TAS in 2010 HKAL Physics

1st Term of S.6

Sep. 18th

Experiment No. / Assessment / Experiment / Code *
1 / Short report / The focal length of a convex lens / R1 (p.177 – 184)

Oct. 9th, Nov. 6th, Nov. 13th and Dec. 4th

Experiment No. / Assessment / Experiment / Code *
2 / Area A & worksheet / Centripetal motion / M1 (p.12 – 14)
3 / Worksheet / Simple harmonic motion 1: Motion of a simple pendulum / M1 (p.15 – 18)
4 / Short report / Simple harmonic motion 2: Determining the force constant / M1 (p.19 – 22)
5 / Formal report / Simple harmonic motion 3: Determining the acceleration due to gravity / M1 (p.23 – 26)

2nd Term of S.6

Feb. 5th, Feb. 19th, Feb. 26th and Mar. 5th

Experiment No. / Assessment / Experiment / Code *
6 / Worksheet / (a) Investigating the speed of pulse along a stretched spring / M2 (p.2 – 4)
(b) Polarization of light / M2 (p.5 – 7)
7 / Area A & short report / (a) Estimation of the wavelength of light using a diffraction grating / M2 (p.26 – 28)
(b) Measuring the refractive index of a liquid using the critical angle method / P (p.22 – 24)
8 / Formal report / Demonstration of drop in p.d. of power supplies delivering current / M3 (p.34 – 36)
9 / Worksheet / Measure the capacitance of capacitors in parallel and in series / Worksheet

*: “R1”: Raymond W.N. Chan, “Advanced Physics Practical for TAS Volume 1”, Radian Publishing Company (2001).

“P”: T. P. Mak and C. S. Siu, “Exploring A-level Practical Physics”, Pilot Publishing Company, Ltd (1998).

“M1”: T. M. Mok, J. Qin and C. M. Lee, “New Way Physics for Advanced Level Practical Book for TAS Book 1”, Manhattan Press (H.K.) Ltd (2005).

“M2”: T. M. Mok, J. Qin and C. M. Lee, “New Way Physics for Advanced Level Practical Book for TAS Book 2”, Manhattan Press (H.K.) Ltd (2005).

“M3”: T. M. Mok, J. Qin and C. M. Lee, “New Way Physics for Advanced Level Practical Book for TAS Book 3”, Manhattan Press (H.K.) Ltd (2005).

Experiment No. / Amendment or additional information
6 (a) / In Procedure,
7.  Take another four records for pulse amplitude of 15 cm, 20 cm, 25 cm and 30 cm. Tabulate the results in Table B1.2.
8.  Repeat steps 2 to 5 by stretching the spring at four different lengths. Tabulate the results in Table B1.1 as data sets 2 to 5.
6 (b) / Additional information:
Do NOT touch the glass surface of the lamp after use. It is VERY HOT !
8 / Part B:
In Procedure,
5. Connect the 6 V battery to a rheostat R and the voltmeter in parallel as shown in Fig. C13.2. Record the readings of the ammeter (I) and the voltmeter (V).
7. Plot a graph of the p.d. (V) across the rheostat versus the current (I) pass through the battery. Find the slope and the y-intercept of the graph. Hence, find the internal resistance and the e.m.f. of the battery.
Part C:
In Procedure,
8. Connect an EHT supply to the resistance box of resistance R and a milliammeter. (No need to connect the voltmeter !)
Set the resistance of the resistance box to the maximum value (10 M).
9. Switch on the EHT supply and set its voltage output to 1000 V. Record the readings of the milliammeter (I) and the resistance of the resistance box.
10. Repeat step 9 with the other values of R (between 10 M and 100 k). Tabulate the results. Find the reciprocal of the current (1/I) pass through the EHT supply. Plot a graph of R versus 1/I. Find the y-intercept of the graph and hence the internal resistance of the EHT.

Mar. 12th, Apr. 23rd, May 7th and May 14th

Experiment No. / Assessment / Experiment / Code *
10 / Short report / Investigation of magnetic fields by search coil / M3 (p.41 – 44)
11 / Worksheet / Use of cathode ray oscilloscope / M3 (p.45 – 48)
12 / Area A & worksheet / Study of charging capacitor at constant rate / M3 (p.22 – 23)
13 / Formal report / Study of transformer action / M3 (p.57 – 60)
Experiment No. / Amendment
10 / In Procedure,
15.  The value of 0.1 A should be changed to “0.05 A”.
13 / 4.  The value of “6 V a.c.” should be changed to “1 V a.c.”.
12.  The value of “6 V a.c.” should be changed to “2 V a.c.”.
14. Add a light bulb in the secondary circuit such that the CRO is in parallel with it.
15.  The value of “6 V a.c.” should be changed to “1 V a.c.”.
Cancel steps 18 and 19 in the Procedure.

*: “M3”: T. M. Mok, J. Qin and C. M. Lee, “New Way Physics for Advanced Level Practical Book for TAS Book 3”, Manhattan Press (H.K.) Ltd (2005).
