TCM Affiliate Meeting

March 5, 2009

The meeting began with an introduction of the guest speakers and letting the case managers know that this meeting qualified for CDDO training hours (resource information).


v  Sandy Calderwood and Tonya Sterling of The Firm Foundation are newly affiliated with the Shawnee County CDDO to provide day services. Sandy and Tonya spoke about the activities they offer as well as an overview of their day service program and activities. A brochure highlighting their Mission & Vision Statements and opportunities for the individual’s personal growth was handed out. At this time, Firm Foundation is not wheelchair accessible. Sandy and Tonya look forward to providing services for adults with developmental disabilities.

v  TARC Day Services; Olga Hennessy, Deborah Jackson, Karen Stephenson and Cassandra James gave a presentation on TARC’s day service program. Each speaker gave a presentation of the many new things that they continue working on such as, assisting individuals with communication devices that have been designed just for them whether it is name, color, number or activity boards. They spoke of new programs that have been implemented as well as upcoming social activities. Cassandra spoke about the connection with the art community and how they are working on assisting individuals create art work to be in this years art show. She continues to work on connecting with and utilizing community resources such as Topeka Parks & Recreation. Olga distributed informational brochures on the Day and Senior Services program, as well as their newsletter and an application for services.

Dates to remember:

ª  TARC Fashion Show – May 28, 1:30 p.m. in the Morgan Auditorium at the Topeka Public Library

ª  Art Show – 1st Friday Art Walk – Aug. 7, 5:30 p.m. at TARC

v  Mary Stafford, Exploring Life, gave a presentation on the expansion of their services that will include an on-site social worker and massage therapist for individuals diagnosed with cerebral palsy. The newly acquired facility is going to be renovated to be handicap accessible and will include an art room, exercise room and computer room. Mary expressed that she and her staff were excited about the up coming changes. A brochure was distributed.

Introductions were done to begin the meeting, as there were several new case managers in attendance. Ramona commented on the large number in attendance and hoped to see everyone at the next meeting. The CDDO is always looking for presenters so feel free to make suggestions. TCM meetings held with a presenter may be counted toward training hours.

CDDO Updates:

v  Cheryl, IT Assistant, reported that the Critical Incident Reports were almost ready on the BCI system when they hit a snag which has caused delay of completion. It is hoped that it will be finished by the end of March. Everyone will be notified by email when it is ready along with a video clip on “How To” access and use the Critical Incident Reports in the web based system (BCI).

v  If a person receives services from multiple providers, such as two day providers and residential provider, all three providers do not have access to the POC unless each provider is listed. If you are not able to access the POC contact Cheryl by phone or email.

v  Day, residential and payroll agencies that have BCI access will begin receiving email notifications from the CDDO about POC approval delays so they can see where the holdup is. The CDDO is tracking all POCs delayed due to medicaid eligibility ending, client obligation changes and LOC/LA codes.

v  Cheryl reported an increase in the number of affiliated providers using the BCI system.

v  Complaints about the EA workers were aired:

ª  Can’t leave a message as all the voicemail boxes are full

ª  Can’t email because they were informed this would be a HIPPA violation

ª  Individuals are not being assigned an EA worker. (It worked well when case loads were distributed by the alphabet).

Ramona suggested that they keep all their documentation. She said that the CDDO was aware of the problems and that she has been working with SRS Regional office staff. It was suggested that perhaps the EA division have one designated place/person to mail the information.

v  A reminder was given that BASIS meetings need to be scheduled a month prior to the birth month and that the CDDO does have a policy and procedure for this process. If a BASIS screener has to remind the case manager to schedule a meeting, Timili (Quality Management Coordinator) will be notified. As far as additional information being submitted after a meeting, the CDDO policy allows for a two day grace period to submit the supplemental documentation. What the CDDO does not want to happen is for someone to appeal one month after an assessment when the tiers and scores are assigned. There has been a recent appeal as a result of a tier change vs what participants agreed to at the time of the BASIS meeting.

v  Case managers were notified they may inform Sandy, BASIS Specialist, by email when an individuals address and phone number changes. The notice will be copied into the BCI system. On the BCI system sign into basic information. At the top right of the page you will see – Email BASIS Change Request (under the blue bar) – click on this and it will automatically open an email to Sandy. The emails will be saved in the CDDO case notes on the BCI for documentation of changes. A form will eventually be created to access in the BCI system.

v  Along with the email notifying Sandy of changes Rachel M. asked that she too be emailed for all family support grant recipients who have address changes. Rachel will be monitoring that the BCI notification process to her is working.

v  The fourth quarter Family Grant checks will be mailed out on April 15th. At this time the family grant application will be going out as well with a letter explaining that due to possible SRS budget reductions it may be necessary to revise the guidelines. The CDDO will not know until June if any changes need to be made. Rachel will inform case managers as soon as she hears about changes to occur.

v  Sabrina asked that she be notified when an individual is admitted to Stormont-Vail West.


v  Advanced Case Management has changed their name to Advanced Individual Services, LLC and is now offering residential services as well as case management services.


CSS web link to request additional TCM units -

v  Ramona highlighted some of the proposed changes of the MR/DD waiver re-writes that was discussed during the SRS conference call on Feb. 24.

ª  CMS mandate S5126 Family/Individuals will not be renewed.

ª  The possible addition of a new service, Specialized Medical Care.

ª  Something for children aging out of the TA Waiver

ª  Expanding supportive home care to include training for direct care givers.

ª  Changing the review period from 90 days to 180 days.

v  Additional feedback about the development of the Individual Support Waiver allows more flexibility to families on how to use the funds versus allocations.

v  SRS has contracted with a group to look at and make suggestions on the DDP which determines the level of care.

v  There is the consideration of adding an Enhanced Residential Service for individuals that are 65 or older by combining day and residential services.

v  Please be advised if there are individuals on your case load with mental health diagnosis and have a history of being admitted for evaluations that it may become more difficult for them to access a residential bed as the mental health agencies are facing financial cuts as well as two facilities closing (Mirrors, Rainbow).

v  The BSS team sponsored a contest of “Who is That Baby” for case managers. The BSS team thanked all the case managers that submitted their picture and was award a gold star. Gifts were given for the most correct answers. Each case manager received a “Survival Bag.”

Training Opportunities/Resources:

v  March 26 - CDDO Quarterly training which includes an Overview, Licensing Regulations, BASIS and Plans of Care. A flyer will be emailed.

Next meeting is scheduled for 3 p.m. on May 7th