School Wires Basics

1.  Log in to by clicking on the link in the upper right corner.

2.  Choose your building level under the SCHOOLS menu.

3.  Click on Teachers and find your name.

4.  After clicking on your name, click on SITE MANAGER in the top right corner.

5.  A list of pages will appear, and you can choose which one to work with…


1.  Click on WELCOME under page name.

2.  You can change the text, just as if it was a Word document. Click on it…delete what you don’t want there, and type your information.

3.  You can change the font, size, color, etc in the top tool bar.

4.  When putting a picture on the page, you can either use their clip art, or a picture you have saved in your files.

5.  Click on the first icon right above the word BODY at the top. (INSERT IMAGE)

6.  A window will pop up asking where you’d like to find the picture.


·  Choose the bottom option…Schoolwires Clipart Library

·  In the box at the top, next to the word GO, enter a keyword for the type of picture you are looking for.

·  Choose the picture and click NEXT

·  At the top, you have to enter a keyword in the Alt. Text box.

·  Once you do that and click insert image, it will appear on your page. You can click on it and drag it to wherever you want to place it.


·  Choose the first option

·  Click NEXT

·  Choose the size you want the picture to be on your page…probably thumbnail or medium.

·  Click on Browse and find the picture in your files.

·  Click OPEN

·  Click NEXT

·  Type a keyword in the Alt. Text box at top.

·  Click Insert Image

·  The picture will appear on your page. You can adjust and move it by dragging it.

7.  To get the pictures to line up NEXT to the text….click on the icon that is two spaces before the word Blocks in the toolbar. It looks like an open square in the middle of a bunch of boxes. That will allow you to move the picture wherever you want it….such as right beside a paragraph of text.

To create a photo gallery…that will appear as a slide show…click on TOOLS at the top…and scroll down to Photo Galleries

8.  Click on New Photo Gallery

9.  Give it a name and choose the photo delay / fade style info.

10.  Click SAVE at the bottom

11.  It will appear in a list on your screen….To add photos…click on the word PHOTOS

12.  You can upload one at a time…or a lot at once. To upload many at once, click on Batch Upload Photos

13.  If a Security Window appears…click on RUN

14.  Click on Add Files

15.  Browse for and select the pictures you want to include

16.  Click Upload Files…and the pictures will be uploaded to your gallery.

17.  To put the gallery(slideshow) on your page, make sure you’re on the right page…and click on the INSERT GALLERY icon…the orange one under the word SIZE in the toolbar.

18.  It will insert a line of text (which represents the picture gallery) wherever your cursor is…but you can move it around.

19.  Click SAVE at the bottom and the slideshow will appear when you VIEW WEBSITE

To insert a VIDEO that you have saved in your files…

20.  Click on the third icon to the left of the word BLOCKS…it has a red screwdriver on it.

21.  Choose Rich Media Objects

22.  Choose Movie or Sound

23.  Browse to find the video/audio clip in your files

24.  Choose the whether you want it to start automatically or repeat.

25.  Click Insert.

26.  You can move it once it’s on your page.

To create a link

27.  Highlight the text that you want to use as your link

28.  Click on the icon to the right of the flag…under the word FONT….INSERT LINK

29.  Choose what type of link you are creating

30.  Type in the URL address

31.  Click Insert Link

32.  Save the changes to the page…and the link will appear.

To create a new page…

33.  Click on Pages at the top

34.  Click on NEW PAGE

35.  Click on the type of layout you want.

36.  The new page will appear for you to work with..and it will place a link on the left of your site.