The Healing Codes
Thursday Night Q&A
Tom Costello
Tom Costello: This is The Healing Codes Question and Answer teleconference. My name is Tom Costello and on behalf of Dr. Alex Loyd Services, LLC and The Healing Codes family I welcome you to the call. Tonight in the United States and Canada it is October 4, 2007. Everything on this call is being recorded.
The recording is available as a free download from our website: This question and answer call is one of several ways we support our clients in your use of The Healing Codes so that you can achieve the results you’ve been looking for. Another form of support is the recording of the calls. I would say the most important support we provide to you is the personal coaching that is included in the sale of The Healing Codes package. That personal coaching, in my opinion, basically guarantees your success if you were to use all you sessions and make a commitment that in that first 90 day period you would do The Healing Codes at least 50 times. We consider “normal” would be about twice a day. That’s 180 times. If you do it much less than what we consider normal we’re pretty confident that you would recognize that you have a great tool in your possession and in your hands.
We have a Clients Only area on our website. Just like it sounds it is for clients only. If you’re not a client, please respect that boundary. It’s a place where you can ask questions, read other people’s questions and responses. We have a moderator who monitors that area. User name: healingcodes Password: 12days That is required for initial access.
For a couple of people who indicated they are new to the program, this is a great opportunity for you to ask any question that may have occurred to you. If you don’t have a question you may, I hope, gain some value from this call. Step into the queue. The operator will explain how to do that. You serve not only you but other people on this call and potentially somebody who is going to listen to this recording after the fact. You could be really giving a gift to multiple people.
We like these calls in order to encourage and validate people and help them have the experiences they are looking for, help them frame some of their experiences and put it into perspective.
Our disclaimer is that The Healing Codes are not intended to diagnose or treat any physical or mental condition or their symptoms. The Healing Codes deals with issues of the heart and it is on those spiritual issues that we focus our attention. I like to add the opinions I express are mine. If they serve you I’m pleased. If they don’t, feel free to let them go flying by. You don’t need to take in anything that you don’t want to take in.
Before I open up the queue, let me deal with what I believe is the single most important concept to keep in mind as you do The Healing Codes. That is, don’t try so hard to do The Healing Codes perfectly. For you new people, it is your intention to get into a comfortable (in a physical sense) environment; sitting on the couch, in a recliner, lying on the bed, lying on the floor. Use pillows to prop your elbows up so you’re not using muscles. Know that relaxing is the key to this. As you’re pointing your fingertips at the healing centers and you’ve already said your prayer/request, you’ve set your intention and now you’re using the Truth Focus Statement. You are focusing quietly on the condition you want.
If fears and doubts pop up you can just “pause” them and observe them. You don’t have to fight them. You don’t have to run from them. You don’t have to change them. They will automatically change as you shine the flashlight of your current-day wisdom on these shadows of beliefs that for most of us we’ve created and developed and were handed years and years ago. Not worrying about doing this perfectly and relaxing, you have taken a large step in the direction of your success. If you’d like I’ll come back and deal with some other issues maybe in lulls. In the mean time let me ask the operator to introduce him or herself and we’ll get started.
Jodi: (Gives technical directions.)
Tom Costello: I suggest there are maybe a handful of lifestyle considerations that a person ought to keep in mind. One of those is to drink plenty of good water. Then to breathe. I think dehydration, lack of water, and lack of oxygen at the cellular level really constitute the two major forms of stress. It scares the cells, if you will. You want those cells to not be frightened. You want them to have a sense of peace as compared to war. When there’s plenty of water, plenty of oxygen, that basically represents some other condition than war. That triggers signals throughout the body to turn on the immune system. Metabolism is normalized. All cell growth and multiplication is normalized. Blood flow to the pre-frontal cortex is normalized as compared to being diverted toward the back part of the brain where the reactive centers are. It’s better for the skin. It’s better for everything. It allows the body to more effectively achieve balance which is what all of us ultimately are looking for.
Participant: (Doug, North Carolina) I have a healing issue. I’m using a complementary approach with a nutritional counselor. I’m wondering if you feel that using a complementary approach such as that is good with The Healing Codes?
Tom Costello: I would think it is. If we’re going to supply the body with the building materials necessary for it to renovate, reconstitute itself, rebuild… some of those materials are vibrations; thoughts, feelings, emotions. Some of it is water. Some of it is decent nutrition, supplementation and so on. In The Healing Codes we tend not to get into the specifics of nutrition, but you don’t need to study the field very long to recognize that a lot of the food we eat is coming from mineral and vitamin depleted soil. It makes sense there would be a short fall there. If you’re working on that in that direction I think that’s a good idea.
Let me just belabor that a little bit. I’m a firm believer that the act of (depending on your religious background) the act of saying grace or praying over food has powerful implications. The work of Masaru Emoto – you can Google him – the work he did on water crystals and the impact on water of loving thoughts and emotions and unloving thoughts and emotions says to me we have an amazing ability to transform foodstuffs and beverages before we ingest it. We also have the ability to align our bodies to maximize its ability to use the energies and vibrations we’re about to ingest. Blessing the food and the source of that food, not only Mother Earth but all the people who were involved with it’s arrival on your plate or in your glass as well as aligning your body to recognize it is safe to take what it needs out of this and let the rest go passing through. I think it turns eating into a spiritual experience as compared to just wolfing things down. I think you can do the same thing with vitamins and minerals and anything else.
I seriously say that a blessed Twinkie would be better than a cursed organic salad.
Participant: My nutritional counselor is not familiar with The Healing Codes but he is, he does own the movie “The Secret”. We talked quite a bit about these things today. He’s in the same vein as you are. My second question – as I was looking through the material I noticed that in one book it said that sometimes when you do The Healing Codes you might get worse before you get better or you might have some detoxification symptoms. I feel like…. I’d like to be informed about how common that is and how severe they are before I start. That’s a bit of concern. That raised a bit of a red flag to me.
Tom Costello: Okay. This is how I phrase that. You are the landlord of a building that has 50 to 100 trillion apartments in it. Those apartments we call cells. If you’ve been under stress, if you’re chronically ill, if you’ve been toxified by heavy metals or other chemicals the body, those cells, those apartments will tend to be closed up. When you start doing The Healing Codes and you declare peace and the body gets the signal that peace is declared, it will start emptying the contents of the cells. We’re talking about metabolic wastes that may not have been let out because the cell in its efforts to protect itself, not loose whatever water and nutrition was inside, also didn’t allow waste products out. So that is what we talk about as a potential response.
We say you can deal with it in a couple of ways. This is one of the reasons I emphasize water, breathing, you should be getting plenty of rest. You should be eating decently. You should be moving. The lymphatic system is responsible for a lot of the cleansing of cells and tissues. It does not have its own pump like the lungs for air and the heart for blood. Movement, the expansion and contraction of the lungs serve to facilitate the lymphatic system. So you’re going to want to some kind of movement; walking, stretching or whatever is appropriate. You’d be better off. Then eliminate stress by using The Healing Codes.
Now, if you’re chronically ill you can start very slowly. Starting slowly means you can do The Healing Codes once or twice a day. That’s frequency. The duration is 6-10 minutes each time. You can start very gradually. You can do it one time for 2-3 minutes. Next day, one time for 3-4 minutes and so on. It depends on your physical condition.
The symptoms that people will tend to feel is that they want to rest. They want to sleep. Worst case you get kind of achey, sniffly sort of thing.
Participant: You’re not talking about serious reactions.
Tom Costello: We are not talking about serious reactions.
Participant: My nutrition program also detoxifies. I didn’t want to double up on detoxification if you get my drift.
Tom Costello: I do.
Participant: Also I was worried that some of these symptoms of detoxification could be emotional. I didn’t want to suddenly start having anxiety attacks or something and wonder what’s going on. It sounds like what you’re saying, you’re talking about mild typical detox symptoms that are easily dealt with.
Tom Costello: You bring up the point about emotions. We don’t really work on the physical level as much as we work on the belief or the issue of the heart. So now if you feel a little sad because you’ve touched a loss event in your early childhood I say it like this. It’s not arriving. It’s leaving. You go, “I don’t want to feel it.” Yeah. Actually you do. Some of these you won’t feel. They’ll just leave on their own. Others you may feel.
There’s a book by John Grey who wrote “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus”. The title of his other book is “If you can feel it you can heal it.” That makes sense. “I don’t want to feel it.” That’s how stuff gets buried. Not to worry.
Participant: That brings me to my third question. I think you’ll understand when I tell you this why I asked those two questions. The healing issue I have is I’m relatively young but have been diagnosed with what appears to be early Parkinson’s disease. It causes an extreme amount of stress both physical and emotional to get a diagnosis like that. That’s why I want to be careful. I don’t want to make the Parkinson’s symptoms worse and I don’t want to get over the edge on anything. It’s difficult to deal with something like this, particularly at only 50 years old.
That brings me to my third procedural question. I do have a tremor off and on in my left arm. When I do these positions with these Codes, my left had will not necessarily be completely stable. Will that effect doing the Codes?
Tom Costello: No. It will not.
Participant: Okay. Great.
Tom Costello: Now, you can do the Codes with your elbow propped. In the morning I tend to put them up on a desk. I prop my elbows on a desk so that I’m not holding my arms up. The table is holding them up. I can move them around. The fact is you know where you’re pointing. That intention is an incredibly powerful focus. If you’re pointing at your temple, you’re pointing at your temple. Whether your hand is moving a little bit I wouldn’t worry about that. I would give myself an “Atta boy” for doing this. That self approval is a huge thing in my book.
We don’t deal with medical stuff. I’m not a medical doctor. Let me just say from past experience dealing with clients it is very easy to throw out a diagnosis. The challenge is, depending on your particular circumstances, oftentimes the testing of these things is pretty inaccurate.
Participant: There is no testing for Parkinson’s. They really don’t know at any point in time.
Tom Costello: There you go. I want to hand you a label. You can look at this label and go, “I don’t really think I want to accept that. I’m interested in healing. I’m a young man and I got things to do. I’ve got life to live and I want to get back to that.” You know, in lulls, before the evening, I’ll talk about “gain of life”. I wouldn’t take that diagnosis as written in granite.
Participant: Thank you.
Tom Costello: You’re the co-creator. In my opinion you and God are in charge.
Participant: That’s encouraging. Thank you very kindly. I’m very grateful for your taking the time to answer those questions.
Tom Costello: Thanks for being on the call, Doug. Welcome to the family.
Participant: Thank you.
Tom Costello: Let me go right to that idea. It’s pretty easy to think of this concept of “loss of life”. It’s easy to go to a funeral home and go, “That’s a loss of life.” Or there’s an accident. “That was a loss of life.” I think that’s kind of a limited view. If any one of us at this moment were to cut a finger and a few drops of blood would fall onto a table I would say, “That’s a loss of life.” That makes sense. The good news is the body is going to heal that break in the skin. If we drink water it’s going to replenish that quantity. We’re going to have a “gain of life” automatically to compensate for that loss of life.