Topic: Measurement

Subject(s): Math


Grade(s): 1st


customary metric nonstandard units

toolsof measurement temperature

calendar time

Themeasurable attributes of objects and the process of measurement through the use of customary, metric, and nonstandard units are needed to

makeconnections in our environment.

Acalendar is used to locate and identify days of the week and months of the year.

Analogand digital clocks are used to tell time to the half hour.

estimate,measure, and compare length, height, weight, temperature and volume using each form of measurement.

usea calendar to identify date, sequence

ofdays of the week and months of the year

readtime to the half hour using an analog and digital clock

explainthe concept of time using personal experience

Topic: Measurement

Subject(s): Math


Grade(s): 1st

CommonAssessments on what students should know and do in this unit:

Topic: Measurement

Subject(s): Math


Grade(s): 1st

KeyLearning:Objectsand events in our world can be measured in different ways.

UnitEssential Question(s):

Howis measurement used in our daily lives?


Estimateand Measure

M.O.1.4.1, M.O.1.4.2





LessonEssential Question(s):Lesson Essential Question(s):Lesson Essential Question(s):

Whattools will you use to estimate/measure the height, length, weight and volume of objects or events?(A)

Whyis it important to compare and/or order objects when measuring?(A)

Howcan you read a thermometer to find out how hot or cold it is? (A)

Howdo I know what the date is?(A)

Howdo I put the days of the week in order? (A)

Howdo I put the months of the year in order? (A)


estimate,measure, compare, order, length, height, weight, inches, centimeters

thermometer,fahrenheit, celsius, degreescalendar, date, month, sequence



M.O.1.4.4, M.O.1.4.5

Reviewand Test

LessonEssential Question(s):Lesson Essential Question(s):

Howdo I determine whether an event takes place in the morning, afternoon, or evening? (A)

Howdo I read time to the hour and half hour on an analog and digital clock? (A)

Howis measurement used in our daily lives?(A)


morning,afternoon, evening, half hour, analog, digital, minute hand, hour hand

Reviewall vocabulary words.



VocabReport for Topic:Measurement

Subject(s): Math


Grade(s): 1st

Concept:Estimate and Measure

estimate,measure, compare, order, length, height, weight, inches, centimeters -


thermometer,fahrenheit, celsius, degrees -


calendar,date, month, sequence -

Concept:Telling Time

morning,afternoon, evening, half hour, analog, digital - minute hand, hour hand -

Concept:Review and Test

Reviewall vocabulary words. -

Topic: Measurement

Subject(s): Math

Concept: Estimate and Measure

5.Acquisition Lesson


Grade(s): 1st

Planfor the Concept, Topic, or Skill -- Not for the Day

LessonEssential Question:

Whattools will you use to estimate/measure the height, length, weight and volume of objects or events?

Whatdo students need to learn to be able to answer the Essential Question?


KWLchart on measurments and why we need to know about measurments.

Keyvocabulary to preview:



Assignmentand/or Assessment:


Finshup measurment man and continue discussing the diffrent types of measuring tools. Tuesday 3-23:

Allowstudents to use measurment tools to make play dough. They will have to measure ingredients exactly right to have thier playdough turn out correctly


Talkabout weight. How does weight affect our everyday life. Use weights to show kids how somethings are heavier then others. Do an activity where kids are able to poick up diffrent weights and estimate hjow much each weight weighs

Time(in days):


Topic: Measurement

Subject(s): Math

Concept: Estimate and Measure

5.Acquisition Lesson


Grade(s): 1st

Planfor the Concept, Topic, or Skill -- Not for the Day

LessonEssential Question:

Whyis it important to compare and/or order objects when measuring?

Whatdo students need to learn to be able to answer the Essential Question?



Keyvocabulary to preview:



Assignmentand/or Assessment:

Thursday3-25 and Friday 3-26:

Whyshould we know how to measure? What could happen if we measured somthing wrong in everyday life? Ask these questions and then ask students to get in think pair share groups and discuss the questions. Tell them to give you 1 answer for each question.

Letsmake a snack: bring in a simple recipe and let students look at the ingredients. On day one let students make predictions about what the snack will tase like if all the ingredents are measured corectly. Then let them make a prediction about what the recipe would taste like if one ingredeint was to to be changed. Would it taste the same? Would it be the same recipe?

Bringin ingredients the next day to make a simple snack like whole grain mini pizzas

Time(in days):


Topic: Measurement Subject(s): Math Concept: Temperature

5.Acquisition Lesson


Grade(s): 1st

Planfor the Concept, Topic, or Skill -- Not for the Day

LessonEssential Question:

Howcan you read a thermometer to find out how hot or cold it is?

Whatdo students need to learn to be able to answer the Essential Question?

Keyvocabulary to preview:





Giveeach child a thermometer to look at and examine. Ask them to make a KWL chart and write what they know about a thermomater in the K section. Discuss how a therm. works and how we use them in everyday life.


Continueworking on KWL chart and fill in W and L sections. Let students put their thermomators outside to get the accurate degree and make a chart about it.

Time(in days):


Topic: Measurement Subject(s): Math Concept: Calendar

5.Acquisition Lesson


Grade(s): 1st

Planfor the Concept, Topic, or Skill -- Not for the Day

LessonEssential Question:

Howdo I know what the date is?

Whatdo students need to learn to be able to answer the Essential Question?

Keyvocabulary to preview:





Discusswhat a date is. Why is it importaint for us to keep up with the corect date? Have students make thier own calender and fill in the dates only

Time(in days):


Topic: Measurement Subject(s): Math Concept: Calendar

5.Acquisition Lesson


Grade(s): 1st

Planfor the Concept, Topic, or Skill -- Not for the Day

LessonEssential Question:

Howdo I put the days of the week in order?

Whatdo students need to learn to be able to answer the Essential Question?




Continueworking on calendar by putting the days of the week in sequence on the calendars. Do a project where you put the days of the week in order on a piece of construction apper and do the days of the week song and dance.

Time(in days):


Topic: Measurement Subject(s): Math Concept: Calendar

5.Acquisition Lesson


Grade(s): 1st

Planfor the Concept, Topic, or Skill -- Not for the Day

LessonEssential Question:

Howdo I put the months of the year in order?

Whatdo students need to learn to be able to answer the Essential Question?




Continueworking on calendar and finish by putting the months of the year in order. Discuss how some months have 31 days and some have 30. discuss FEbruary and how a leap year works. MAke a chart on construction paper with the order of the months. Do the months of the year song and dance.

Time(in days):


Topic: Measurement Subject(s): Math Concept: Telling Time

5.Acquisition Lesson


Grade(s): 1st

Planfor the Concept, Topic, or Skill -- Not for the Day

LessonEssential Question:

Howdo I determine whether an event takes place in the morning, afternoon, or evening?


December10, 0004

Whatdo students need to learn to be able to answer the Essential Question?

Keyvocabulary to preview:

morningafternoon evening




Givestudents events that they do throughout the day. Tell them to get with a tps partenr and order the events that they do by morning afternnoon and evening and night.

Leteach student get up and present their events to the class to check and make sure they have them right.

Time(in days):


Topic: Measurement Subject(s): Math Concept: Telling Time

5.Acquisition Lesson


Grade(s): 1st

Planfor the Concept, Topic, or Skill -- Not for the Day

LessonEssential Question:

Howdo I read time to the hour and half hour on an analog and digital clock?

Whatdo students need to learn to be able to answer the Essential Question?

Keyvocabulary to preview:





Reviewwhat diffrent clocks that their are. allow students to look at the clocks and make a graphic organizor about each clock. Start showing how to use the clock to show hours and allow student to make thier own clock


Allowstudents to finiish making clocks and have them take a small review on telling time to the hour


Startusing the same clocks to show time to the half hour. Let each child count by 5's to show where they need to be on the clock to reach 30 minutes. Review telling time by the hour


Finishreview on both time to the half hour and time to the hour. Take a review test to see how much they have learned and if any reteaching needs to be done

Time(in days):


Topic: Measurement

Subject(s): Math

Concept: Review and Test

5.Acquisition Lesson


Grade(s): 1st

Planfor the Concept, Topic, or Skill -- Not for the Day

LessonEssential Question:

Howis measurement used in our daily lives?

Whatdo students need to learn to be able to answer the Essential Question?


Time(in days):


Topic: Measurement

Subject(s): Math


Grade(s): 1st

Whatis the most viable sequence for the experiences, activities, and lessons in order to help students learn to the best of their abilities?

Putthe Lesson Essential Questions, activities, and experiences in order.