Applicants should read the SRB WCRB 2017 Travel Award submission guidelines prior to completing this application.
APPLICANT DETAILSFirst name: / Surname:
Postal Address:
Email: / Phone:
Month/date PhD awarded:
Travel Award category (please select) / ECR MCR
Career interruption information (max 100 words, if relevant):
Please state why presenting at the WCRB 2017 is important with respect to your studies/career (250 word limit)
Please state details of the three most recent conferences you have attended. Include: the title of the abstract, type of presentation, and your role in the study.
- I declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief, I meet the eligibility criteria for this award and that the information I have supplied in this application is correct and complete.
- I confirm that I have not sought funding to attend the WCRB 2017 for other professional societies
Applicant’s signature: / Date:
- WCRB Abstract
- Curriculum Vitae
Personal details
Employment History
Education and Qualifications
Significant Distinctions/Awards
Research Funding (summary of the last 5 years, as well as total amount over career)
Refereed papers – selected last five years, as well as career total
Refereed conference publications – selected last five years, as well as career total
Professional Service (e.g. reviewer for journal or funding bodies, committee positions etc.)
Other Activities (any information considered of importance)
Please submit this document, alongwith a copyofyour submittedWRCB abstract and a brief CV (maximum of two pages) as a single PDF (file titled with your surname). Email the application to Dr Mark Green, SRB Secretary () by 5pm Monday27th March 2017.