Tuesday, August 16, 2016 – 5:00 P.M.
Council Chambers – Denison, Iowa
The second regular City Council Meeting of the City of Denison, Iowa was held pursuant to law on the above date and hour; Mayor Leinen called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. with the following members present: BONNER, CURNYN, DESY, LOESCHEN, MAHRT
Motion Loeschen/Desy to approve the agenda. Ayes: 5 Motion carried.
Motion Bonner/Curnyn to approve the following items on the consent agenda: a) approve and waive the reading of the minutes for 8/2/2016; b) approve the bills as presented; c) approve budget, cash & activity reports for July 2016; d) approve liquor license(s) for The Pub, pending dram. Ayes: 5 Motion carried.
Dept. Head Reports: Walley reported the meeting rooms at the Library are being used every day. They are working on planning the fall program and she will be working on her statistics report. The phone lines have been repaired at the Library. They received a donation of a WWII Marine Corp uniform from Michael Mundt. Bradley reported the test date for the police officer hiring will be the last Saturday in August. They are also advertising for a part-time communication officer. The police dept. traded a 2006 Ford for a 2017 Ford Interceptor. Bradley is currently going through personnel and training files to make sure everything is in order for the new chief. Next he will begin looking at budget numbers. Patrol Officers have been busy with a couple of drug cases and sexual assault cases. Bradley commended the Sheriff’s office for their assistance with the drug cases. Bradley and Hast are working on a Return to Work policy to bring to council. Nemitz reported that Public Works has been busy sweeping wash outs, patching streets, painting and doing mechanic work in shop. Dust Control was applied on 7th St. to the Yard Waste Site and on Boyer Valley Rd. The traffic light at 20th St. was hit by lightning. He sent the pre-emption cards from 20th/Hwy 30, 12th/Hwy 30, Main/Hwy 30, 11th/Hwy 30 to General Traffic Control, they have never worked right. Crawford told council that we have not accepted the work on the project. The Dog Park has been leveled and mowed. No trees can be planted until construction begins. Wiebers reported that he purchased 2 water fountains that allow bottles to be filled. Public Works installed one fountain at the tennis courts and put one at Northside Rec to replace the concrete one that was smashed with a baseball bat. Curnyn noticed that no parking signs were missing from South Main, so Public Works re-installed all those signs. We are still waiting on the correct insurance documents for the Yard Waste Site contract. Snowgren reported that the Fire Association had a family picnic at Yellow Smoke. They are getting ready for the county wide training and looked at a house in Dow City to be burned as part of that training. Snowgren received a request to travel to Tennessee to instruct some training and there will be a request coming for council to approve that out-of-state training. Josh Hoffmeier is getting ready to teach the SAFER classes. Kempfert was not present, so Crawford read his report. The final parts for the slides arrived yesterday and should be installed on Wednesday. Kempfert thanked Curnyn for donating materials and his employee’s time for repairs to the mini-golf. He also thanked John Koch for donating time and material for getting the holes unplugged and getting the water feature running in the mini-golf. Parks/Rec staff has been painting parks and asked council to check out the lower playground equipment in Union Park. They have also been doing routine checks of the nodes and planters uptown.
Motion Mahrt/Loeschen to re-appoint Tom Brungardt to Board of Adjustments; appoint Greg Miller to Board of Adjustments to replace Jessica Zupp; Appoint Dan Eiten to Planning & Zoning to replace Elizabeth Morales; re-appoint Doug Wiebers and Lisa Koch to Northside Rec Board; appoint Steve Oatman to Boulders Commission to replace Karla Woolridge. Ayes: 5 Motion carried.
Resolution #2016-34 was introduced approving the Issuance of Bonds. Motion Bonner/Curnyn that Resolution #2016-34 is adopted. Ayes: 5 Motion carried.
Motion Loeschen/Desy to approve an Award for the 2015 Assistance to Firefighters Grant. Ayes: 5 Motion carried.
Motion Desy/Mahrt to approve application to Denison Job Corp for a CTST Project for complete replacement of the 40’ x 25’ shelter building on a concrete pad at Morningside Park during FY 17-18. Ayes: 5 Motion carried.
Mayor Leinen read a proclamation recognizing Western Iowa Tech Community College for 50 years
Mayor Report: Mayor Leinen reported that he had meet with an engineer who volunteered his time to look at the issues at the Aquatic Center and the engineer concurred with everything we are doing to fix the problems. Leinen reported the police chief search continues with the applicants now narrowed to 4. There will be a meet and greet on August 31st from 6-8 p.m. at Boulders Conference Center. Interviews will be on Sept. 1st. He had an entrance interview with the State Auditors who began their audit on August 8th. He will be attending WITCC open house on August 31st. He will also be speaking at Job Corp on Friday. Leinen thanked Curnyn for donating the materials and his employees time to rehab the mini-golf at the aquatic center.
City Manager Report: Crawford reported that the work on 6th Ave N. is beginning. The asphalt work on the 2016 Street projects is all that is left and Public Works will be helping with the seeding on the project. Crawford informed council that we had received our annual report from the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers on the levy system. He has been reviewing the items needing attention with flood control officer, Arambula. Of the 13 items 8 were acceptable and 5 were minimally acceptable. We have encroachment issues with the U.P. Railroad and are not getting any cooperation. Leinen asked Crawford if the lights are out on the Denison Hillside. Crawford will check into it with Public Works.
Public Forum: None.
Motion Loeschen/Curnyn to go into closed session for employee evaluation per Iowa Code 21.5(1)(i) at 5:35 p.m.
Returned to open session at 6:47 with no action taken.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:47 p.m.
Signed ______
Dan Leinen, Mayor
Lisa K. Koch, City Clerk