Academy of Sciences of R. Moldova

Institute of Chemistry

Institute of Applied Physics

Institute of Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies

State University of R. Moldova

Chemical Society of R. Moldova

The XVIII-th International Conference

"Physical Methods in Coordination and Supramolecular Chemistry"

October 8-9, 2015, Chişinău, Moldova


The Organizing Committee is glad to invite you to participate in the XVIII-th International Conference "Physical Methods in Coordination and Supramolecular Chemistry", which will be held in Chişinău, Republic Moldova on October 8-9, 2015.

The Program of the XVIII-th Conference will include lectures and poster presentations on a range of interdisciplinary topics connected with the study of coordination and supramolecular compounds by physical methods including optical, g–resonance and radio-spectroscopy, diffraction methods, magnetochemistry, quantum-chemical methods. The special attention will be paid to the compounds with the library of useful properties, e.g., molecular magnets, MOFs, sensors, biologically important compounds, and nanomaterials.

Beginning from 1962, Chişinău hosted fourteen of a total of seventeen Conferences, on the applications of physical methods to the study of coordination compounds, and beginning from 1999 to the study of supramolecular compounds also. These forums had brought a substantial contribution to the solution of fundamental problems of chemistry and enlarged the field of its practical applications.

Chişinău was the host of these conferences not only by tradition, but also because of the high appreciation by the scientific community, earned by its school of coordination chemistry as well as by the wide use of physical methods in research of coordination compounds. Previous conference editions had been attended by numerous specialists in the field, from the scientific centers of Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Baltic and Caucasian countries, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Ukraine. The event had an international resonance. At the last three conference session, researchers from scientific centers of U.S.A., Canada, France, Israel, Italy, Norway, Poland, Spain, and Germany have presented their papers.

The periodicity of these forums is once per three years. The last one, the XVII-th Conference held under this motto took place in October 2012 in Chisinau. In its framework there had been taken the decision to organize in Chişinău the XVIII-th edition of the Conference in 2015.

The Conference program will include Plenary Lectures, Short Lectures and Poster Presentations. Scientific program will be organized around the following topics:

·  Study of coordination compounds in the solid state and in solution by EPR, NMR, Mössbauer, laser and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.

·  Diffraction methods in study of coordination and supramolecular compounds

·  Quantum-chemical methods and relationship structure – property for coordination compounds with useful properties (bioactive compounds, materials for molecular electronics, nanomaterials).

·  Magnetochemistry and single-molecule magnets (SMMs)

English is the official Conference language. No translation will be provided.



All contributors are invited to submit an abstract in English. An abstract should be submitted to the Conference Secretary by e-mail as the attachment (rtf , doc or docx formats).

All participants of the conference are also invited to present a full paper of their communications to be published in a forthcoming issue of Chemistry Journal of Moldova, which will be consecrated to the works of the conference. Please follow the guidelines for authors, presented in the Journal, as well as on the web page .

The abstracts presented for the publication shall meet the following conditions:

1.  Abstract form is an A4 page with 2,5 cm borders.

2.  Use 12 points Times New Roman font, one line space.

3.  Title, author’s names, and affiliations (with addresses) should be centered.

4.  The title should be written in bold capital letters.

5.  The author’s affiliation and full address should be given in italics.

6.  The name of the key-speaker should be underlined.

7.  The references within the text should be placed in square brackets and cited at the bottom of the abstract.


Prof. Aurelian Gulea – Co-Chairman of the Organizing Committee,


Dr Vasile Lozan – Co-Chairman of the Organizing Committee,


Dr. Vadim Druta - Conference Secretary,


The registration fee entitles the participants to attend all scientific sessions, to obtain a book of the abstracts, to participate in some social events free of charge (welcome party, coffee breaks) but it does not include full accommodation (i.e. meals and hotel accommodation) and Conference Dinner.

Book of abstracts will be sent by regular mail after the end of the conference to participants who want only to publish their abstract (correspondence participation).

Payments may be done in EURO by bank transfer. Desk payments will be available at the conference registration in cash only, no credit cards will be accepted.




Regular participants /


Young scientists (up to 35) /
Accompanying persons /
Correspondence participation
(publication of abstracts) /

In EURO – Beneficiary Bank: account No 400887013101, MOLDINDCONBANK S.A., CHISINAU, MD, SWIFT: MOLDMD2X306, For branch TELECOMTRANS

Beneficiary account: 2224232702017 for SOCIETATEA DE CHIMIE RM (for XVIII-th Conference),

Address: Moldova, Chisinau, str. Academiei, 3.

Corespondent Bank: COMMERZBANK AG, Frankfurt Main, DE, SWIFT: COBADEFF

Any bank charges should not be included in the sum of the fee. The name of the participant should be indicated in Bank transfer documents. Please, do not forget to have the confirmation of the payment with you during the registration.

Accommodation will be offered in several prices and comfort levels at the Hotels ‘Vila verde’ and ‘Dacia’. The hotels are just located in the city center easily reached from the Conference Venue.

The rooms in the hotels may be booked directly: , ;


The citizens of EU, CIS, USA, Canada, Japan and some other countries do not need entry visa for Moldova (please see ). However, an official invitation letter for visa receiving will be sent to any scientists who need it upon a request to Conference Secretary.


Full information about PMCSC-XVIII will be available on the Conference site .


Dr. Vadim Druta - Conference Secretary

Institute of Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of Moldova,

3, Academiei str., MD 2028

Chisinau, MOLDOVA

Phone: (373 22) 739722 Fax: (373 22) 739954


To register, please, complete Registration Form and send it to the Secretary at e-mail address: before 1 July, 2015.

Ms. Mrs.

Family name:......

Given name(s):...... Sex: M F

Title: Prof. Dr. Young scientist (up to 35)



Mailing address:......

Postal code and city:......


Telephone:...... Fax:......


I am going to present a contribution (oral or poster) Yes No

If yes, please, give the tentative title of your contribution ______


Preference for presentation...... oral / poster

Preference for payment...... bank account / cash

Gheorghe Duca (Moldova) - Chairman / Sebastien Floquet (France)
Sergey Aldoshin (Russia) / Christoph Janiak (Germany)
Serghey Andronati (Ukraine) / Berthold Kersting (Germany)
Marius Andruh (Romania) / Ionel Mangalagiu (Romania)
Vladimir Arion (Austria) / Marius Reglier (France)
Juan Bartolome (Spain) / Donald Poirier (Canada)
Andrew Benniston (UK) / Bogdan Simionescu (Romania)
Isaak Bersuker (USA) / Grigore Timco (UK)
Rodolphe Clerac (France)
Gheorghe Duca – Chairman / Viorica Gladchi
Aurelian Gulea – Co-chairman / Natalia Gorincioi
Vasile Lozan - Co-chairman / Victor Kravtsov
Vadim Druta – Secretary / Sophia Klokishner
Aculina Aricu / Tudor Lupashcu
Polina Bourosh / Mihai Macovei
Ion Bulhac / Igor Povar
Diana Dragancea / Anatolie Sidorenko
Ion Geru / Constantin Turta
Vasile Lozan – Chairman / Silvia Melnic
Victor Kravtsov - Co-chairman / Piotr Petrenko
Vadim Druta – Secretary / Sergiu Shova
Svetlana Baca / Marina Fonari
Ion Bulimestru / Dumitru Sirbu
Maria Cocu / Diana Șepeli
Constantin Indricean / Voda Irina
Ana Lazarescu