eArt Advising Spring Break 2014- Have a fun and safe break!
March 20- Fall 2014 courses will join the summer ones on ISIS. Around this time you should also be able to find your early registration date and time.
March- 27- Sarah will be sending you information about when you can sign up for summer and fall BFA gallery times.
April –first week ok- most BFA clearances will be scheduled. Contact your BFA faculty now to find out when you can sign up for clearance. Also find out from your faculty what they require for clearance, as soon as possible.
April 7- Last day to drop semester long classes
April 21- Early registration begins. Please make your advising appointments with Lynn and Molly well in advance of your registration date.
May 2- ArtsFest 2014 at Studio Arts 4-7pm
HONORS: Students graduating with honors in their major should have gotten their Title Pages completed and Stamped by the beginning of April.
HONORS GALLERY: If you are graduating with Honors in your major and would like to take part in the group Honors Gallery show May 4-10, please contact
MAY GRADUATING Seniors: March 7 was the last day to apply for graduation without a late fee. If you haven’t done it yet, please do it today.
GRADUATING SENIORS GALLERY: May 12-17; If you are graduating 2014 spring or summer and would like to have a piece of your work in the group Gallery show, please contact .
INFOSESSIONS/EVENTS/OPPORTUNITIES: See SAAH website; click Resources (on top right); click For Students (on left)
Iowa Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts has cancelled the infosession they were going to present on March 29.
NETWORKING INFOSESSION: APRIL 4 4:30-5:30 learn how to network effectively; 5:30-6:30- network with art and art history professionals. ABW room 240
VIDEO INTERNSHIPS- two CLAS internships for producing short videos for University of Iowa recruiting; See our SAAH opportunities page:
DINNER WITH PROF ROREX- Join the Undergraduate Art History Society and the Art Student Ambassadors for International Dinner night with Professor Robert Rorex! We will be serving sushi and discussing the relationship between international and domestic students at the University of Iowa, while hearing about Professor Rorex's experience as a scholar and professor of Asian art and culture. All are welcome for this opportunity to engage with students and faculty of the Art History department April 9th at 6:00 pm in ABW 110! Space is limited, so please RSVP to .
PHOTOS: Are you doing an alternative spring break week involving service projects or taking a UI course that takes you hiking, kayaking or exploring for the week? If so, please take a picture of you in the class or service project and send it to me. We will post them, if possible, on the bulletin board or website.
BUILDING HOURS: remain the same over Spring Break.
WATER AT SA: Tues. March 25, water will be off at SA between 7-11am.
BUS Service: There will be only one bus running over Spring Break. Check interim schedule at: