
APPLICANT – Stadtmauer Bailkin, LLP, for KaufmanCenter, owner.

SUBJECT – Application June 16, 2006 – Zoning variance pursuant to Z.R. Section 72-21 to enlarge an existing community facility building. Proposal is non-compliant regarding floor area ratio (FAR) and rear yard. The site is located within a C4-7(L) zoning district; contrary to Z.R. 33-123 and 33-26.

PREMISES AFFECTED – 129 West 67th Street, north side of 67th Street, between Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue, Block 1139, Lots 1, 8, 57, 107, Borough of Manhattan.



For Applicant:

ACTION OF THE BOARD – Application granted on condition.


Affirmative: Chair Srinivasan, Vice-Chair Babbar, and Commissioner Collins...... 3

Negative:...... 0


WHEREAS, the decision of the Manhattan Borough Commissioner, dated June 5, 2006, acting on Department of Buildings Application No. 104290946, reads, in pertinent part:

“1.Proposed floor area for community facility exceeds the maximum floor area. This is contrary to ZR 33-123.

2.Proposed new enlargement projects in required rear yard. This is contrary to ZR 33-26.”; and

WHEREAS, this is an application under ZR § 72-21, to permit an enlargement to an existing community facility building located in a C4-7 zoning district within the Special Lincoln Square District zoning district, which is contrary to ZR §§ 33-123 and 33-26; and

WHEREAS, the application is brought on behalf of the Elaine Kaufman Center (the “Center”), a nonprofit music and dance school and performance space which occupies the community facility building located on Lot 8; and

WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on this application on July 18, 2006, after due notice by publication in the City Record, and then to decision on August 15, 2006; and

WHEREAS, Community Board 7, Manhattan, recommends approval of this application; and

WHEREAS, the New York City Department of Education and the Special Music School (P.S. 859), which occupies part of the Center, provided testimony in support of the Center’s programs and its application; and

WHEREAS, the site and surrounding area had a site and neighborhood examination by a committee of the Board, consisting of Chair Srinivasan, Vice-Chair Babbar, and Commissioner Collins; and

WHEREAS, the site is located on the north side of 67th Street between Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue; and

WHEREAS, the zoning lot is comprised of four tax lots (Lot Nos. 1, 8, 57, and 107); and

WHEREAS, the Center occupies Lot 8; the other lots are separately owned and occupied by residential uses; and

WHEREAS, on June 11, 1984, the Center, then known as the Hebrew Arts School for Music and Dance, entered into a Zoning Lot and Development Agreement with the owners of the other tax lots; and

WHEREAS, through the creation of this combined zoning lot, the Center transferred 57,359.51 sq. ft. of its buildable floor area on Lot 8 to Lot 1, for construction of a 47-story residential building; and

WHEREAS, the applicant notes that, pursuant to ZR § 33-123, a community facility building in a C4-7 zoning district may have a maximum FAR of 10.0; and

WHEREAS, therefore, a significant amount of floor area would be available under applicable zoning regulations but, because of the prior floor area transfer, none is available for the proposed enlargement; and

WHEREAS, the Center occupies a six-story community facility building with approximately 35,131 sq. ft. of floor area; and

WHEREAS, the applicant proposes to enlarge the facility by inserting new floors within double-height spaces in the basement and on the first floor and by enclosing first and second floor terraces at the rear of the building; and

WHEREAS, the applicant notes that the majority of the proposed increase in floor area is within the building envelope; and

WHEREAS, the proposed insertion of the new floors and enclosure of the terrace increases the floor area on Lot 8 by 3,200 sq. ft.; and

WHEREAS, however, the floor area objection issued by DOB (cited above) relates to the entire zoning lot; the total floor area of the combined zoning lot is 636,897.35 sq. ft.; the proposed enlargement of 3,200 sq. ft. would result in a new total of 640,097.35 sq. ft.; and

WHEREAS, the enclosure of the terraces also creates a new non-compliance as to the required rear yard at the second floor (the proposed community facility use within the required rear yard is a permitted obstruction only for one floor or a height of 23 ft.); and

WHEREAS, the applicant represents that the variance request is necessitated by the programmatic needs of the Center, a non-profit multi-cultural arts organizations which includes three divisions – the Merkin Concert Hall, the Lucy Moses School for Music and Dance, and the Special Music School of America (P.S. 859, a New York City public school with a music focus); and


WHEREAS, however, the applicant represents that there will be no increase in patronage or enrollment associated directly with the Center’s enlargement; and

WHEREAS, instead, the applicant seeks to alleviate current space constraints and develop educational, cultural, and artistic programming while improving physical accessibility; and

WHEREAS, specifically,the applicant states that the following are the programmatic space needs of the Center which require the requested waivers: (1) an increase in attendance over the past 22 years; (2) a need for better visitor circulation within the building, and (3) an interest in making the building more handicapped-accessible; and

WHEREAS, as to attendance, the Center now serves 2,400 students (an increase from 400 in 1984), 145 of which are full-time New York City public school students; and

WHEREAS, additionally, the applicant represents that the increased attendance requires more space to conduct staff meetings, plan events and programs and to meet with parents; and

WHEREAS, the applicant has identified underutilized space in the basement and on the first floor and on the two levels of terraces at the rear of the building which could be enclosed to accommodate increased space needs; and

WHEREAS, as to visitor circulation, the applicant represents that the entry into Merkin Concert Hall is constrained; and

WHEREAS, as to handicapped-accessibility, the Center proposes to enlarge lower level restrooms and establish two accessible restrooms on the first floor; and

WHEREAS, in sum, the building as enlarged will provide additional study and meeting space, efficient ingress and egress, waiting space, technical improvements to the auditorium, and handicapped-accessibility; and

WHEREAS, the Board finds that these programmatic needs are legitimate, and agrees that the enlargement is necessary to address the Center’s programmatic needs, given the limitations of the existing building; and

WHEREAS, accordingly, based upon the above, the Board finds that the limitations and inefficiencies of the existing building, when considered in conjunction with the programmatic needs of the Center, creates unnecessary hardship and practical difficulty in developing the site in compliance with the applicable zoning regulations; and

WHEREAS, since the Center is a non-profit educational institution and the variance is needed to further its non-profit mission, the finding set forth at ZR § 72-21(b) does not have to be made in order to grant the variance requested in this application; and

WHEREAS, the applicant represents that the variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood, will not substantially impair the appropriate use or development of adjacent property, and will not be detrimental to the public welfare; and

WHEREAS, the applicant notes that the majority of the increase in floor area will be achieved by using several double-height spaces from the basement and first floor; and

WHEREAS, additionally, the applicant represents that the enclosure of the first floor terrace is a permitted rear yard obstruction; and

WHEREAS, the only change to the building’s envelope will be the enclosure of the existing terrace in the rear of the building; and

WHEREAS, the applicant represents that there will be no significant impact on adjacent neighbors’ light and air since there are no windows on the façade of the adjacent residential building and the enclosed terrace will not block any of the windows of the residential building at the rear of the Center; and

WHEREAS, further, the applicant represents that there will be no increase in patronage or enrollment associated directly with the Center’s enlargement because the enlargement seeks solely to alleviate current insufficient space needs and circulation inefficiencies; and

WHEREAS, the Board also observes that the Center contributes to the Special Lincoln Square District’s goals of advancing the performing arts; and

WHEREAS, accordingly, the Board finds that this action will not alter the essential character of the surrounding neighborhood nor impair the use or development of adjacent properties, nor will it be detrimental to the public welfare; and

WHEREAS, the applicant states that the hardship was not self-created and that no development that would meet the programmatic needs of the Center could occur on the existing lot; and

WHEREAS, the applicant states that while the 1984 zoning lot merger negated the opportunity for any increase in zoning floor area as of right, this fact in of itself does not mean that the need for additional floor area is a self-created hardship; and

WHEREAS, however, the applicant has provided evidence that demonstrates that the Center’s programmatic needs have changed dramatically since the zoning lot merger; and

WHEREAS, specifically, the applicant represents that at the time of the lot merger, it was not anticipated that a public school would be part of the Center; and

WHEREAS, the Board notes that the school was not established and did not occupy the Center until 1996; and

WHEREAS, the applicant represents that the present needs of the Center and P.S. 859, operating at capacity with 145 full-time students, could not have been foreseen in 1984, when there was only 400 students of the predecessor center for arts and dance; and

WHEREAS, accordingly, the applicant asserts that the development rights were transferred in good faith since the future requirements of the Center with the public school component, in addition to its original programming, were not contemplated; and

WHEREAS, the Board agrees with the applicant that there is no nexus between the 1984 merger and the present need for this request for additional floor area to be located primarily within the building envelope; and

WHEREAS, the Board also understands that there was no intent to create a hardship in 1984, and that the Center was compelled to pursue the merger because of financial pressures; and

WHEREAS, accordingly, the Board finds that the hardship herein was not created by the owner or a predecessor in title; and

WHEREAS, the applicant represents that the requested floor area waiver is the minimum waiver necessary to accommodate the current and projected programmatic needs; and

WHEREAS, the Board notes that the applicant will locate this floor area completely within the building footprint and almost completely within the building envelope so as to minimize any impact; and

WHEREAS, accordingly, the Board finds that the requested relief is the minimum necessary to allow the Center to fulfill its programmatic needs; and

WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the evidence in the record supports the findings required to be made under ZR § 72-21; and

WHEREAS, the project is classified as an Unlisted action pursuant to Sections 617.6(h) and 617.2(h) of 6 NYCRR; and

WHEREAS, the Board has conducted an environmental review of the proposed action and has documented relevant information about the project in the Final Environmental Assessment Statement (EAS) CEQR No. 06BSA099M, dated June 16, 2006; and

WHEREAS, the EAS documents that the project as proposed would not have significant adverse impacts on Land Use, Zoning, and Public Policy; Socioeconomic Conditions; Community Facilities and Services; Open Space; Shadows; Historic Resources; Urban Design and Visual Resources; Neighborhood Character; Natural Resources; Waterfront Revitalization Program; Infrastructure; Hazardous Materials; Solid Waste and Sanitation Services; Energy; Traffic and Parking; Transit and Pedestrians; Air Quality; Noise; and Public Health; and

WHEREAS, no other significant effects upon the environment that would require an Environmental Impact Statement are foreseeable; and

WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the proposed action will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment; and

WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the proposed action will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment.

Therefore it is Resolvedthat the Board of Standards and Appeals issues a Negative Declaration, with conditions as stipulated below, prepared in accordance with Article 8 of the New York State Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 617, the Rules of Procedure for City Environmental Quality Review and Executive Order No. 91 of 1977, as amended, and makes each and every one of the required findings under ZR § 72-21 and grants a variance to permit an enlargement to an existing community facility building located in a C4-7 zoning district within the Special Lincoln Square District zoning district, which is contrary to ZR §§ 33-123 and 33-26, on condition that any and all work shall substantially conform to drawings as they apply to the objections above noted, filed with this application marked “Received June 16, 2006”- eight (8) sheets and marked “Received August 15, 2006” – one (1) sheet; and on further condition:

THAT the total building floor area post-enlargement shall not exceed 38,331.0 sq. ft., as illustrated on the BSA-approved plans;

THAT the total zoning lot floor area post-enlargement shall not exceed 640,097.35 sq. ft.;

THAT this approval is limited to the relief granted by the Board in response to specifically cited and filed DOB/other jurisdiction objection(s) only;

THAT the approved plans shall be considered approved only for the portions related to the specific relief granted; and

THAT the Department of Buildings must ensure compliance with all other applicable provisions of the Zoning Resolution, the Administrative Code, and any other relevant laws under its jurisdiction irrespective of plan(s)/configuration(s) not related to the relief granted.

Adopted by the Board of Standards and Appeals, August 15, 2006.

A true copy of resolution adopted by the Board of Standards and Appeals, August 15, 2006.

Printed in Bulletin No. 33, Vol. 91.

Copies Sent

To Applicant

Fire Com'r.

Borough Com'r.