
February 2015

Dear Parents/Guardians,

This term has been full of fairy tales and magic. The children have enjoyed learning about traditional fairy tales at Pre-school. The last few weeks we have been focusing on Goldilocks and the three bears.

We will continue looking at this topic, looking at Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Three Little Pigs and finally Jack in the Bean Stalk.


After half term we will be focusing on the story of Cinderella. We will have a shoe shop as a role play area and a variety of prince and princess crafts.


The week commencing the 2nd of February, We had a student from Q.E come in to gain work experience.

Thank you for your help and we wish you luck in your future.


We understand that many of you have been concerned about the congestion outside the pre-school, at morning drop off. We would like to reassure parents that you can drop your child off anytime between 9am to 9:30, for session to start.

If your child is unwell or on holiday please ensure that we are notified prior to the start of their session.


Auction of Promises, Saturday 14th March. 7:30pm at Witchampton Village Hall.
Raising much needed funds to renew and replace outdoor play equipment for the pre school.
Tickets £5 including a welcome drink from the bar. Theme is "dress to impress".


We are collecting Sainsbury’s active kid’s vouchers. These will go towards new resources for outside. Please start collecting and post them in our active kid’s boxes, displayed on the side in pre-school. Thank you !

Dates for the Diary

Monday 13th February: End of term

Monday 23rd February: Term begins

Friday 6th March: Dress up as a Fairy Tale Prince or Princess

Friday 6th March: Bingo

Friday 20th March: September school starters school visit (9.00-12.00)

Monday 23rd March: September school starters school visit (9.00-12.00)

Friday 27th March: End of term

Monday 13th April: Term begins

Friday 17th April:September school starters school visit (9.00-12.00)

Monday 20th April: September school starters school visit (9.00-12.00)

Reminders : Remember slippers for indoors and wellies for wet weather and messy walks around Witchampton. If these are named, they can be left at pre-school.

Pre-School Policies & Procedures are available for reference at any time, please ask a member of staff if you would like to see them. All important Policies & Procedures are available on your Parent Board which is above the children’s coat pegs.

School Telephone Number 01258 840042


If your child is ill with sickness and diarrhoea, can you please remember to keep your child at home for 48 hours after the last bout of illness and telephone us on the above number and let us know, we can then keep an eye on all our children. Even if they appear well in the morning, they must be kept at home for the above time.

As always we would like to express our thanks for your continued support. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or queries.

Jazmine,Wendy and Lucy

Chapel Row, Witchampton, Dorset, BH21 5AL

01258 840042