the beginning of the season, as an independent player. Together we will strive to achieve these goals.

WJHS Field Hockey Rules

Rules, regulations and expectations:

1.  Attendance for practice is mandatory. There are only 2 reasons to miss practice; a: legal absence from school. b: After school help.

a.  Bring either your school absence pass or a note that the player wrote signed by your after school teacher.

2.  An absence from practice before a game will result in the player not participating in the first half of the game.

3.  All players are expected to arrive on time and prepared to all scheduled practices and games.

4.  One out of school suspension or two in school suspensions will result in being removed from the team.

5.  Lockers in the locker room MUST be locked during practice. Players are responsible for their belongings.

6.  No cell phones at practice. If there is an emergency, talk to the coach.

7.  Field hockey is a team sport; there will be a dress code on game days. If a player does not follow the dress code, they will not play in the first half of the game.

8.  No jewelry is allowed to be worn at any time. This includes all earrings.

9.  Travel sheets are mandatory every week. Any player who has below a 70% in any class will not play in games until her grade is above a 70%.

a.  After school help is an acceptable reason to miss practice

***School is #1, sports are #2***

10.  Cursing and profanity are not acceptable.

11.  Every player will have a job on game days, either set up or clean up.

12.  There will be a 5-7 minute meeting after every game, please be patient.

13.  If a player has two safety calls on her during a game (ex. high stick) she will be taken out of the game.

14.  Reliable transportation is required for participation. You must be on time to pick up your daughter. If you are later then 15 minutes, two separate times, they will no longer be on the team.

15.  Sneakers/Cleats, shin guards, mouth guard, stick and goggles are necessary for every practice, the player cannot practice or play without all equipment.


1.  It is important to be on time for both practices and games. Practice begins at 3:00, for every minute a player is late, they will be running one lap around the field.

2.  Supplies are to be taken out by the players, including: cones, balls, med kit and pinnies, etc.

3.  Practices are closed unless otherwise noted.

4.  There should be no walking at practice. Field hockey is a running sport.

a.  Girls should be able to run .4 of a mile without walking

5.  Sneakers are required for every practice, which may include indoor when there is inclement weather. No sneakers for inside, no practice.


Please feel free to email me any time. I am in the building all day. I will try to get back to you as soon as I can. In case of any weather issues, I will post information on my websites, this includes practices and games. I have a free period near the end of the day. Please check this before calling the school.

If you have concerns about your daughter, as a player or as a student, contact in person is preferable to email. I am available until 4:45 after each practice.

If you daughter is concerned about playing time, skills, practices etc, please have them come to me. They are young adults and are learning responsibility, independence and how to come to adults with concerns or issues. Please encourage them do this on their own. This should be a safe zone for them and communication will be as well.


The girls are expected to respect each other, other teams, all coaches, present, administration, teachers and officials. They are also expected to respect the facilities both at WJHS and when attending away games. The ladies are expected to have positive attitudes.

Ladies are also expected to give their all at practice; we have a limited amount of time to get an extraordinary amount of work and skills achieved. If they are not acting as they should, the skill/drill we are working on will be stopped and the team will be running instead.

Academic Policies:

Academics are extremely important, at any level. On the modified level, it is unquestionably the priority. Travel Sheets will be sent out with the girls every 2 weeks. If homework is missing, or if a student is failing a class, the parent will be shown the travel sheet and it is expected that the student will request to stay after with the teacher for extra help.

If a student is going to stay after for help, they must personally notify me. They are responsible for their grades. The player will not pay until her average is passing. Academics are more important than athletics.

Practice guidelines, policies and expectations:

Practice will be held after school every day, until 4:30 unless otherwise noted on the calendar. Ladies are expected to be on the field, ready to run and stretch by 3:00. Any player who is late will owe Ms. Kline a lap around the field for every minute they are late. Practice will generally run as follows.

Girls are responsible for bringing necessary individual gear out to practice and back from practice, this gear includes: Mouth guards, shin guards, goggles, stick. They cannot practice without all gear. Safety is of the upmost importance.

Girls are responsible for bringing necessary team gear out to practice and back from practice, this gear includes: pinnies, cones, balls, bounce board, and medical kit. If any of these supplies is forgotten, a player must go inside the building to get it while her teammates are running. The whole team will owe a sprint at the end of the team for forgotten material if it is not outside before 3:00.

1.  Attendance

2.  Short warm up run

3.  Stretch

4.  Long run to work on endurance-Girls are expected to be able to run 4/10ths of a mile without walking-at times run will be timed to see if they improve over the season.

5.  Basic skill work, 2+ drills each day

6.  If there is time, a scrimmage at the end, when their skills are appropriate

7.  Sprints

8.  Girls will be released to pack up around 4:25 and go inside to be picked up

9.  Practice is over at 4:30, parent pick up should be at this time-unless otherwise specified

10.  Girls MUST initial in Coach Kline’s book that they are leaving with an adult. If they do not, they will owe Coach Kline a lap the next day. They are my responsibility until they are signed out.

Game Guidelines, policies and expectations:

Girls are expected to change in the locker room after school, have all of their gear prepared for the game. This gear includes: mouth guard, shin guards, goggles, stick, red uniform shirt, kilt, blue/black spandex shorts for under skirt, and red socks. They may wish to bring a red long sleeve to wear under their shirt when it is cold, as well as black/blue leggings. Players out of uniform will not be allowed to play.

Home games: Girls are expected to bring out balls and the medical kit, they also must make sure the goals are on the correct lines, corner markers put out and the benches are brought over for the visiting team. The goalie is responsible for her gear.

Away games: Girls are expected to change into their uniform, bring their gear and wait by the lobby door. They are required to bring balls and our medical kit to the opposing teams field. The goalie is responsible for her gear.

Girls should be respectful of the opposing team. They should cheer for players on their team and watch the game. Coach Kline will give the girls on the sidelines information about the game and how they can improve the play when they go in the game. They should not have side conversations, this should be a learning time. Girls who are playing should try their hardest and listen to Coach Kline giving advice while on the field. At the end of the game, the score is not as important as how hard the girls are working and their effort. This will be recognized in a short meeting after the game. As a team, we will discuss the positives and negatives of the game and the girls will nominate and vote for the “Indian of the game,” a player who they think had the best game that day. That player will be rewarded with a sticker to put on their stick. Please be patient during out meeting, it will only take a few minutes.

At home games, girls are responsible for taking in all the gear and putting it away in the sports closet. At away games, girls are responsible for making sure all of our gear gets on the bus and the gear gets into the sports closet. Girls can go home with parent/guardian as long as they sign out with Coach Kline in the school lobby.

At away games, parents are welcome to pick up their students IF they have the district form filled out and filed with Coach Kline AND they sign their daughter out. I am responsible for your daughter unless you sign her out, please make sure that we are allowed to continue letting you pick them up by making sure you sign them out.

Sign off for parents/guardians and students:

By signing below, you are ensuring that you and your student understand all of the rules/regulations for WJHS field hockey. If there are any questions, please make sure to ask Coach Kline.


Student Name Printed Parent/Guardian Name Printed


Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature