UNIVERSAL LOCATIONS, INC. 24791 Valley St, Santa Clarita, CA 661 505-4150 fax 505-4157


2014 V1

This agreement made on _3/19, 2014__, by and between __ Howard and Marnie Owens __ hereinafter referred to as "Owner(s)" and _REMOTE BROADCASTING, INC._ hereinafter referred to as "Producer".

1. For the period specified in paragraph 3 below, Owner hereby grants to Producer the right to enter upon Owner(s) property located at _450 South Lucerne Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90020_ hereinafter referred to as "said premises” to erect thereon temporary motion picture structures and sets (collectively “sets”) and to use the sets and said Premises for the purpose of filming, taping, photographing and/or otherwise recordinga TV and web series currently entitled for_”Masters Of Sex”__ hereinafter referred to as the “Production”.

2. Producer may make use of the Premises which consists of: _Exterior front and back and interior throughout downstairs___ Producer may have access to garage for multi purpose use tbd on rental date for the dates specified as follows:

  • PREP: __4/9/14__10 HR DAY
  • FILM: __4/10/14__14 HOUR DAY
  • STRIKE:__4/11/14__10 HOUR DAY

Areas off limits:

Tech Scout Notes to be provided to Owner by Producer outlining, in detail, proposed use & activities and attached to this agreement as Rider A or inserted below.

Tech scout notes to include but not limited to FULL DISCLOSURE as to Producers

intended use and must include items such as scene descriptions, any special effects, use of smoke, water, or fire, if extras to be on set, number of extras, Unusual lighting set-ups, tarping of house or blacking windows for “day for night” effect, animals on set, stunts or fight scenes.

Any items not disclosed or listed in agreement are subject to Owners approval on rental day.

Producer will have a cast and crew count not to exceed _____ people:


  • If Oowner has an interior Fire Sprinkler system, Owner must inform Production and Universal Locations, Inc of said sprinkler system.
  • If Owner has a home alarm system, Owner will turn off said alarm system on all rental days, during Production rental hours. If alarm system is not shut off by Owner by the start time on any rental day, and the alarm is triggered, neither Producer nor Universal Locations, Inc will be held liable for any fees incurred due to the alarm system.
  • In the event any (interior) walls are damaged, entire wall or room must be re-painted at Producer’s expense by a contractor of the Owner’s choice. Such expense shall be reasonable.
  • If any of Owner’s personal property is to be moved, Producer agrees to digitally photograph exact position of such property prior to moving. Duplicates of the photos to be held by Owner or Universal Locations for use at walk through or strike. Producer to photograph pre-existing damage of property prior to use.
  • Producer will have the Premises professionally cleaned by a contractor or service of the oOwner’s choice (at a reasonable cost) upon completion of Producer’s use and shall be limited to those areas actually used by pProducer. Property owner may choose his own cleaning service if he so desires. Pre approved rate:____$350.00______
  • In addition to the rights set forth in paragraph 1 above, Producer may have a video or photography crew, shooting behind the scenes footage, B Roll footage or promotional footage for a segment of a local news channel, entertainment channel, network, Producer’s website, in house use or other promotional use without paying additional fees.If video crew or Photography crew are separate company and not employees of Producer, Producer shall submit a certificate of insurance (as per clause 7), which must also name video crew and or photography crew is additionally insured. The only requirement is, on Producers certificate of insurance, it must name video or photography crew as additionally insured. In the event Producer fails to provide such insurance coverage, Producer agrees to be financially responsible for any damage, & or claims for liability caused by such crews.

3.Commencing on or about, but not before, __7:00am on any rental day, unless otherwise permitted by permit/homeowner, and ending no later than 10:00 pm on any rental day, unless otherwise permitted by Permit or Homeowner__. Rental time begins at call time given by Producer to Universal Locations or Owner day prior to rental or when 1st Production employee or sub-contractor arrives on the premises, whichever is 1st. Producer may use the Premises as necessary to perform Production. This commencement date may be changed due to weather conditions or changes in production schedule. ANY CANCELLATION WILL BE SUBJECT TO THE CANCELLATION POLICY as set forth herein, INCLUDING PAYMENT FOR SITE REPRESENTATIVE.

4.As compensation for the use of the Premises, Producer agrees to pay in advance of such initial use for the total rental for each prep, film, strike, hold, and pre-rig day or part thereof which Producer contracts for use of the Premises.



  • PREP: $4,500.00 PER 10 HR DAY
  • FILM: $9,000.00 PER 14-HOUR DAY
  • STRIKE: $4,500.00 PER 10 HR DAY


Site rep fee: Producer agrees to pay Universal Locations Inc. for a site representative at the following rates per day: UP TO 13 HRS $450.00, Overtime after 13 hrs will be billed at the rate of $45.00 per hour up to 15 hours; beyond midnight or after 15 hours overtime rate of $75.00 per hour. Site rep must be present on all prep, pre light/pre rig, film, & strike days. IN THE EVENT OF CANCELLATION OF RENTAL FOR ANY REASON BY PRODUCER WITHIN 48 HOURS OF RENTAL DATE, ALL LOCATION SITE REP FEES WILL BE DUE FOR CONTRACTED DATES. As specified in section H of this contract.

Additional Fees Due, If used:

  • Owners Telephone use: PHONE IS NOT AVAILABLE. If phone is used, Producer shall pay the rate of $50.00 per line used per day
  • House Power: If Owners House power is used, Producer will be charged the fee of $75.00 per day of use. As defined in section 13 of the contract.
  • Owners Air Conditioning or Heating: If Owners AC or Heat is used by Production, Producer will be charged the fee of $100.00 per day of use. Producer must ask Owner to use the AC or heat before use.
  • Owners Bathrooms: If Owners Bathroom is used by any member of Production, Producer will be charged the fee of $100.00 per bathroom per day of use. As defined in section 14 of the contract.
  • Pool Use/Heating: If Producer requires Owners pool to be heated, Producer will be charged the fee of __$__. Pool will be heated to 85 degrees, unless otherwise noted.
  • Production will use the Owners pool at own risk. Neither Producer nor Production will hold the Owner or Universal Locations, Inc. liable for any injury or damages caused by pool use.
  • If a site rep from Universal Locations, Inc is present on the Production Tec scout the fee of $350.00 will be paid by Producer.
  • In the event the Tec scout is longer than 2 hours on the premises, the rate of $150.00 per ½ hour will apply to Producer for additional time.
  • Producer responsible for any messenger or delivery fees if payment not received 2 days prior to rental.

LOCATION FEE DUE:__$19,350.00__ (price includes 1 prep, 1 film, 1 strike & 3 site rep days)


PRODUCER WILL POST A SECURITY/DAMAGE DEPOSIT OF __$7.500.00__WITH UNIVERSAL LOCATIONS, TO BE DEPOSITED BY UNIVERSAL LOCATIONS, INC. Producer authorizes Universal to use said Deposit TOWARDS ANY SUMS OWED OWNER OR UNIVERSAL LOCATIONS RESULTING FROM PRODUCERS USE OF SAID PREMISES. Nothing contained in this paragraph is intended to constitute a waiver or limitation of any right or remedy available to owner or Universal Locations to enforce any provision of this Agreement.


A. If a prep day exceeds __10__ hours, overtime will be charged at rate of __$225.00__ per ½ hour will be charged. A prep day is defined as when the art department and or layout board crew makes adjustments to the Premises.

B. If needed a pre-rig or pre-light will be at the rate of 75% of film day rate for 12 hours. Overtime will be pro-rated after 12 hours on an hourly basis. A pre-rig or pre-light day is defined as when grip, & or lighting crew is on the Premises, setting up. (Cabling will not be considered pre-rig or pre-light) In the event any camera tests or rehearsals are done on a prep, pre-rig or pre-light day, the film day rental rate will apply.

C. If filming exceeds __14__hours, overtime will be chargedat the rate of __$325.00__ per ½ hour. A filming day is defined as when the prep, layout board and or shooting crew arrive or call time given by Production to Owner or Universal Locations on day prior to rental (whichever is 1st) and continues until the prep, layout board, and or shooting crew have completely left the Premises and surrounding areas.

D. If a strike day exceeds __10__hours, overtime will be charged at the rate of__$225.00__ per ½ hour. A strike day is defined as when the art department crew is readjusting the Premises to its original condition. Cleaning by cleaning crew or material restoration or repairs is not considered rental time, and there will be no charge for such.

E.Hold days will be at the rate of 25% of a film day rate unless stated differently. A hold day is defined as when set dressing and or layout board or production equipment is left on the Premises with no personnel present.In the event personnel/crew require access to the Premises at any time during a designated hold day, the hold day shall become a Prep day, Shoot day, Strike day or Pre-rig day as described above and shall be charged as stated above.

F.All overtime shall be measured in ½ hour minimum increments. Rental begins when 1st member of production enters Premises or call time given by Production to Universal Locations or Owner on day prior to rental (whichever is earlier) and ends when last member of production exits Premises. In the event Producer gives less than 10 hours notice of a change in production call time (arrival time) and owner has made the Premises available at the original call time given by Producer, for overtime purposes rental day will begin at original call time given by Producer, or when 1st member of Production enters Premises, which ever time is earlier.

G. Compensation as set forth in Paragraph 4 shall be paid directly by the Producer to Universal Locations, Inc. prior to rental, who shall disburse same according to the fee agreement entered into between the property owner and Universal Locations, Inc.

H. A CANCELLATION FEE SHALL BE CHARGED TO THE PRODUCER if Producer cancels the production at anytime within 48 hours prior to the first scheduled dated of use of the Premises, regardless of the reason for cancellation. Producer understands and acknowledges that a cancellation within 48 hours will have caused Owner to sustain costs and expenses in making the Premises available for use by Producer pursuant to this Agreement. The parties deem the sum of 25% of the total Location Fee Due and any and all site rep fees for scheduled dates to be a fair and reasonable value for the time, effort, expense, inconvenience, etc. associated with a cancellation by the Producer within 48 hours of the scheduled commencement date. The parties deem the sum of 50% of total rental PLUS SITE REP FEES to be a fair and reasonable value as noted above, associated with a cancellation by the Producer within 24 hours of the scheduled commencement date. In the event Producer cancels or reduces the term of rental once Producer has commenced use of the Premises, the entire rental amount, SITE REP FEES and associated fees will be forfeited to Owner by Producer, with no refund of any fees for any unused portion of rental.

5. At any time within (6) months from the date Producer first makes use of the Premises, pursuant to this agreement, Producer may, following not less than seven (7) working days advance notice to Owner, and subject to availability of the Property, re-enter upon and use Premises for such period as may be reasonably necessary to photograph retakes or added scenes desired by Producer, and in any such event, the rates specified on Paragraph 4 shall apply, any payment for any such use shall be made by the Producer in the same manner. All arrangements for such use of the Premises, and confirmation of availability of the Premises, shall be made by Producer with Universal Locations, Inc.

6. Producer agrees to leave said premises and all property of any kind located thereon, in as good order and condition as they were immediately prior to any use of said premises pursuant to this agreement and to pay for any injury or damage that may occur through the use of the Premises by Producer. In the event a damaged item cannot be repaired or replaced, Producer will pay fair market value for item or estimated repair cost of item. NO NAILS, DOUBLE FACE TAPE, DULLING SPRAY OR WATER BASE SMOKE IS PERMITTED WITHOUT OWNERS CONSENT. NO OIL BASE SMOKE PERMITTED. There will be NO SMOKING, NO EATING AND NO DRINKING IN THE HOUSE BY ANY MEMBER OF THE PRODUCTION COMPANY;EXCEPT THAT EATING AND DRINKING MAY BE USED AS A PROP IN A SPECIFIC SCENE. If required in a scene, Producer will undertake all reasonable effort to protect the property from damage from smoking, eating or drinking utilized in any such scene. NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES OR DRUGS ARE ALLOWED ON THE PREMISES. No alteration of the premises or any items located therein is permitted without prior written consent of owner.

6A. All heavily worn areas of lawns and damaged plants resulting from Producer's use of Premises will be replanted with sod or plants of like kind and size. All oil spots skid marks left on driveways and or walkways will be cleaned off to original condition; If the driveways or walkways need to be power washed, power washing will take place at Producers expense. Power washing will be limited to areas used by Production. All greens, cigarette butts, tape and miscellaneous trash will be picked up; all stairways, porches, and pool areas used will be cleaned to the condition prior to filming, at Producers expense.

7.INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: Except if due to the negligence or willful misconduct of Owner(s) and or Universal Locations, Inc., Producer agrees to protect and indemnify Owner(s) and Universal Locations, Inc. and to keep and save Owner(s) and Universal Locations, Inc., harmless from any and all suits, including reasonable outside attorney costs for defense, claims for loss or liabilities for, any personal injury to any person or any damage to other premises or property or items located thereon, including Producers property, equipment, any associated vehicles or crew vehicles occasioned by or resulting directly or indirectly from Producers use of said Premises. In this regard, Producer represents that he has obtained General Liability and Third Party Property Damage Insurance coverage of no less than $1,000,000.00 per occurrence, SPECIFIED IN WRITING on the certificate of insurance and or declarations page. Third Party Property Damage Coverage MUST BE WRITTEN ON THE DECLARATIONS PAGE OF INSURANCE CERTIFICATE.IF PRODUCER REQUIRES CAST/CREW OR ANY OTHER PERSONAL VEHICLES ON PREMISES, PRODUCER MUST INCLUDE UNDER THE AUTO LIABILITIES PROVISION: ANY VEHICLE RENTAL AND ANY AUTO INSURANCE PROVISION AND COVERAGE FOR ANY SUCH VEHICLES ON PREMISES. The certificate of insurance or declarations page shall name Owner(s) and Universal Locations, Inc., as additional insured on Producers policy. Producer will provide Owner(s) and Universal with such certificate of insurance prior to the first rental day. Owner will hold Universal Locations free and harmless from any and all claims arising out of Producers use of said premises and look solely to Producer for reimbursement of any such claims.

8. Owner hereby grants acknowledges that Producer is the sole owner of all materials filmed, taped, photographed and/or otherwise recorded at the Premises (the “Materials”) and that Producer, its successor, assignees and Licensees, have the sole, exclusive irrevocable and perpetual right to use the Materials photographs of the Premises taken by Producer in connection with the Production, and to such extent as Producer may desire for use throughout the universe, and in all media (whether not known or hereafter devised) in perpetuity., However, Producer represents that the use of said Materials photographs will be used exclusively in connection with the Production, any trailer, clips and distribution, advertising,and of promotions of the Production and on any other exploitation of the Production. The right herein granted include the right to film, tape, photograph and/or otherwise record as described in Paragraphs 1 and 2 above, the right of Producer to refer in the Premises by any fictitious name, and the right to attribute fictitious events as occurring on the Premises. The Producer is not given the right to use names, logos and verbiage contained on such signs on the Premises (what signs are on the Premises?). No right or interests referred to herein is intended to permit Producer to utilize the Materials any photographs or films obtained pursuant to this Agreement, for use in any other production.