Tyler F. Stillman (updated Fall 2017)
Assistant Professor
Southern Utah UniversityPhone: 435.586.1912
351 West University Blvdemail:
Cedar City, Utah, 84720website:
Director, Southern Utah University Entrepreneurship Center
(2017- Current)
Assistant Professor, Southern Utah University; Department of Management and Marketing
(2010- Current)
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Florida State University (2009 - 2010)
PhD, Social Psychology, Florida State University (2009)
Advisor: Roy F. Baumeister
MSc, Social Psychology, Florida State University (2007)
BSc, Psychology, University of UtahMagna Cum Laude(1999)
Preuss, G., &Stillman, T. F. (under review) Fool Me Once, Shame On Me: Sucker Rumination and its Implications for Consumer Well-Being.
Stillman, T. F., Corser, G., & Cont, C. Neuroticism Predicts Media Consumption Preferences
Harvell, L. A. Stillman, T. F., Nisbett, G. S., Cranney, K., & Schow, A. (2016) A Field Investigation of Flight Anxiety: Evidence of Gender Differences in Consumer Behaviors Amongst Las Vegas Passengers.Journal of Airline and Airport Management, 6,45 - 60.
Savani, K, Mead, N., Stillman, T.F., & Vohs, K. D. No match for money: Even in intimate relationships and collectivistic cultures reminders of money weaken sociomoral responses. Self And Identity, 15(3), 342-355.
Alquist, J.L., Ainsworth, S. E., Baumeister, R. F., Daly, M., & Stillman, T. F. (2015) The making of might-have-beens: Effects of free will belief on counterfactual thinking. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 41(2), 268-283.
Gailliot, M. T. Gau, L. S., & Stillman, F. F. (2015). “That line’s go personality!” The Big 5 as a model of personality perception. Journal of Advances in Humanities, 3, 277-280.
Barnes, J. N., Christensen, D. S., & Stillman, T. F. (2014). For the accounting profession, leadership matters regarding ethical climate perceptions. Journal of Accounting, Ethics & Public Policy, 15(1), 97-135.
Boneck, R., Barnes, J. N., & Stillman, T. F. (2014). VITA Experiential, Service-learning, Learned Competencies and Changed Mindsets. Journal of College Teaching and Learning, 11(2), 71-84.
Stillman, T. F. and Pruess, G. S. (2014). Sucker Rumination: How Averse Self-Directed Cognitions Affect Purchase Intentions.Mountain Plains Journal of Business and Economics,15, 44-62.
Barnes, Jeff, David Christensen, and Tyler Stillman (2013). “Organizational Leadership and Subordinate Effect in the Certified Public Accounting Profession” Journal of Applied Business Research, 29, 1567 - 1572
Gitter, Seth, Patrick J. Ewell, Rosanna E. Guadango, Tyler F. Stillman, and Roy F. Baumeister (2013). “Virtually Justifiable Homicide: Goal Context Influences the Effect of Violent Video Games on Aggressive Behavior.”Aggressive Behavior, 5, 346-354
Lambert, Nathaniel, Tyler F. Stillman, and Frank Fincham. (2013) Autobiographical Narratives of Spiritual Experiences: Solitude, Tragedy, and the Absence of Materialism. Journal of Positive Psychology, 4, 273-279.
Lambert, N. M., Stillman, T. F., Hicks, J. A., Kamble, S., Baumeister, R. F., & Fincham, F. D. (2013). To belong is to matter: Sense of belonging enhances meaning in life.Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39,1418-1427.
Lambert, Nathaniel, Roy Baumeister, Tyler Stillman, and Frank Fincham (2012) "Family and Meaning: Examining the Four Needs for Meaning as Mediators" The International Journal of Existential Psychology and Psychotherapy, 4, 30-44.
Lambert, Nathaniel, Frank Fincham, and Tyler Stillman (2012). “Gratitude and Depressive Symptoms: The Role of Positive Reframing and Positive Emotion.” Cognition and Emotion, 26, 615-633.
Lambert, Nathaniel, SesenNegash, Tyler Stillman, Spencer Olmstead, and Frank Fincham (2012). “A Love That Doesn't Last: Pornography Consumption and Weakened Commitment to One's Romantic Partner.”Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 31, 410-438.
Stillman, Tyler, Frank Fincham, Nathaniel Lambert, Christa Phillips, and Kathleen Vohs. (2012) "The Material and Immaterial in Conflict: Spiritual Experiences Reduce Conspicuous Consumption." Journal of Economic Psychology, 33, 1-7.
Lambert, Nathaniel, Marlea Gwinn, Frank Fincham, and Tyler Stillman (2011). “Feeling tired? How sharing positive experiences can boost vitality.” International Journal of Wellbeing, 1, 307-314.
Mead, Nicole, Roy Baumeister, Tyler Stillman, Kathleen Rawn, and Kathleen Vohs. (2011) "Social Exclusion causes People to Spend and Consume Strategically in the Service of Affiliation." Journal of Consumer Research, 37, 902-919.
Preuss, Greg, Tyler Stillman, Nicole Mead, and Kathleen Vohs.(2011) “Fool me once, shame on me: Development of the Consumer Rumination Scale.” In N. Mandel, & D. Silvera (Eds.), Advances in Consumer Psychology (Vol. 3).
Stillman, Tyler, Roy Baumeister, and Alfred Mele (2011). "Free Will in Everyday Life: Autobiographical Accounts of Free and Unfree Actions." Philosophical Psychology, 24, 381-394.
Stillman, Tyler, Nathaniel Lambert, Frank Fincham, and Roy Baumeister. (2011). Meaning as magnetic force: Evidence that meaning in life promotes interpersonal appeal. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 2, 13-20.
DeWall, C. Nathan, Geoff MacDonald, Gregory D Webster, Carrie Masten, Roy Baumeister, Caitlin Powell, David Combs, David Schurtz, Tyler Stillman, Dianne Tice, and Naomi Eisenberger, (2010) "Tylenol Reduces Social Pain: Behavioral and Neural Evidence." PsychologicalScience, 21, 931-937.
Lambert, Nathaniel, FrankFincham, Loren Marks, and Tyler Stillman. (2010) "Invocations and Intoxication: Does Prayer Decrease Alcohol Consumption?" Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 24, 209-219.
Lambert, Nathaniel, Tyler Stillman, Roy Baumeister, Frank Fincham, Joshua Hicks, and Stephen Graham.(2010) "Family as a Salient Source of Meaning in Young Adulthood."Journal ofPositive Psychology, 5, 367-376.
Stillman, Tyler and Roy Baumeister(2010) "Guilty, Free, and Wise: Belief in Free Will Facilitates Learning from Self-Conscious Emotions." Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 46, 951-960.
Stillman, Tyler, Roy Baumeister, Kathleen Vohs, Nathaniel Lambert, Frank Fincham, and Lauren Brewer, (2010). "Personal Philosophy and Personnel Achievement: Belief in Free Will Predicts Better Job Performance."Social Psychological and Personality Science, 1, 43-50.
Stillman, Tyler, JonManer, and Roy Baumeister(2010) "Thin Slice of Violence: Distinguishing Violent From Nonviolent Sex Offenders at a Glance." Evolution & Human Behavior, 31, 298-303.
Lambert, Nathaniel, Frank Fincham, Tyler Stillman, and Lukas Dean. (2009). "More Gratitude, Less Materialism: The Mediating Role of Life Satisfaction."Journal of Positive Psychology, 4, 32-42.
Lambert, Nathaniel, Frank Fincham, Tyler Stillman, Stephen Graham, and Stephen Beach.(2010) "Motivating Change in Relationships: Can Prayer Increase Forgiveness?" Psychological Science, 21, 126-132.
Lambert, Nathaniel, Stephen Graham, Frank Fincham, and Tyler Stillman (2009). "A Changed Perspective: How Gratitude can Affect Sense of Coherence Through Positive Reframing"Journal of Positive Psychology, 4, 461-470.
Stillman, Tyler, Roy Baumeister, Nathaniel Lambert, Will Crescioni, C. Nathan DeWall, and Frank Fincham (2009). "Alone andWithout Purpose: Life Loses Meaning Following Social Exclusion."Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 45, (July), 686-694.
Stillman, Tyler and Jon Maner (2009). "A Sharp Eye ForHer SOI: The Perception and Misperception of Female Sociosexuality at Zero Acquaintance."Evolution and Human Behavior, 30, (March), 124-130
Stillman, Tyler, Dianne Tice, Frank Fincham, and Nathaniel Lambert (2009). "The Psychological Presence of Family Improves Self-Control."Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 28, 498-530.
Stillman, Tyler,NiwakoYamawacki, Robert Ridge, Paul White, and Kimberly Copley (2009). "Comparing Predictors of Sexual Harassment Proclivity."Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 10, 30-43.
Baumeister, Roy, Erin Sparks, Tyler Stillman, and Kathleen Vohs(2008). "Free will in Consumer Behavior: Self-control, Ego Depletion, and Choice."Journal of Consumer Psychology, 18, 4-12.
Fincham, Frank, Stephen Beach, Nathaniel Lambert, Tyler Stillman, and Scott Braithwaite (2008). "Spiritual Behaviors and Relationship Satisfaction: A Critical Analysis of the Role of Prayer."Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 27, 362-388.
Gailliot, Mathew, Tyler Stillman, Brandon Schmeichel, E. Ashby Plant, and Jon Maner (2008). "Social Norm and Value Adherence as Managing Existential Concern: Mortality Salience Increases Adherence to Salient Norms and Values."Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 34, (December), 993-1003.
DeWall, C. Nathan, Roy Baumeister, Tyler Stillman, and Mathew Gailliot (2007). "Violence Restrained: Effects of Self-Regulatory Capacity and its Depletion on Aggressive Behavior."Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 43, 62-76.
Stillman, Tyler, Roy Baumeister, and C. Nathan DeWall (2007). "What’s So Funny About Not Having Money? The Effects of Power on Laughter."Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33, 1547-1558.
Apple Beer Corporation (2013) Digital Marketing Strategy Proposal
Questar Gas (2012) Inside and Outside Communications
Questar Gas (2014) Interpersonal Communications and Crucial Conversations
SUU University College (2015) EDGE Focus Groups Results and Analysis III:Personal Growth As Branding for EDGE
The Women's Council of Realtors, Tallahassee, FL (2009) Persuasion
Agency for Innovation by Science and Technology, Flemish Government (2009) Business Model Evaluation and Review
SUU University College (2013) EDGE Focus Groups Results and Analysis
SUU University College (2014) EDGE Focus Groups Results and Analysis II
SUU Wellness Committee (2011) Health Survey Report
Utah Shakespeare Festival (2013) Target Market and Research Analysis
Stillman, T. F., & Harvell, L. A. (2016). “Marketing, Money, and Mortality.” In L. A. Harvell and G. Nisbett (Eds.) Denying Death: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Terror Management Theory.
Stillman, Tyler and Roy Baumeister (2013). "Social Rejection Reduces Intelligent Thought and Self-Regulation." In C. Nathan DeWall (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Social Exclusion. New York: Oxford University Press.
Stillman, Tyler and Nathaniel Lambert (2013) “The Bidirectional Relationship of Belonging and Meaning” In Joshua A. Hicks and Clay Routledge (Eds.),The Experience of Meaning in Life. New York, Springer.
Sommer, Kristin, Roy Baumeister, and Tyler Stillman (2012). "The Construction of Meaning from Life Events: Empirical Studies of Personal Narratives" In Paul Wong and Pamela Fry (Eds.), Handbook of Personal Meaning: Theory, Research, and Application, 2nd edition, Mahwah, NJ: Earlbaum.
Stillman, Tyler (2010) "Conference Discussion Highlights and Summaries" In Roy Baumeister, Alfred Mele, and Kathleen Vohs (Eds), Free Will and Consciousness: How They Could Work. New York: Oxford University Press.
Stillman, Tyler and Roy Baumeister (2009). "Uncertainty, Belonging, and Four Needs for Meaning" Psychological Inquiry, 20, 249-251.
Baumeister, Roy andTyler Stillman (2007). "Self-Regulation and Close Relationships" In Joanna Wood, AbrahamTesser, and John Holmes (Eds.), The Self and Social Relationships, Philadelphia, PA: Psychology Press.
Stillman, Tyler (2007). "Supplication" In Kathleen Vohs and RoyBaumeister (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Social Psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Baumeister, Roy and Tyler Stillman (2006)."Nature, Culture, and Sex: Gender and Erotic Plasticity" In R.D. McAnulty and M.M. Burnette(Eds), Sex and Sexuality (Vol. 3). Westport, CT: Praeger Press.
Barnes, Jeffrey N., David S. Christensen, & Tyler F. Stillman. “For the Accounting Profession, Leadership Matters Regarding Ethical Climate Perceptions.” (2013). Paper presented at the Annual Mountain Plains Management Conference.
Barnes, Jeffrey N., David S. Christensen, and Tyler F. Stillman. “Organizational Leadership and Subordinate Effect in Utah’s Certified Public Accounting Profession.” (2013) Paper presented at the Southern Utah University Leadership Conference in Cedar City, UT
Boneck, Robin, Jeffrey N. Barnes, & Tyler F. Stillman. “VITA Experiential Learning.” (2013). Paper presented at the Annual Mountain Plains Management Conference.
Stillman, Tyler “The Need to Belong: How Brands Facilitate Belonging and Exclusion” (2013). Paper presented at the Annual Mountain Plains Management Conference.
Stillman, Tyler* & Greg Preuss. “Sucker Rumination: How Aversive Self-Directed Cognitions Affect Purchase Intentions”(2013) Paper presented at the Annual Mountain Plains Management Conference.*Session Chair Winner of best marketingpaper
Stillman, Tyler*, Kathleen D. Vohs, Frank D. Fincham, Nathaniel M. Lambert, & Christa A. Phillips “How Spirituality and Meaning Shape Product Preferences.” (2013)Paper presented at the Woodbury School of Business's Religious Faith and Social and Applied Sciences Conference. *Session Chair and Discussant
Mead, Nicole, Tyler Stillman, and Nathaniel Lambert. “Because I Deserve It! Entitlement Leads to Financial Risk Taking.” (2012) Paper presented at the annual conference of the European Marketing Academy in Lisbon, Spain.
Mead, Nicole, Kathleen Vohs, Krishna Savini, Tyler Stillman, and Roy Baumeister. “Reminders of Money Weaken Sociomoral Responses.” (2011) Paper presented at the annual conference of the Association for Consumer Research in St. Louis, MO.
Preuss, Greg, Tyler Stillman, Nicole Mead, and Kathleen Vohs. “Fool me once, shame on me: Development of the Consumer Rumination Scale.” (2011) Paper presented atthe annual winter conference of the Society of Consumer Psychology, Atlanta, GA.
Wan, Fang, Pingping Qui, and Tyler Stillman. “Won’t Buy Because Product Promises Are Threatening: Defensive Reactions to Self-Threat in Consumption”(2011) Paper presented atthe annual winter conference of the Society of Consumer Psychology, Atlanta, GA.
Stillman, Tyler* and Fang Wan. “A Double-edged sword: Materialism Moderates the Effect of Brand Rejection.” (2011) Paper presented atthe annual winter conference of the Society of Consumer Psychology, Atlanta, GA. *Session chair
Stillman, Tyler “Free Will: Lay Conceptions and Workplace Implications” (2011) Presented at Utah Valley University, Center for the Study of Ethics, Utah Valley University, Orem, UT.
Tufte, David and Tyler Stillman “You Probably Already Know Our Topic: Evidence of Feeling the Future.” (2011) Southern Utah University School of Business Faculty Brownbag, Cedar City, Utah.
Stillman, Tyler. “Brands: A Means to Social Inclusion and a Source of Social Exclusion.” (2010). Presented at BYUBusiness Management Faculty Research Seminar Series, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT.
Stillman, Tyler*, Folk Beliefs in Free Will, Experimental Philosophy Conference, Florida State University January, 2010. Session Chair
Stillman, Tyler, Nicole Mead, Kathleen Vohs, and Roy Baumeister."Does a Broken Heart Lead to an Empty Wallet? The effect of Social Exclusion on Personal Spending." (2010) Paper presented at the annual winter conference of the Society of Consumer Psychology. St. Pete, FL.
Lambert, Nathaniel, Frank Fincham, Tyler Stillman, and C. Nathan DeWall (2009). "Invocations, Intoxication, and Reconciliation: How Prayer Contributes to Self-Control in the Domains of Drinking and Forgiveness"Paper presented at the annual conference of the Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists, Fort Myers, FL.
Mead, Nicole, Kathleen D. Vohs, DrishnaSavini, Tyler F. Stillman, Roy F. Baumeister. Reminders of Money Weaken Sociomoral Responses. (2009) Paper presented at the annual conference of the Association for Consumer Research in Pittsburgh, PA.
Stillman, Tyler (2009) "Together in Prayer: An Experimental Approach to Understanding how Prayer Affects Relationships"Invited address at Brigham Young University.
Stillman, Tyler, Roy Baumeister, Dianne Tice, Frank Fincham, and Nathaniel Lambert. "Strengthening the Self-Control Muscle" (2009) Paper presented at the annual conference of the Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists, Fort Myers, FL.
2008 and Earlier
Lambert, Nathaniel.,Tyler Stillman, Frank Fincham, and Stephen Graham (2008). "Everyone Needs a Place to Belong: The Unique Contribution of Family Relationships to Meaning"Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Council on Family Relations, in Little Rock, AR.
Stillman, Tyler. "Why We Laugh at the Boss: How Power Shapes Laughter" (2007).Annual Social Psychology Winter Conference in Park City, UT.
DeWall, C. Nathan., Roy F. Baumeister,Tyler Stillman,andMatthew T. Gailliot. (2006). Violence Restrained: Effects of Self-Regulatory Capacity and its Depletion on Aggression. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology. Palm Springs, CA.
Miller, Harold and Tyler F. Stillman(2004) Case-Centered Approach to Psychology Instruction. Annual American Psychological Association Conference in Honolulu, HI.
Stillman, Tyler, Grant Corser, and Celine Cont (2017). On the Wall or in My Hand? Neuroticism Predicts Media Consumption Preferences. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association.
Stillman, Tyler and E.J. Masicampo (2011). “Social Perception Facilitates Access to Black Markets.” Poster presented at the annual conference of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology in San Antonio, TX.
Stillman, Tyler, Jon Maner, and Roy Baumeister(2010). "Thin Slices of Sex and Violence: Functional Person Perception and the Identification of Threats and Opportunities" Society of Personality and Social Psychology Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, NV.
Stillman, Tyler, Roy Baumeister, Nathaniel Lambert, Will Crescioni, C. Nathan DeWall, and Frank Fincham (2009). "Alone and Without Meaning: Life Loses Meaning Following Social Exclusion"Society of Personality and Social Psychology Annual Meeting in Tampa, FL.
Stillman, Tyler, Roy Baumeister, and C. Nathan DeWall (2007). "The Effects of Power on Laughter"Society of Personality and Social Psychology, Memphis, TN.
Franklin, Jason, Nathan Bean, and Tyler Stillman(2005)."Hot or Not? External and Construct Validity of the I’m Too SexyScale."American Psychological Association conference in Los Angeles, CA.
Yamawaki, Niwako andTyler Stillman(2004).Differences in Help-Seeking Behavior Between Japanese and American Rape Victims. American Psychological Association conference in Honolulu, Hawaii.
International Research Journal of Management and Business Studies
European Journal of Marketing
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
Journal of Basic and Applied Social Psychology
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Learning and Individual Differences
Motivation and Emotion
Mountain Plains Journal of Business and Economics
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
Review of General Psychology
Self and Identity
Social Psychological and Personality Science
Society for Consumer Psychology
Distinguished Educator (2015-2016), Southern Utah University
Betta Gamma Sigma Inductee (2015), Southern Utah University
My research has been featured in the following outlets:
Psychology Today (August, 2008)
Toronto Globe and Mail (July 21, 2008)
National Public Radio, Radiolab, WNYC (February 22, 2008)
The New York Times (March 13, 2007)
Austrian Public Radio (2008)
The Boston Globe (January 18th, 2009)
Psychology Today (May, 2009)
Men's Health (January/February, 2009)
Canwest News Service (June, 2010)
MSNBC Online (October, 2010)
The New York Times (March 21, 2011)
Allure (September 2011)