April 5, 2017 ** le 5 avril 2017

Dental Assisting

Donations needed: Cambrian students walking for smiles
Sudbury.com • March 27th, 2017
Cambrian College’s Dental Hygiene and Dental Assisting students are working to improve oral health awareness and outcomes in Greater Sudbury through their annual Walk for a Smile on Friday, April 7 from 4...

Oral Health

Saskatchewan dentists providing free treatment on ‘Dental Day YXE’
Global News Canada • March 28th, 2017
Day YXE” on April 8. The main objective is to provide free dental care to individuals and families who are unable to access treatment due to fin...

Les soins dentaires de milliers d’enfants en péril
Journal de Québec • March 28th, 2017
pour diminuer l’enflure en attendant de traiter la majorité de ses dents cariées. Pour le propriétaire du centre, le dentiste Patrick Canonne, il fa...

'Unsanitary' home-based dental operation's closure in Calgary prompts health warning
CBC • March 28th, 2017
iruses. Alberta Health Services says the "unsanitary and unlicensed" dental clinic operated by Natalia Prohkin out of a home located at 20 Somervale Clo...

Poor Dental Care Major Contributor to Malnutrition in Seniors
Oral Health Journal • March 27th, 2017
the American Geriatrics Society , suggests that food scarcity and poor oral health are major risk factors for malnutrition that leads an older adult — alr...

Fluoride-in-water issue pops up at city council
Sudbury.com • March 28th, 2017
ure that everyone benefits from the protection that fluoride provides against tooth decay — regardless of factors such as income, age, residen...ce, or education.” The health unit has said painful tooth decay remains the most common chronic......

Mortorcycle Insurance

Have a car and a motorbike? If both are insured with TD Insurance, you may be eligible for the Ride and Drive Discount
► _
Avez-vous une auto et une moto? Assurez-les toutes les deux chez TD Assurance et vous pourriez avoir droit au rabais
Multi-conduite. ►

NEWSFrom Our Industry Partners

The Office of the Chief Dental Officer of Canada islooking forward to providing content as topics apply and/or arise.


Dr. James Taylor was appointed Chief Dental Officer of Canada at the Public Health Agency of Canada in the Fall of 2016. Previously, James was the Chief Dental Officer of the Canadian Armed Forces. He also currently serves as the Secretary of the FDI World Dental Federation Section of CDOs & Dental Public Health, as a member of the Standards Council of Canada delegation to the ISO Technical Committee 106 on Dentistry, and on the editorial boards of several national and international journals in the realm of oral health. His role in the federal Health Portfolio is to work with all public and non-public elements of the Canadian oral health community, and indeed our global counterparts, employing upstream, integrated and evidence-based approaches to enable improvement in the oral health of Canadians, and particularly that of our most vulnerable populations. He also works to foster the awareness of oral health as a key factor in general health.


Le Dr James Taylor a été nommé Dentiste en chef du Canada à l'Agence de la santé publique du Canada à l'automne 2016. Précédemment, James était le Dentiste en chef des Forces armées canadiennes. Il est actuellement secrétaire de la Section des BDC & Santé publique de la Fédération dentaire internationale, membre de la délégation du Conseil des normes du Canada au Comité technique 106 de l'OIN sur la médecine dentaire, et membre des comités de rédaction de plusieurs revues nationales et internationales dans le domaine de la santé buccodentaire. Son rôle dans le portefeuille fédéral de la santé est de travailler avec tous les éléments publiques et non publiques de la communauté canadienne de la santé buccodentaire et, en fait, nos homologues mondiaux, en utilisant des approches en amont, intégrées et fondées sur des données probantes, permettant l'amélioration de la santé buccodentaire des Canadiens et des Canadiennes, et en particulier celle de nos populations les plus vulnérables. Il travaille également à sensibiliser à la santé buccodentaire en tant que facteur clé de la santé générale.

The National Dental Assisting Examining Board congratulates the CDAA for initiating this Monthly Newsbrief. We would like to thank CDAA for providing the opportunity to contribute to the dental assisting profession in Canada, and going forward, the NDAEB aims to provide readers with information about the Written Examination, Clinical Practice Evaluation (CPE), and upcoming events.

In January 2017, the revised ‘Domain Description for Dental Assisting in Canada’ became effective. The most notable change is the addition of two (2) mandatory intra-oral skills required and tested on the national board exam:

  • Applies acid etch and bonding materials
  • Performs suture removal

The revised Domain Description is available to the public and can be found on the NDAEB website.

Written Examination:

The next available exam is scheduled for Saturday, June 24th, 2017.

  • Applications and all supporting documents must be received by the NDAEB office no later than the deadline date of Friday, May 12th, 2017at 4:30p.m. ET. The application form and Candidate Handbook are available on the NDAEB website.

Clinical Practice Evaluation:

The next available CPE is scheduled for May/June 2017.

  • Applications and all supporting documents must be received by the NDAEB office no later than the deadline date of Friday, April 7th, 2017 at 4:30p.m. ET. The application form and Candidate Handbook are available on the NDAEB website.

Wishing our colleagues in oral health a happy National Dental Hygienists Week

The month of April is Oral Health Month and an important part of this celebration is National Dental Hygienists Week™, April 8-14. Focusing on the importance of maintaining good oral health practices and helping Canadians understand the role and importance of the dental hygiene profession, this annual event is sponsored by the Canadian Dental Hygienists Association (CDHA).

The week's theme,"Oral Health for Total Health"reminds all of us that taking care of our mouth, teeth and gums positively impacts on other aspects of our lives. There are lots of activities going on and many resources available to promote oral health. Visit and join the celebration with your dental hygiene colleagues.

DISCLAIMER: Articles and advertisements, as well as their claims, do not necessarily represent the viewpoints/opinions of the Canadian Dental Assistants Association (CDAA). The CDAA is not responsible for grammatical errors, misspelled words, unclear syntax or errors in translations, in original sources. AVIS DE NON-RESPONSABILITÉ: Les articles et annonces, ainsi que leurs revendications, ne représentent pas nécessairement les points de vue / opinions de l'Association canadienne des assistant(e)s dentaires (ACAD). L’ACAD n'est pas responsable des erreurs grammaticales, des mots mal orthographiés, de la syntaxe imprécise ou des erreurs dans les traductions, dans les sources originales.
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