CAHPS®Clinician & Group Survey 3.0Supplemental Items: Health Information Technology
Population Version: Adult
Supplemental Items for the CAHPS®Clinician & Group Survey3.0
Topic: Health Information Technology
Population Version: Adult
Language: English
Users of the CAHPS®Clinician & Group Survey are free to incorporate supplemental items in order to meet the needs of their organizations, local markets, and/or audiences. Some items cover events that occur with low frequency in the general population. You should include them only if your sample design is likely to yield a sufficient number of responses to those questions for statistical analysis and reporting.
C-HIT1.Can you make appointments at this provider’s office by email or on a website?1Yes
2NoIf No, go to core question 9
3Don’t knowIf Don’t know, go to core question 9 / After core question 8
C-HIT2.In the last 6 months, did you use email or a website to make an appointment at this provider’s office?
2NoIf No, go to core question 9
3Don’t knowIf Don’t know, go to core question 9 / After C-HIT1
Note: Use with C-HIT1
C-HIT3.In the last 6 months, when you used email or a website to get an appointment at this provider’s office, how often did you get an appointment as soon as you needed?
4Always / After C-HIT2
Note: Use with C-HIT1 and C-HIT2
C-HIT4.In the last 6 months, did you email this provider’s office with a medical question?
2NoIf No, go to core question 11 / After core question 10
C-HIT5.In the last 6 months, when you emailed this provider’s office, how often did you get an answer to your medical question as soon as you needed?
4Always / After C-HIT4
Note: Use with C-HIT4
C-HIT6.In the last 6 months, when you emailed this provider’s office, how often were all of the questions in your email answered?
4Always / After C-HIT5
Note: Use with C-HIT4 and C-HIT5
C-HIT7.Providers may use computers or handheld devices during an office visit to do things like look up your information or order prescription medicines. In the last 6 months, did this provider use a computer or handheld device during any of your visits?
2NoIf No, go to core question 19 / After core question 18
C-HIT8.During your visits in the last 6 months, did this provider ever use a computer or handheld device to look up test results or other information about you?
3Don’t know / After C-HIT7
Note: Use with C-HIT7
C-HIT9.During your visits in the last 6 months, did this provider ever use a computer or handheld device to show you information?
2No / After C-HIT8
Note: Use with C-HIT7
C-HIT10.During your visits in the last 6 months, did this provider ever use a computer or a handheld device to order your prescription medicines?
3Don’t know / After C-HIT9
Note: Use with C-HIT7
C-HIT11.During your visits in the last 6 months, was this provider’s use of a computer or handheld device helpful to you?
1Yes, definitely
2Yes, somewhat
3No / After C-HIT10
Note: Use with C-HIT7
C-HIT12.During your visits in the last 6 months, did this provider’s use of a computer or handheld device make it harder or easier for you to talk with him or her?
2Not harder or easier
3Easier / After C-HIT11
Note: Use with C-HIT7
C-HIT13.Does this provider’s office put your laboratory or other test results on a website for you to see?
2NoIf No, go to C-HIT18
3Don’t know If Don’t know, go to C-HIT18 / After core question 22
Note: Before items C-HIT13 – C-HIT17, add a new subheading: "Website Information From This Provider’s Office”
C-HIT14.In the last 6 months, did you look for your lab or other test results on the website?
2NoIf No, go to C-HIT18 / After C-HIT13
Note: Use with C-HIT13
C-HIT15.In the last 6 months, how often was it easy to find these lab or other test results on the website?
4Always / After C-HIT14
Note: Use with C-HIT13 and C-HIT14
C-HIT16.In the last 6 months, how often were these lab or other test results put on the website as soon as you needed them?
4Always / After C-HIT15
Note: Use with C-HIT13 and C-HIT14
C-HIT17.In the last 6 months, how often were these lab or other test results presented in a way that was easy to understand?
4Always / After C-HIT16
Note: Use with C-HIT13 and C-HIT14
C-HIT18.Visit notes sum up what was talked about on a visit to a provider’s office. Visit notes may be available on paper, on a website, or by email. In the last 6 months, did this provider’s office offer you visit notes?
2NoIf No, go to core question 23
3Don’t know If Don’t know, go to core question 23 / After C-HIT17
Note: If not using C-HIT13-14 (including subhead), use the following subhead before items C-HIT18 – C-HIT21: "Information From This Provider’s Office”
C-HIT19.In the last 6 months, how did this provider’s office offer you the visit notes? Mark one or more.
1On paper
2On a website
3By e-mail
4Some other way / After C-HIT18
Note: Use with C-HIT18
C-HIT20.In the last 6 months, did you lookat any visit notes from this provider’s office?
2NoIf No, go to core question 23 / After C-HIT19
Note: Use with C-HIT18
C-HIT21.In the last 6 months, how often were the visit notes easy to understand?
4Always / After C-HIT20
Note: Use with C-HIT18 and C-HIT20
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Document No. 2357-8a