Hospital and Home Education Service Attendance:
The Hospital and Home Education Service takes responsibility for monitoring and recording student’s attendance against agreed hours of tuition. The hours of tuition are in response to medical advice and/or a formalised social care plan (EHR upwards). Parental consent is essential.
The objectives of attendance may range from re engagement with education to tuition in core subjects.
The H&HES records actual attendance against agreed/expected weekly hours of tuition. If the hours of tuition are part of a part-time timetable for the child, schools should refer to Swindon’s “Guidance for using Part-time Timetables – Good practice guide for schools November 2016” advises the pupil’s home school:
- To keep the part time timetable under “regular review.”
- Have clear defined objectives.
- Be for a specific and limited period of time (this is subject to medical advice).
- Not to be implemented without parental agreement.
It is important to note that it is the responsibility of the home school to monitor the attendance of their students who are in receipt of hours of tuition from the H&HES.
What we do:
- At onset: Timetable of tuition hours (following advice from medical practitioners) is shared and agreed with the student, family and the home school.
- H&HES teachers input attendance for each teaching session on the “live” attendance calendar. Any changes in teaching sessions due to the student’s health, is logged on the calendar.
- The Head of Centre tracks attendance on a daily basis.
- Agree increase in tuition hours e.g. at home, in the afternoon classroom, the “Shed”, Arts Award (subject to medical advice and/or TAC).
- The Head of Centre tracks actual overall hours of attendance and percentage against expected hours.
It is important to note that because a student’s health needs can change rapidly and frequently, the timings of agreed hours of education are often subject to change. Therefore, any changes are recorded on the electronic timetable. This timetable is visible to all H&HES teachers. Consequently, the teachers are aware of attendance across all subjects.
The Head of Centre/teachers respond immediately to any lateness or absence by phoning/emailing/texting home (using parents’ preferred method of communication). Attendance and records of communications are recorded on the H&HES data base.
Attendance figures are reported to the student, family and home school:
- At review meetings (termly minimum.)
- On student’s termly ILP reports.
Home schools are encouraged to contact the H&HES at any time for live attendance updates.
Attendance concerns:
Interventions are put in place where there is poor attendance (other than relating to known health issues). Outcomes of any interventions are reviewed and recorded. An intervention might include: a home visit by the Head of Centre or Associate Lead, agreeing the actions with the mainstream school/medical practitioners or informing the EWO attached to the student’s mainstream school.
Any arising safeguarding issues are recorded on the H&HES concerns form. The H&HES DSL informs the mainstream school’s DSL.