Maryville District Charge Conference 2014
Pastor and Lay Leader Reports - Instructions
We in the Holston Conference continue to be blessed as we focus our attention and efforts upon each church being a Vital Congregation that is fulfilling the Biblical mandate to Make Disciples for Jesus Christ. Much work is being done that enables each church to be a bright spot;everything it proclaims and does declaresthat this church is, indeed, a VITAL CONGREGATION. The hard work of Pastors and Laity results in Churches that are finding a new spirit and new ways to reach out to their communities to share the love and grace of Jesus Christ.
Let us join together and celebrate at our Charge Conferences how each church is indeed being a “Bright Spot” of worship, mission and outreach, equipping and empowering laity in ministry, providing more effective pastoral leadership and returning to our roots of small groups for faith development and support. Let us share how all of our actions enable and empower us to be the places where lives are transformed by the spirit and power of Jesus Christ.
Pastors Report for Charge Conference:
The Pastor is asked to report upon what their church(es) and/or charge is/are now doing that enables themto be the bright spots of Christ’s redeeming love in their communities. The report is an invitation for each pastor to celebrate the vitality and spirit of their faith, and the faith of the congregation that is being witnessed through the areas listed below.
Please share a brief written statement that focuses upon how your church(es) is/are now being “bright spots” in your community:
- What are you doing to offer inviting and inspiring worship?
- How are you engaging and connecting the local church disciples/members in mission and outreach?
- How are you enabling and equipping your laity to be gifted, equipped and empowered for lay ministry?
- What are you personally doing to equip and inspire yourself thatenables you to offer even more effective leadership as the pastor?
- What has/have your church(es) developed in small groups that focuses upon children’s programs, youth ministry, and other small groups?
Lay Leaders Report for Charge Conference
The Lay Leader of the Church/Charge is asked to report upon the plans for the future that will enable the church/charge to be even brighter spots of grace and life changing power in the next year. Please share what will be done next yearto build upon this year’s work that will enable the church to move forward into new areas of nurture and growth in order to bring joys to our hearts as your church touches and changes each person’s life in this community with the love and grace of Jesus Christ.
Please share brief written statement that focuses upon your church’s future plans to be even “brighter spots” in your community:
- What additionally could be done to help your worship be more inspiring and inviting as it empowers the disciples/members?
- What more can the church do to help the disciples/members in your congregation be equipped and enabled to make new disciples?
- What morecanthe church do to assist your disciples/members in growing in their faith?
- What are additional outreach mission ministries in which your disciples/members can become involved?
- How will the church assist the disciples/members in expressing their gratitude to God through theirgenerous giving for missional needs locally and worldwide?
Please attach the Pastor’s and Lay Leader’s signed and dated reports.