Math 10 Homework Assignments

Apr 16 - 20, 2018

Date Assigned /

Date Due




In Class



Fri 4/13 / Mon 4/23 / 2 / Work on Ch 1 Lab2, Ch 1 - 2Project / Read Chapter 2
Do Ch 2 HW #1c,d, 13
Mon 4/16 / Mon 4/23 / 2 / Other Stat Graphs
Work on Project, Lab / Reread Chapter 2
Do Ch 2 HW #1efgh, 5abcdef, 21, 23
Bring tomorrow: Chapter 2 Practice 1 p27-29
Tues 4/17 / Mon 4/23 / 2 / Statistical Measures
Ch 2 Practice p27-29 / Reread Chapter 2
Do Ch2 HW #1ab, 5ghij, 7
Project Data Check due tomorrow (1st 5 minutes)
Raw data plus handwritten answers to blanks 1 – 4
1 per group, stapled, all names(first and last) on front
Wed 4/18 / Mon 4/23 / 2 / Stat Measures (cont)
Work on Ch 1 Lab
and Practice ch 2 / Reread Chapter 2
Do Ch 2 HW #9, 15
Chapter 1 Sampling Lab packet p66-68 due tomorrow
1 per group, stapled, neatly filled out, first and last names on front
Thurs 4/19 / Mon 4/23 / 2 / Worksheet (handout)
Work on Project
Due Wed April 27 / Reread Chapter 2
Do Ch2 HW #1ijk
Finish Practice p27-29
Fri 4/20 / Fri 4/27 / 12 / Start Chapter 12 / Read Chapter 12
Do Ch 12 HW #1
HW Chapter 2 Due on Monday
Ch 2: #1a-k,5a-j,7,9,13,15,21,23 plus Practice Ch 2 packet p27-29
Quiz on Chapter 1 & 2 Monday
1 sheet binder paper of notes: handwritten, one side only
Bring calculator

Math 10 Homework Assignments

Apr 16 - 20, 2018

Date Assigned /

Date Due




In Class



Fri 4/13 / Mon 4/23 / 2 / Work on Ch 1 Lab2, Ch 1 - 2Project / Read Chapter 2
Do Ch 2 HW #1c,d, 13
Mon 4/16 / Mon 4/23 / 2 / Other Stat Graphs
Work on Project, Lab / Reread Chapter 2
Do Ch 2 HW #1efgh, 5abcdef, 21, 23
Bring tomorrow: Chapter 2 Practice 1 p27-29
Tues 4/17 / Mon 4/23 / 2 / Statistical Measures
Ch 2 Practice p27-29 / Reread Chapter 2
Do Ch2 HW #1ab, 5ghij, 7
Project Data Check due tomorrow (1st 5 minutes)
Raw data plus handwritten answers to blanks 1 – 4
1 per group, stapled, all names(first and last) on front
Wed 4/18 / Mon 4/23 / 2 / Stat Measures (cont)
Work on Ch 1 Lab
and Practice ch 2 / Reread Chapter 2
Do Ch 2 HW #9, 15
Chapter 1 Sampling Lab packet p66-68 due tomorrow
1 per group, stapled, neatly filled out, first and last names on front
Thurs 4/19 / Mon 4/23 / 2 / Worksheet (handout)
Work on Project
Due Wed April 27 / Reread Chapter 2
Do Ch2 HW #1ijk
Finish Practice p27-29
Fri 4/20 / Fri 4/27 / 12 / Start Chapter 12 / Read Chapter 12
Do Ch 12 HW #1
HW Chapter 2 Due on Monday
Ch 2: #1a-k,5a-j,7,9,13,15,21,23 plus Practice Ch 2 packet p27-29
Quiz on Chapter 1 & 2 Monday
1 sheet binder paper of notes: handwritten, one side only
Bring calculator