Assumption Catholic School Council

Meeting Minutes: Tuesday March 21,2017

In Attendance: Evan Thompson, Jennifer White-Arce, Alex D’Alessandro, Darlene Charrette, Nancy Liberty-Chambers , Saira Lopez, Melissa Hoffer, Christine Spicer, Tina Berry, Karen Walcarius

January Minutes Reviewed and Approved

  1. Parish Report

-Confirmation will begin this Sunday (Grade 8 class was visited today – March 21st)

-Confirmation Date: May the 6that 5:00 pm at OLOS

-It was decided that a group photo was not necessary due to overlap with grad photos.

-Passion Play Rehearsals are underway - it will be on Good Friday at 11 am (in future the play may be on a different day, possibly Palm Sunday to not interfere with the tritium)

-First Communion preparation is underway – this will take place in May. A Bishop is coming to OLOS on the May long weekend, he rotates through each parish to visit and has not visited in a few years. Some children will get to receive their first communion from the Bishop!

-Family Outreach Coordinator is still unfilled. OLOSis still looking for someone.

  1. BINGO Report

-April Dates are not set yet; they will be sent out when received.

-Karen English has been replaced by a new staff member.

-Unfortunately one bingo night was missed, this may count as one strike against us.

  1. Chair Report

-Shrove Tuesday went very well; there were lots of volunteers, enough pancakes for all to have seconds and thirds, and maple syrup only ran out at the very end, however we had table syrup.

-PRO Grant is coming up again and is due Thursday May 25th. This grant would be for $1,000. Darlene will send out the grant criteria accompanying the minutes and we will brainstorm during the April Meeting.

-Family nights have been very well received. 2 have been done (Math and Wellness) with 2 additional coming up this year (Celebration of the Arts and Canada’s Birthday).

-The Lending Library created via PRO Grant still has almost $300 remaining. Jennifer will order more books for grief and death for families who need this as a resource. The Library is not being well used via email; the most success was from parents taking out books during in-school activities (ie. Christmas Craft Night) .

  1. Treasurer’s Report

-Cash flow is positive, even after funds have been going out for discretionary funding.

-$12, 197.44: Breakdown: E-Bingo is $6,924.77 and General Ledger is $5,272.67.

-All bingo earnings have been well beyond projected revenue from those accounts.

-The budget will be reconciled quarterly,

  1. Principal’s Report

-Chris Bray will be doing a worship evening (A Night of Renewal) it will be a free will offering with music and an inspirational talk. On April 21st. All are welcome.

-Parent surveys re: scheduling were changed based on parent feedback which will affect days that report cards go home and parent teacher interviews.

-The Belonging School Climate survey is done every two years and has gone out, and is used for school planning in the fall (on the school Website) due by the end of March.

-TVNELP is next week March 29th –Early Learning and Math April 25th – Classroom Visit and Bus Ride

-Family Math night was very well attended; total cost was $335 from the $500 PIC Grant

-Family Wellness nNght also very well attended despite a hockey conflict. Water does Wonders grant (activities, giveaways) for $250 from the Elgin Public Health and $170 in additional funds spent from Council.

-$486 is remaining for the other two Family Nights which should suffice however there will not be any funds carried over for next year.

-Next Family Night I scheduled for Thursday May 4th (Education week) – Celebration of the Arts Night dance fest, book fair, art gallery, music

-10 PRO Books were purchased, have arrived and are being imaged and set up. They will arrive at the school shortly. Cost was $4,086 (came in cheaper than expected)

-The sandbox materials have been ordered via maintenance, 10 6-foot poly wall sections have been ordered and it will be put together near the tree line by the playgroup. It will be a very large circular shape , and no cover will be in place. Approximate cost is $350 including sand.

-FM systems: 4 old systems have been located to be returned for funds. The cost is $1,625 each. Council will pay for one, and school will pay for another.

-Health and Nutrition Policy (since 2011) we are focusing on this now – no food treats for birthdays or special days (10 days a year for non-healthy foods) These will be events sanctioned by the school or teachers so they remain limited.

-Hot Lunches: pizza’s now have a whole wheat crust to meet the Health and Nutrition Policy guidelines. The hot dogs were changed to the Country Naturalsbrand, however are still not up to standard with the policies: we will look into adding cut veggies and/or fruit as well as switching the buns to whole wheat to better meet the standards. This was agreed upon as a group.

-Spring Fundraiser: raffle baskets, lots of donations were provided, and the kids were very excited. There was a $570 profit from this fundraiser. The money was set aside for Caring Crusaders as well as to order balls and drumsticks for our own DrumFit kit. Ball holders will need to be purchased.

-STEAM activities were done with the older students from a Librarian from the Aylmer Library. Darlene will purchase 1 or 2 Virtual Reality goggles (used with a phone or iPod). This could be used for a Recess Club for kids ages 10+.

-Great Big Gulp will be on Thursday March 23rd to promote drinking water. Kids are asked to bring a water bottle. The dispenser will be installed soon, and an order form will be going home for Crusader Water Bottles.

-Turn off the Screens Week April 24-29th which will involve the Aylmer community as a whole. Ball Hockey will be at Assumption as in previous years.

-Knights of Columbus will be doing their next breakfast to raise funds for Assumption on April 2nd. Volunteers are need to host and set up placemats etc. The breakfast is held from 9 am to 1 pm. Knights of Columbus will provide the hall for free for Grad as well as the Murder Mystery. Some funds from the breakfast may be provided to us.

-Grade 7/8 class still selling popcorn to subsidize year end trip

-Grade 6 class will have a paint night (for adults) to raise money, a flyer will come home this week

-Easter Luncheon will be planned at the next meeting.

Other Upcoming Dates

-March 23, 1 pm - Q and U’s wedding

-The week of March 28-April 25th: Confessions

-March 31st – PA Day

-April 4th – SK and Grade 8 Grad Pictures

-April 27thParis Café and Talent Show

-Murder Mystery – April 22nd

  1. Murder Mystery Update

-The committee met prior to March Break .

-Title is: Dinner at 8, Dead By 9 and will run as a Dinner Theatre: within the theatre the murder happens.

-A stage area will be created, and there are 11 cast members, some new people involved who have not been involved before.

-The Theme: Italian Restaurant; we need wine bottles as props

-Cindy and Darlene are creating posters, advertisements and ticket sales. All ticket sales will go through Cindy at the office. Tickets can also be sent to the church, Tickets will go on sale starting next week. The cost is $25 per person.

-Heather Vandervrook is catering the event at supply cost.

-Jennifer, Heather and Kathy are working on decorations.

-Chris, Melissa, Cindy and Darlene are working on a silent auction.

-There are 120 tickets total; 12 tables of 10.

-Next Murder Mystery Committee Meeting – Tuesday March 28th

Next Meeting Date:Tuesday April 11th at 7 pm