From: joanna boehnert [mailto:
Sent: 01 February 2012 11:34
To: FoI
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Clifton Mansions

Dear Lambeth Borough Council,

I am conducting research on precarious housing in the UK and I

would like to request some information from Lambeth council. Please

provide the following details to me at the earliest possible time.

1) I need the total amount spent by the police, bailiffs and other

departments involved in the eviction of Clifton Mansions in July


2) I need the total cost that Camelot charges the council to

maintain this property. Please include monthly fees and total

amount given thus far to Camelot.

3) Does Camelot pays council tax, do the residents pay council tax

- or is no tax collected?

Many thanks in advance for looking into this information.

Yours faithfully,

Joanna Boehnert


.19 March 2012

Dear Ms Boehnert,

Re: Freedom of Information request - CliftonMansions, Rushcroft Road

Thank your for your email request for information in regards to Clifton Mansions, dated 1 February 2012. Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding to your request.

For ease of reference I have listed a summary of your request for information and Lambeth’s response below.

1) Total amount spent by the police, bailiffs and other departments involved in the eviction of Clifton Mansions in July 2011.

Under Free Of Information, Section 1(1), any person making a request for information to a public authority is entitled

(a) to be informed in writing by the public authority whether it holds information of the description specified in the request

(b) if that is the case, to have that information communicated to him.

Lambeth Council does not have information relating to spend by the Police. Consequently the answer to Section 1(1)(a) is that we can only provide the information the Council holds, please see below.

Lambeth Council expenditure for security work at Clifton Mansions was a total of £380,875.40.

2) Total cost Camelot charges the council to maintain this property up to February 2012.

It was necessary to spend money to evict those illegally squatting in Clifton Mansions as we urgently need to release the capital in the building to invest in our council housing stock. The money released by the sale of the block will dwarf the amount spent securing the building and safely evicting illegal occupants.

Squatting ultimately costs the tax payer and deprives vulnerable people of decent homes.

A breakdown of the cost is listed below:

Camelot’s monthly fees:

Feb 2012 - £720.58

Jan 2012 - £1650

Dec 2011 - £249.60

A lump sum amount of £63,976.80 was paid to Camelot to carry out landlord obligations repairs following the evictions of the unauthorised occupants.

Total paid to Camelot for repairs and monthly fees at Clifton Mansions: £66,596.98

3) Does Camelot pays council tax or do the residents pay council tax?

The residents currently living at Clifton Mansions are responsible for the payment of council tax.

Right to Review

If you are dissatisfied with the way in which your Freedom of Information request has been dealt with you can request an internal review by emailing: (Please quote the reference number above) or by writing to:

Freedom of Information Officer

Lambeth Town Hall

Brixton Hill



If you remain dissatisfied with the outcome of the review you have a further right to appeal to the Information Commissioner, who regulates the implementation of the Freedom of Information Act. The Commissioner can be contacted at the following address:

Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




Enquiry line: 0303 123 1113

Thank you for your interest in Lambeth Council.

Yours sincerely,

Pauline Foster

Housing Projects Manager