Round 1:


1. What 4 Persian Gulf nations are the wealthiest, but have less than 1% of the population? (Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates)

2. What are the two most populous North African or Middle Eastern countries (Egypt, Turkey)

3. What two important bodies of water are connected by the Suez Canal? (Mediterranean and RedSeas)

4. What is the newest African nation, achieving independence in 1994 from Ethiopia, with whom it is still trying to define its borders? (Eritrea)

5. What three North African or Middle Eastern countries have lots of oil, but also have lots of people? (Iran, Iraq, Algeria)

African Nationalism

1. Who were the elite Africans, educated by the British and French? (merchants, chiefs, and their families)

2. What role did these elite play in the British colonies?(missionaries, civil servants, and merchants)

3. What is defined as the belief in the uniqueness and spiritual unity of all people of African heritage? (Pan-Africanism)

4. Where did the belief in the uniqueness and spiritual unity of all people of African heritage originate? (US and Caribbean)

5. What is the goal of the movement that believes in the uniqueness and spiritual unity of all people of African heritage? (equality for all Blacks and an end to colonial rule)

South Africa

1. What is defined as the legal segregation of the races? (Apartheid)

2. What are the 4 races in South Africa? (Bantu or Black, Colored, White, and Asian)

3. What was established in 1912, but banned in the 1960s in South Africa? (African National Congress)

4. Who are the last three presidents of South Africa? (Nelson Mandela, Thabo Mbeki, Jacob Zuma)

5. What nation gained their independence from South Africa in 1990? (Namibia)

Iran, Turkey

1. Who is considered the father of modern Turkey? (Kemel Ataturk)

2. Who imposed restrictions on democracy and was removed by the Turkish military? (Adnan Menderes)

3. What Iranian leader nationalized the Anglo-Iranian oil company and led a movement against the Shah? (Muhammad Mussadegh)

4. What did Turkey join in 1952? (NATO)

5. Who was the leader of Iran until 1979? (Shah Muhammed Reza Pahlavi)

Egypt, Algeria

1. Who over threw King Farouk of Egypt ? (Gamel Abdel Nasser)

2. What problem did Egypt have with Britain? (They wanted British troops to leave the Suez Canal, and they wanted to unite with the Sudan after independence from Britain).

3. Who launched a guerrilla war against France in the 1950s? (FLN)

4. What did Egypt try to get from both the US and USSR? (Money for the Aswan High Dam)

5. Other than Algeria, what 2 colonies did France have in North Africa? (Morocco, Tunisia)

Wild Card

1. President of Zimbabwe since 1979; dictator (Robert Mugabe)

2. How did the collapse of Communism effect Israel? (hundreds of thousands of Russian Jews moved to Israel)

3. What does OPEC stand for? (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)

4. What are the 4 most spoken native languages in the Middle East? (Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Hebrew)

5. What are the 4 poorest and most populous Middle Eastern/North African countries? (Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, and Morocco)

Round 2:


2. Why was the First Arab-Israeli War fought? (Israel wanted to protect their independence from the attacking Arabs)

4. Why was the Second Arab-Israeli War fought? (Israel, France, and Britain wanted to gain control of the Suez Canal)

6. Why was the Third Arab-Israeli War fought? (Israel attacked the Arabs to gain land and show their military superiority)

8. Why was the Fourth Arab-Israeli War fought? (Syria and Egypt attacked Israel to destroy it, but failed)

10. Why was the Fifth Arab-Israeli War fought? (Israel invaded Lebanon to stop Palestinian terrorists operating from there)

More Israel

2. What is the term for collective farms established in the Israeli desert? (Kibbutz)

4. What is the term for the unity movement of Arabs? (Pan-Arabism)

6. Who was the first prime minister of Israel? (David Ben-Gurion)

8. What did Carter, Sadat, and Begin sign returning land to Egypt and granting mutual recognition to Egypt and Israel? (Camp David Accords)

10. What is the term for protests by Palestinian youth over the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip? (Intifada)


2. What was formed to set production levels, prices, and profit sharing for oil? (OPEC)

4. What Islamic leader led Iran from 1980-1989? (Ayatollah Khomeini)

6. What demands did the new Islamic leader led Iran from 1980-1989 make (end all western influence, return Iran to its traditions, establish Islamic law)

8. What term means to use violence against innocents to gain political goals? (terrorism)

10.Current extremist PRESIDENT of Iran (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad)

Iraq and Syria

2. Who led Syria from 1971-2000? (General Hafez al-Assad)

4. He led Iraq from 1979-2003 when we found him in a hole(Saddam Hussein)

6. Why did Iraq go to war with Iran from 1980-1988? (Saddam wanted to lead all Arabs, gain land, and prevent a Shi’ite Revolution in Iraq)

8. Why did Iraq invade and occupy Kuwait in 1990? (Iraq claimed the Kuwaitis were stealing their oil, but really Saddam didn’t want to pay back $35 billion in loans he owed Kuwait)

10.What groups within Iraq tried to overthrow Saddam but failed? (Shi’ite Muslims and Kurds)

Old vs. New

2. What positive educational changes have occurred in the Middle East since World War II? (higher literacy, more elementary education, and more colleges and universities)

4. What limits are placed on working women in traditional Muslim societies? (they can only work with other women)

6. 1993 attempt to end years of Arab-Israeli conflict with this plan to give land to Palestinians; failed (Oslo Accords)

8. What are the 3 largest urban areas in the Muslim world? (Cairo, Tehran, and Baghdad)

10. Describe a typical city in the Middle East. (Dual: narrow, winding streets with bazaars and old-style homes in one area, but modern high-rise apartment and office buildings with highways in other areas)

Wild Card

2. Peace between Israel and this country occurred in 1994 with King Hussein and Rabin (Jordan)

4. Why the sixth Arab-Israeli War was fought (Israel attacked Lebanon to stop Palestinian terrorists attacking Israel from Lebanon)

6. What did Israel gain from Syria after the Six Day War? (Golan Heights)

8. How does Israel currently plan to keep Palestinian terrorist out of Israel? (Security Wall)

10. How much of our oil does the US import? (58%)