Newsletter No: 4 3rdNovember 2016

Poppy Appeal - The Royal British Legion

This year we will again be supporting The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. We will be selling Poppies before and after school in the front playground. At this time of year there are several national charities that hold their annual appeals, and we feel bound to draw the children’s attention to them. In the case of Remembrance Day, we do hope you feel like we do and are able to support this very worthwhile cause. You are warmly invited to join us for our Remembrance Service in the hall on Friday 11th November at 10.45pm.

Harvest Assembly

Thank you to everyone who supported the Harvest Assembly by bringing in packets, tins and produce. There was a fantastic response to the appeal this year and Reverend Boonwas more than delighted to be able to take many bags of food to the Food Banks in Stroud. Thank you again for your amazing generosity.

Pluto Class Cake Sale

Pluto Class children raised a fantastic £60.10 for the school pool. Thank you to everyone who kindly donated cakes and to those who purchased them on the day. Your support is always greatly appreciated.

Stand Up to Cancer

Thank you for supporting the Stand Up to Cancer non-uniform day at the end of last term. We raised £136 for this extremely worthwhile cause.

Breakfast Club

Just a reminder that we do hold a breakfast club each morningstarting at 8.30am. As staff volunteer their time, we charge only 50p per day. Last orders 8.40am! It’s a great opportunity for early socialising with music playing and lots of laughter! I know we occasionally forget to unlock the door, but please bring your children to the link corridor entrance, which will be unlocked at 8.30am. Could we also ask you to wait with your child/children until a member of staff is present? Many thanks for your cooperation.


A reminder that the school photographer will be coming into school on the morning of Thursday 17thNovember 2016 to take family and individual photographs. If you require photographs of pre-school children you will need to be in school by 8.45am.

Christmas Productions

This year, we will be holding two performances, one for KS1 and one for KS2. Plans are in their infancy at the moment, but all will be revealed very soon! This year, the dress rehearsal will not be open to parents/carers etc. We will however, be holding an additional morning performance for everyone on Tuesday 6th December starting at 9.30am. The afternoon performance, also open to everyone, will beon Wednesday 7thDecember at 1pm. There will be an evening performance at 6pm on Thursday8th December which will be for adults only.

Dropping children at school

We would like to remind everyone that they should not drive into the school car park at the beginning or end of the day. Several children are arriving on bikes or scooters and a number of other parents are walking across the playground to go to playgroup. We would be grateful if you could relay that message to any other person who drops off or collects your children e.g. grandparents, childmindersetc.

Thank You

Thank you to Tony Tucker, Daniel’s dad, for tidying the front of the school by the railings. I’m sure you agree he has done a great job and the school now looks much tidier.

Missing Dog

We have been asked by a member of the community to help find her missing dog. Please see details below:

Her name is Prune. She is an adult female black greyhound – quite a small greyhound. She has white on her chest and hind paws. She is not wearing a collar but is microchipped. Prune is reported missing with all local dog wardens, police and vets. She has been missing since Saturday 29th October at 6.30pm. She ran from Sanigar Lane and was seen near Sharpness Primary School shortly after that. She is very timid and is likely hiding in a shed or outbuilding. She does not know the area.

If you see her please call Fiona on 07825 154620 anytime day or night.

OPAL Survey

On Monday 31st October, children were given an OPAL survey to bring home for parents/carers to complete. We are very interested in obtaining your views on the impact OPAL has had on your child/children since its introduction, and ask that you please return the survey to school by Friday 11th November. Thank you.

Whilst on the subject of OPAL, we are asking for items from the list below. If you have any that you no longer require, please send them into school. Thank you.

Shower curtains/old tents/tarpaulin

Saucepans/baking trays etc

Cutlery/wooden spoons/chopsticks/funnels

Plastic bottles/containers – clean please

PVC pipes and joints/hose pipe

Bread and milk crates

Rope and fishing nets

Buckets/watering cans

Telephones/keys/CDs/bottle caps

Musical instruments (doesn’t matter if they’re broken)

Water butts/kitchen sink

Logs and planks of wood (please ensure there are no nails)

As always, this is one of our busiest terms, and open to change.

We attach the dates for the diary as they stand at the moment and look forward to your support at as many of the events as possible.

Date / Event & Time
Monday 31st / Term 2 begins
Saturday 5th / 10.00am Cross Country races at KLB
Friday 11th / 10.45am Remembrance service – parents/carers welcome
Wednesday 16th / 1.15pm Football tournament at Rednock
Thursday 17th / Individual and family photographs
Friday 18th / *CHILDREN IN NEED DAY – The Big Spotacular*non-uniform day
3.15pm Cake Sale in aid of Children in Need
Monday 28th / Fit4School in all day


Saturday 3rd

/ 10am Cross Country races at KLB
Monday 5th / Christmas Productions - Dress Rehearsals (no audience)
3.15pm Jupiter class cake sale
Tuesday 6th / 9.30am Christmas Productions - Morning Performances
Wednesday 7th / 1pm Christmas Productions - Matinee Performances
Thursday 8th / 6pm Christmas Productions - Evening Performances (adults only)
Friday 9th / Choir to Breadstone House - Carols
Monday 12th / Home Learning Celebration – children only
Tuesday 13th / Pantomime whole school at Bristol Hippodrome
Wednesday 14th / Christmas Dinner – Hilary’s Kitchen
Thursday 15th / Christmas Party Day
Friday 16th / *Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day*
Children break up for Christmas at 2.30pm
January 2017
Monday 2nd / BANK HOLIDAY
Tuesday 3rd / Children back to school