Ledyard Soccer Club Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday December6, 2016 – 7:00pm Parks & Rec Building
Officers / Board MembersWill Vidal, President
Julie Scarpa, Treasurer
Sabrina Crowe, Secretary
MiekeNatale, Registrar / Ken DiRico
Sharon Dupuis
Timothy Graul
Luis Martinez
Brendan O’Brien
Call to Orderat 7:08pm
- Board Members present: Will Vidal, Sabrina Crowe, MiekeNatale, Tim Graul, Luis Martinez
- Others present: Matt Natale, Karrie Vincent, Rebekah Maranzano
Secretary’s Report
- November Meeting Minutes approved with no changes.
Treasurer’s Report
- Balance as of 12/6/16 = $7,454.43
- Around $800 in receivables still out
- Usually bring in around $20,000 from registration
Winter 2016/2017 Soccer
- GFS gym time during the winter- Plan to use for futsol for U10 and below. Luis will order supplies/equipment needed based on number interested. Cost of futsol ball ranges from$16-40.
- Registering: thought is $25/30 per kid; bring check first day held
- Luis will manage and communicate to U8 and below parents to gauge interest.
- Rebekah will manage and communicate to U10 parents to gauge interest.
- Mystic Indoor Facility has good deal if several teams want to join together.
- Norwich/Montville facilities for willing coaches/parents.
Spring 2017 Soccer Season
- Tentatively open registration mid-january.
- Need to book facility for evaluations
- Will to contact WWIS availability
- Tim to contact Mystic Indoor facility
- Plan to set eval dates depending on availability of the above and then set open and late registration dates based on eval dates.
- Format needs to be defined
Fundraising Committee– MiekeNatale
- Questions raised by Rebekah: what are our fundraising goals? How much should we fundraise each year? How much do we need in the bank before we need to look for fundraiser?
- Julie can provide update on expense vs. income.
- Plan to build budget from that information which will answer these questions or at least guide decision making.
- Mieke has reached out to Becky Rice as our liaison to Thirty Marketing for LSC gear. Would like to have hats, gloves, and tshirts available opening day for Spring.
Equipment Manager– Luis Martinez
- Luis has all bags. Half are inventoried.
- Luis will be putting together bags for Spring coaches.
- Found 6 ladders in cage. Rebekah thinks there are more in the shed.
- Luis has no keys to the shed. Will to get key for Luis.
Uniforms–Karrie Vincent
- U6 will have 6 teams of 8 kids and U8 will have 6 teams of 10 kids. Karrie will order the uniforms for these.
- Any new kid registering for the Spring for U9 and up will need to order the new uniform. Takes 4-6 weeks delivery.
- What are we spending the Under Armour reward on? Goalie shirts.
- 16 goalie shirts are needed. To spend all the reward ($1265)- order 28 goalie shirts at $44.99. Shipping covered by other kickback ($604.20). Luis suggested and everyone agreed to take extra goalie shirts and have the logo put on and then sell as swag.
- Karrie to get sizes needs for goalie shirts from Will
Field Coordinator– Brendan O’Brien
Referee Assignor– George Hosey
Website– Peter Diette
Old Business
New Business
- Luis has meeting with Preston Parks and Rec to discuss possible field availability and LSC use. Luis would like to bring flyers to them for Spring but flyers must be approved by Preston BOE before distribution. Mieke will put together a flyer and coordinate with Luis.
- Voting for vacant positions
- Matt Natale voted in for Vice President.
- Three additional Board Members were voted in: Karrie Vincent, Rebekah Maranzano, Maik Schuler
- Discussion around Ken and Sharon continuing as liaisons to High School, as they coordinate the summer leagues. Tim suggested inviting LHS coaches to our meeting to have contact and discussion with them.
- LSC would like to make $100 donation in memoriam of Conor Irwin. Julie will send donation to account set up at Dime Bank.
LSC By-Law Review
- Additional edits made.
Future Meetings (tentative)
- January 9that 7:00 pm in the Parks & Rec Building
- February 7th at 7:00pm in the Parks & Rec Building
- March 7th at 7:00pm in the Parks & Rec Building
Agenda items for next meeting
- Eval protocol
- Dates for evaluations
- Registration dates
- Coordinators
Adjournat 8:40