Cadet / Cadre RFIs

1. What flashlights are authorized?

Updated guidance posted to Blackboard on 24 March 2011. Slide shows pictures of what is and what is not authorized for use by Cadets at WF 2011.

2. How will STX Lanes look this year?

All STX lanes (Tactics) will incorporate the Common Teaching Scenario (CTS), Caucasus Region that was used last year. Last year’s GTA is good for SA of your Cadets, but we are currently updating. Main update is to improve focus points for Cadets and a change to uniforms worn by SAPA (enemy) and Atropian Defense Force (friendly). Cadets will receive a CTS overview during first few days of WF; will get an overview of situation and cultural understanding (Muslim).

Base missions: Squad Attack, Ambush, Raid, Zone Reconnaissance, Area Reconnaissance, and Secure Suspected Location

Variables:Suicide Bomber (IED), VBIED, IED detonates, Mission Time moved forward, React to Indirect Fire, Sniper, Armed/Unarmed Civilians in AO, Enemy Surrenders, Objective does not match Mission description, Objective too large (Squad size enemy during Squad Attack), Recon Element is compromised, Imbedded Media with Patrol, Meeting with Atropian Official, Assess/MEDEVAC casualty

List is not all inclusive – KEY—variables during WF (with exception of meeting an Atropian Official) will not be initiated with a FRAGO…Cadets will have to “fight through” variable while simultaneously dealing with expectation from higher that they will still execute given mission.

THIS IS A CHANGE FROM PREVIOUS YEARS – when variable was introduced through a FRAGO.

3. What training will Cadets have in Counter IED?

Cadets will get training (familiarization-level) during U.S. Weapons. They will incorporate this training during Maneuver. Maneuver committee will conduct a review and the “practice” STX lane Cadre led, is “Secure a suspected IED site.” During Tactics, Cadets may receive a mission to secure a suspected IED or may encounter an IED as part of a variable (IED on ground/vicinity village, suicide bomber, or VBIED). You will not find a “battle drill” in CC curriculum or on blackboard. CC expects upcoming update to BOLC A training requirements will include Counter IED. That is why for the past two years we have conducted training and this year we have added additional training. Cadets will receive training at WF prior to any assessment in Tactics. As long as Cadets can plan/execute mission, using TLPs and the basic knowledge they receive reference counter IED, they will have no difficulties with STX lanes.

4. Can Cadets write in their TACSOPs received for WF 11?

Yes. This is a change from previous years. Cadets can make notes anywhere in their TACSOPs. However, “Templates” or “OPORD skeletons” separate from TACSOP are not permitted.