The personal informationthat you provide on this form is being collected under the authority of the Post-Secondary Learning Act and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act of Alberta. The information will be used by the Program Area to evaluate the student’s performance in the practicum experience. The information will be protected in compliance with the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act of Alberta. The information will be retained by the Program Area in accordance with approved Information Management guidelines, after which it will be destroyed in a secure manner. If you have any questions about the collection and use of this personal information, please contact theChairperson, Department ofSocial Work, Red Deer College, 100 College Blvd., Box 5005, Red Deer, Alberta, T4N 5H5, Telephone: 403.342.3304, Email: .

Learning and teaching should not stand on opposite banks and just watch the river flow by; instead, they should embark together on a journey down the water. Through an active, reciprocal exchange, teaching can strengthen learning how to learn.
-Loris Malaguzzi (1920–1994), Italian early childhood education specialist.
Quoted inThe Hundred Languages of Children, Ch. 3,by Carolyn Edwards (1993).
The following process is recommended for completion of the formal evaluation:
1.Field Supervisor and Student reflect upon and independently complete respective written parts of the evaluation form.
2.Discussion takes place to compare perspectives and focus on learning journey.
3.Completion of summary sheet (Part C) with signatures and date by Supervisor and student. Field Supervisor indicates recommended grade.
4.Submission of Parts A, B and C to Faculty Liaison at Red DeerCollege.

PART B: Field Supervisor Evaluation and Comments

Successes to Celebrate: What did the student most enjoy? What skills are strongest and what work has been done successfully?
Challenges: What barriers, disappointments, or challenges did the student encounter? How were they dealt with?

Field Work Evaluation – Supervisor, Social Work Program page 1

Progress on Learning Tasks (taken from Learning Contract):


Use additional pages if required

Field Work Evaluation – Supervisor, Social Work Program page 2

Please rate the level of performance in areas A through F according to the following scale:

5 / Outstanding Performance / Performance is consistently above expected level.
4 / Very Good Performance / Performance is usually above expected level.
3 / Acceptable Performance / Performance is acceptable but at times variable.
2 / Needs Improvement / Performance is inconsistent.
1 / Unacceptable Performance / Performance is below acceptable level.
N / Not applicable/not yet observed

Items to be rated coincide with the current term of the student:

(no asterisk) - refers to expectations of all practicum students;

* (one asterisk) - refers to expectations of students in the second term of the first year onward;

** (two asterisks)- refers to expectations of second year students;

*** (three asterisks)- refers to expectations of students in the final term of second year.

“N” refers to not applicable in reference to the expectations by term and year as indicated above.

YEAR / TERM / (no asterisk)
Expectations of all students / * (one asterisk)
Expectations of second term first year students and second year students only / ** (two asterisks)
Expectations of second year students only / *** (three asterisks)
Expectations of second year students in the final term
1st / FALL
2nd / FALL

A. Demonstrates knowledge of:

5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / N
1. structure and function of agency
2. agency policy
3. worker role with clients
* / 4. client population
* / 5. practice methods used in this agency
* / 6. helping principles and problem-solving
7. relevant community resources

Field Work Evaluation – Supervisor, Social Work Program page 3

B. Demonstrates skills or abilities to:

5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / N
1. form non-threatening relationships with clients
* / 2. interview clients using appropriate verbal and non-verbal behavior
* / 3. complete written work (forms, reports, letters and records)
* / 4. assist client problems, group processes or organizational systems
** / 5. help clients set clear objectives for resolution of problems
** / 6. help clients define and utilize appropriate resources/skills
* / 7. evaluate and terminate relationships with clients
8. gather and organize relevant information for projects and reports
** / 9. make oral presentations
* / 10. make appropriate referrals
** / 11. search independently for new community resources
12. observe and objectively describe behavior
* / 13. form an empathic, sensitive relationship with client

C. Demonstrates the following values and attitudes:

5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / N
1. regard for welfare of client as primary object
2. respect for client’s right to self-determination
3. confidentiality of client information
* / 4. acceptance and non-judgmental attitude
* / 5. affirmation of the worth and dignity of clients
* / 6. respect for the uniqueness and individuality of clients
*** / 7. promotion of improvement of social policies and programs
** / 8. awareness of improvement of social policies and programs

Field Work Evaluation – Supervisor, Social Work Program page 4


D. Develops and uses work relationship and supervision:

5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / N
1. relates effectively with agency staff
2. relates effectively with other agencies
3. handles interpersonal conflict well
* / 4. contributes actively to staff morale
* / 5. initiates supervision when necessary
6. comes prepared for supervision
7. uses feedback constructively
* / 8. uses co-workers for consultation when appropriate
** / 9. gives feedback constructively

E. Demonstrates self awareness by:

5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / N
1. appropriate self-confidence and self-esteem
* / 2. identification of strengths and limitations
* / 3. awareness of personal needs
* / 4. awareness of feelings and behaviour and their influence on helping relationships
* / 5. responsibility for own work
6. ability to cope with stress

Field Work Evaluation – Supervisor, Social Work Program page 5


F. Demonstrates professional work skills by:

5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / N
1. dressing appropriately for agency
2. planning, organizing and using time effectively
3. attending placement consistently and punctually
4. effectively meeting organization’s administrative needs
** / 5. showing initiative and independence

Goals for Continued Learning:

What areas for growth would you suggest to the student for next term’s placement or employment?

Field Work Evaluation – Supervisor, Social Work Program page 6

Part C: Summary of Field Placement Term

This section is to be completed by the Field Supervisor and Student following the evaluation discussion.

Summary of discussion:
The following signatures indicate that we have discussed the evaluation comments of both the Field Supervisor and the Student.
Recommended Field Work Grade: / (A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, F)

Please fax this form to 403.357.3655 c/o your faculty liaison or ensure it is delivered in order to meet final grade submission deadlines.

Field Work Evaluation – Supervisor, Social Work Program page 7

Grading Guide

In order to provide a recommended grade, please consider the following overall performance areas in additional to the learning outcomes assessed in the evaluation form:

A+Recognition of exceptional achievement consistently surpassing what is expected of a student at this level.

AExceptional level of performance showing innovation, adaptability and consistently above-average skills. Student carries full range of responsibility for a student at this level and can work independently with appropriate consultation.

A-Very high level of performance showing some innovation, adaptability and above average skills. Student has limited need for monitoring and carries greater responsibility than the average student at this level.

B+Very good level of performance and consistently good skills. Student seeks supervision appropriately and uses feedback constructively. Student is capable of some independent work and can carry additional responsibilities above regular assignments.

BGood level of performance showing fairly consistent and reliable work. Student seeks and uses supervision appropriately, is capable of some independent work and can carry regular responsibilities for a student at this level.

B-Good level of performance showing reliable work, student uses supervision as agreed upon but rarely initiates consultation or supervision. Student usually carries regular responsibilities.

C+Satisfactory/fair level of performance. There is some variation in consistency and reliability or work performance. Student uses supervision and sometimes needs assistance in carrying out the regular responsibilities for a student at this level.

CFair level of performance where student needs frequent supervision and assistance in carrying out regular responsibilities. Student has met the expectations at a minimum level but has considerable room for improvement.

FUnsatisfactory performance. Student has not met expectations at a minimum level to pass field placement objectives. Student is clearly incompetent in necessaryskills, knowledge and attitudes.

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