History of Educational Technology

Education During the Ancient Times

•  Man started to use pointed sticks to in script signs and symbol on the leaves of trees and knives for the bark of trees.

•  At about 3100 B.C. the Egyptians devised a system for picture writing called hieroglyphics.

•  Rise of the class known as scribes, a group of men trained in the art of writing.

•  In ancient Greece, the Spartan education Emphasized the Development of Physical body coupled with discipline.

–  The boys underwent exercises and activities that promoted bodily strength, endurance and vitality. They were taught by the paidonomus, a military commander in the public barracks.

–  The girls on the other hand stayed by their mothers who taught them the rudiments of housekeeping and motherhood

•In Athens, the right of the individual to develop to the fullest is recognized.

•Music schools with the kitharist

•Grammar schools with the grammatist and

•Gymnastics with the paedotribe


•With the help of the Sophist, cognitive rules, systematically arranged subject matter instructional technologies and effective instructional materials were designed and implemented.

Education During the Medieval Era

•  The establishment of the Medieval University

•  Emperor Frederick I of Bologna in 1158 chartered the first University degrees

•  The Saracens or the Arabs among the Moors of Spain aimed to search for knowledge and the application of scientific facts to their daily lives

–  They originated the scientific method of teaching.

Education During the Renaissance Period

•  John Amos Comenius developed the first picture book known as the Orbis Pictus (the World in Pictures)

–  He was considered as the pioneer in instructional technology development

Maria Montessori used multi-sensory materials to teaching

Education During the Age of Naturalism

•  Jean Jacques Rousseau authored the book Emile

–  Aims to the preservation of natural goodness of the individual and the formation of the society based upon the recognition of individual natural rights

•  Herbartian method of teaching

–  Preparation

–  Presentation

–  Comparison and abstraction

–  Generalization and

–  Application

•Froebel, the Father of Kindergarten, emphasized the use of actual objects, which could be manipulated by the learners.

•Pestallozi believed that teaching is more effective if it proceeds from concrete to abstract

Educational Movement in the 19th Century

•  John Dewey formulated the scientific theory of learning

•  Edward Lee Thorndike advanced the three primary laws of learning

•  Production of books, use of blackboard, pen and inks

•  Photography

•  Visual media widely accepted, 1920

•  Audio-visual materials

•Educational films,1926

•First TV instructional program,1932

•16 mm sound motion picture was developed

Education in Contemporary Times

•Revision and enrichment of curriculum to include courses in computer applications

•Computer Aided Instructions

•Internet and E-mail

•Computerization of the different aspects of administration and supervision