Association of Community Health Nursing Educators

Teaching Strategy Submission Form

Title of Teaching Plan/Strategy: Home Visit Simulation

Name: Joy Hoffman

Title: Clinical Assistant Professor
Credentials: DNP, RN


Organization: University of Memphis, Loewenberg School of Nursing
Email Address:

Office Phone: 901-678-3101

Address: 301 Newport Hall, 610 Goodman Street

City: Memphis

State: TN

Zip: 38152

Association of Community Health Nursing Educators

Teaching Strategy Submission Form

Directions: Please complete each of the following questions by using the lists in the appendix. The use of bulleted points is encouraged.

1. Title of Teaching Plan/Strategy: Home Visit Simulation

2. Date of Submission: October 16, 2013

3. Relevance to Public Health Nursing competencies – select the Main competencies from the appendix and rank the top three competencies in order of importance.

1. Communication

2. Illness and Disease Management

3. Health Promotion and Risk Reduction

4. Topical Area (select one from the list):

Community-based Care: Practice Settings- Home Health Care Nursing

5. Learner Level(s) (select all that apply from the list):


6. Learner Setting(s) (select all that apply from the list):

Skills of simulation laboratories

7. Strategy Type (select all that apply from the list):

Simulation Exercises

8. Learning Goals/Objectives:

1.  Participate in a simulated home visit encounter.

2.  Accurately assess 3 health care needs of a client being admitted to home care services.

3.  Identify needs based on a home safety assessment.

4.  Identify differences and similarities between home and hospital nursing services.

5.  Develop a relationship with a client in a home setting.

9. Estimated time for the student to complete the activity:
Student will spend 15 to 30 minutes preparing before simulated home visit.

On the day of the simulation, students will spend 30 minutes in simulation, and 30

minutes debriefing for 1 hour total.

10. Strategy Overview—provide detailed steps for the strategy: (if student directions are available, please include at the end)

·  Students assigned in groups of 4

·  Each student draws one of 4 roles: lead RN, orienting RN, observer, or family member.

·  The lead RN and orienting RN are completing an initial assessment of a client into home care services after a recent hospitalization.

·  The 2 RN’s find an older adult home, with multiple home safety issues, multiple medications (some with other people’s names on the bottles), and stairs to the second floor bedroom. There is also a pet that has defecated indoors.

·  A family member is present but unhelpful. Television is playing loudly. Students have 30 minutes to complete their assessment.

11. Resources Needed

·  We used a sparsely furnished apartment on campus in our student family housing.

·  Room was set up with stuffed animal, tootsie rolls as animal feces, extension cords, throw rugs, papers and magazine, multiple medications, fake bugs, wine bottles, cigars, portable heater.

·  At first, “clients” were recruited as volunteers - friends and family of faculty members. Later, paid actors were hired.

12. File(s): (please describe any attachments (e.g., PowerPoint, grading rubric) that you are including)

·  Simulation Instructions

·  Role Cards

·  Home Care Initial Assessment Form

·  Older Adult Home Visit Evaluation of Simulation Experience

13. Website Links (Please provide a description of the website and directions for learning experience on the website. Note the length of time needed if appropriate –i.e video)

14. Methods for evaluating student learning (i.e, papers, projects, quiz, clinical conference discussion, evaluation tool to rate experience)

·  Immediately following the simulation, all 4 students are debriefed.

·  First, the observer is asked to tell the students 3 good things observed. Then the observer is asked to tell 3 things that could have been improved.

·  The other students are allowed to discuss their thoughts.

·  The students fill out a paper evaluation of the experience (document attached).

·  Students must write a journal entry about the simulation experience, a SOAP note for the visit, and submit a completed home safety survey of the apartment. Students may have time to look around apartment after simulation is over to make sure to have proper data to fill out home safety survey.

15. Please comment on overall success of this teaching strategy

The students report high satisfaction with this simulation experience. They love that it involves a real person (not a mannequin) and find the entire experience to be useful. Students enjoy having to deal with the many “problems” of the client. We ask students not to tell other students what to expect and they don’t.

16. References (Be specific noting chapters, pages etc)

Anderson, D.G., Fallin, A. (2012). Family health risks. In Stanhope & Lancaster (eds.) Public health nursing: Population-centered health care in the community (pp. 624-646). Maryland Heights, MO: Elsevier Mosby.

NURS 4129 Home Visit Simulation


1.  Participate in a simulated home visit encounter.

2.  Accurately assess 3 health care needs of a client being admitted to home care services.

3.  Identify needs based on a home safety assessment.

4.  Identify differences and similarities between home and hospital nursing services.

5.  Develop a relationship with a client in a home setting.

Preparation for simulation experience:

1.  Read your Stanhope text book, the info on home visits on pages 637-640 before coming.

2.  Wear your uniform and bring your usual clinical supplies.

3.  You will be assigned one of the following roles during simulation: a) lead nurse b) orienting nurse c) family member d) observer

4.  The simulation will be of a home health nurse admitting a new client to services.

5.  Upon arrival at the simulation experience, you will be given a referral form to review which contains limited client information.

6.  Your instructor will notify you of your specific time for simulation.

After the simulation experience you will:

1.  Debrief with your instructor

2.  Evaluate the experience

Assignments due to your instructor the day after your experience at midnight

1.  Usual journal entry

2.  Completed home safety form

3.  SOAP note from simulated client visit

Location/ Directions

972 West Buford Ellington Drive, Memphis TN.

This is on South Campus in the family housing apartments.

From our main campus, go south on Goodlett.

Take a right onto Park (heading west) and then a left onto Getwell. Then take a left into apartment circle.

Front and back of cards for students to randomly “pick” roles.

Orienting RN / New RN
Lead RN
·  Follow lead RN and collaborate with home visit.
·  Do initial Patient Assessment and complete form.
·  Orient a new RN during this visit.
Family Member
·  Observe if objectives of simulation are being met. Note strengths and weakness of the nurses during patient interaction.
·  No interaction with other students during scenario.
·  Time Keeper – stop at 30 minutes
·  You are a family member visiting state, I am (son/daughter) and I am checking on him/her today.
·  Ask- why did MD send you out?
·  Interject while taking medical history: Mom/Dad did you tell them about your health problems?
·  During simulation ask: Do you think my mom/dad can live here safely?
·  You may ad-lib as needed.

Home Services USA

Initial Assessment Form

Date: ______

Client Name: ______Gender: ______DOB: ______

Language Spoken: English

Address: ______

Medical Doctor: ______

Medical History: ______


Current Medications: ______

Other Pertinent Information______


Lives with: ______

Emergency Contact: ______

Mental Status: ______

Gait/Ambulatory Status: ______

Insurance: ______

Older Adult Home Visit Evaluation of Simulation Experience

Date______Course Name______

1.  What were the strengths of the simulation experience?

2.  What would you change about this experience?

3.  Elaborate on how this experience met/did not meet the home safety needs of the older adult.

4.  Name some different variables between home experiences versus hospital experiences you have encountered/observed.

5.  How would you, as the nurse, fix some of the barriers you encountered during the scenario?

6.  What else would you like the faculty to know about this simulation experience and your learning? Please address topics related to knowledge, communication, nursing process, professional issues, teaching, and personal growth. Please use the back of this paper if necessary. Thank you for your comments.
