The scene is set in Hamlet's house, during the XXI century

Hamlet makes a speech to a skull

HAMLET: To be or not to be, that is the...

Macbeth enters on the stage and sits on the couch

MACBETH (desperate): Hello, Ham'... Bad day! (sigh) I'm here because my wife

is* so boring and she's more crazy than me! She always says «kill him» or «burn

her». She...

Hamlet turns around and throws the skull on Macbeth's head

HAMLET: Shut up! You are stupid! If you want talk, you wait your moment of


MACBETH: Calm down. It is useless to get upset.

HAMELT: I do what I want.Macbeth makes a leap foward

MACBETH: Stop it, otherwise I kill you with my special weapon!

HAMLET (mockingly): If you talk about what you have in your pants...

MACBETH: You will be surprised. I don't speak about that but... (he takes his

lightsaber) that!

HAMLET: I've got a weapon too! (He draws his spoon) Haha!

They look each, suspiciously. Suddenly someone rings the door.

HAMLET: Don't move, I come back (he runs and open the door)

TITANIA (sensual voice): Hi! I'm Titania, from Othello's Pizza. It's for you the


HAMLET (irritated): NO! (he closes the door brutally, things, re-open the door and

takes the pizza) Thanks!

He makes some footsteps.However, another people strikes violently at the door.

HAMLET: Back off! (still strokes) Who is here?

LADY MACBETH: It's Lady Macbeth! (angry voice) I'm here because I know that

my husband is with you!

Macbeth joins Hamlet at the entrance

MACBETH (a knee on the floor): Please, help me! Save me! HIDE ME!


MACBETH (he whispers): Because she is a monster. She eats like a pig, she is very

dirty and vulgar! She is stern and not funny.

LADY MACBETH (screams): Open the door or I destroy it!

HAMLET (to Macbeth): Okay, I protect you. Go back to the sofa.

Macbeth leaves in the living room and hide himself. Then Lady Macbeth kicks the

door and enters in the house.

LADY MACBETH (aggressively): Where is this little girl who serve me of


HAMLET: He isn't here! You will pay me a new door!

LADY MACBETH: You lie! I see our car in a front of your house. He is afraid by

me? Haaaaaaaha! (she laughs)

HAMLET (low voice): I understand him...

LADY MACBETH (outraged): What! Repeat what you said! Come on!

She approaches Hamlet with a scowl

MACBETH: Don't hit my friend. I'm here... (he comes out of his hiding and walk

near his wife) I've a revelation for you... I HATE YOU! (he shouts) You are ugly and

unfair with everybody! And I have a love affair with...

Romeo arrives on scene,happy.

ROMEO: Hello! I'm a Hamlet's neighbor. I heard noise and... (surprised) Oh my

god! What are you doing here, Macbeth?

HAMLET: You know Macbeth?

MACBETH: Yes because...he is my lover!

HAMLET and LADY MACBETH (together, shocked): What?!

MACBETH: Sorry but I am disgusted by women.

ROMEO (with a little smile): It is comprehensible.

LADY MACBETH: I will jump on you and snatch your eyes.

ROMEO (ironic): I'm scared.

Tension between all the characters. A strange girl who wears colorfull clothes

appear on stage. She dances.

LADY MACBETH (lost): Who is this mad girl?!

HAMLET: It's the daughter of one of my neighbor, Juliet.

MACBETH: She seems to be drugged

HAMLET: Yes, she is. Her nickname is «Juliet, the Queen of Amphet'»

Juliet continues her dance around the characters. She stops him

JULIET: And do the Harlem Shake!

Immediatly, many people come in stage and dance the Harlem Shake with the
