Forest Health & Fire: Breakout session


Gwyn Myer

John Kelly – hydrology Mendocino national forest – truning

Mark Newberger –

Bill Fegin -

Bryce Kellogg

Mark Valence – board member

Darren Borgias – N

Richard Newman SOCAN

Rochelle Newman

Alden Moffat – Ancient Forest National Park

Marion Hadden

Laren Whittenberg BLM

FS – forest health

Suzie Stevens Briody

Bill Schalp – forest entomologist – south of Eugene, west

Jack Shipley


Cotter Houligard

Ellen USFS – Sarah Rockwell – KBO

Megan Nunez DEQ – w

Leif – Bellview Grange, firefighter, Cascadia Resilience Network

Sarah Elvington – Plant Oregon

Tom Doolittle – board of Thrive

Marty Main – consulting forestry business

Start with Values we want to uphold

Legacy trees

Unique habitat & Wildlife protection, connectivity

Carbon sequestration

Water retention


Public education

Protecting homes in the WUI

Economic sustainability

Grassroots democracy

Intrinsic value of nature

Protecting wilderness


Health – forest and human

Knowledgeable/Effective Workforce

Fire –


Come up with actionable items: feasibility, timeframe, scale, will it make a difference, it could create a new project or project location.

Goal: how to avoid high-intensity stand-replacing fire??


- Ancient Forest National Park (3)

- Restore landscape-scale approach to restore fire to landscape (

- Community Wildfire Education Program: Public education about fire: Speak to value of fire on the landscape, Gwyn is working with Laura Ashley on a fire-wise programs in schools

- Prescribed burning / Promoting wildland fire -Resilient

- Promoting a CCC-type job program for young people

- Widespread fungal inoculation (Fungi for the people)

- Incorporate TEQ – traditional ecological knowledge into land management

Need continuity of funding to continue projects forward.

BLM hazardous fuel dollars

Lack of FS & BLM funding for fuels reduction within

Two Final Projects:

1) Fire Resiliency conference

Rogue Basin Collaborative: Cohesive Forest Restoration Strategy

SOCAN / SORFC / joint conference in June 2016

Purpose: to explore the Cohesive Forest Restoration Strategy

Who is the target audience? Specialists & General Public

Other groups to include:

-  Native speaker and Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK)

-  Jackson & Josephine County Natural Resources

-  OR Dept of Forestry

-  Industry

-  Education groups

Also involved

Fire learning network

Fire adapted communities learning network



2) Community Wildfire Education Program

For details – see Gwyn and Megan