Torry Learning Partnership Group Meeting
Meeting Title: TORRY Learning Partnership Meeting Date:10th February 2015
Participants:Linda Buchannan (ACC),Jenny Cranna ( Torry Academy), Laura Purnell (ACC- Over 65), Patrick Robertson (Old Torry CC),David Fryer (Torry Community Council)- Part Meeting,Fay Morrison (Old Torry Community Centre), Cath Munro ( DWP), Liz Howarth ( ACVO), Laura Young (SHMU), Shamini Omnes (NHSG) Minute- Notes by Linda Asher ( NHSG)Chair-Anne-Marie Steehouder (CBO) – 12
In attendance:
Apologies:Mel Matto (Drugs Action), Margaret Smith ( libraries),Christine Reid (Tullos LC supervisor),Andrenne Craig (Sport Aberdeen), Lorraine Young ( Family Learning), Laura Horn ( Big Noise), Hazel McAllan ( Balnagasc CC), Kirsty Anderson ( Youth Work Team), David Paterson (Police Scotland)
No. / AGENDA ITEM / NOTES OF DISCUSSION / ACTIONS/DECISIONS / BY WHOM / WHEN1 / Chair and Minute taker. / Anne-Marie chaired and Linda Asher took a note of the meeting. / AMS informed the group there had been discussion in her team as to administration staff may be in a position to take minutes at meetings in future.
This is being discussed and will depend on staff availability. / CBO Team
2 / Introductions and Apologies / The group gave a round of introductions and spoke a little about some of the main areas of work they were focusing on at present along with any particular issues they were dealing with in the area.
Names for apologies given. / FM/PR – Outdoor sport centre work has started. Street sports and dance are involved. Lack of transport in the area an issue, to look at support from ACVO.
LA- Promoting healthy behaviour changes in the south of city. At present promoting phusical activity and work with elderly and isolated in Balnagask are.
SO – Local GP Sandie Munro is involved in Modernisation of Primary care and would like to attend a LP and enhance engagement in Torry area. The domestic abuse project based at Deeside is coming to an end.
LB – Esol first steps, core skills, literacy are being offered in the area as priority.
Also training for volunteer around delivery of youth work.
LH- ACVO are promoting Integrated heath and social care agenda. work with ethnic Minority communities and the benefits to health and wellbing and volunteering. They are happy to support any work around volunteering in the area.
LP – Focus on improving wellbeing of over 65’s in the area with complex needs.
CM – JCP have an emhisis supporting lone parents with children 1-5 returning to work. Those on income support returningto work.
>Could hold local focus groups to promote. Promoted ‘welfare Hub’ which is running from St Fitticks Church’ a few hours a week.
Holding a networking event in Dee St. in May.
LY – Shmu working on local magazine and started youth media group support in the Academy.
JC- School hosting follow up from youth consultation and parent evening information event. Supporting Sistema – ‘Big Noise’ initative based in the Academy. Linking with ACVO to support pupils to take up volunteering awards – eg. Saltire.
3 / Previous Minute and Matters Arising / There were no matters arising from previous minutes / Minute was agreed by the group.
4 / Key Topic Discussion / Evaluating our work, Prioritising and Action Planning for 2015 / Main points discussed as follow on from last meeting – To include in an Action plan.
- Decide and set our main Targets/Priorities as a group for the coming year/ as we progress?
- Group to decided who is interested in which topic areas and are willing to input into those topic groups/pieces of work- who else could be relevant to invited to these topic discussions?
- Shared Vision – decide on a few words or statements which break down and link to overarching aims and targets.
- Open up LP invitation to more local groups and organisations, local business, community safety partnership etc.
- Positive Promote of LP .- Positive stories, New pieces of work, local joint working. In local magazine, Radio, web page etc.
- Better shared understaning of each partners role and posiible contribution to the work of the Partnership.
- One clear system to capture local groups and agencies contributing in the area. Local Mapping exercise for each topic area?
- Improve our evaluation methods.
- Look at training and or involveing agencies and students to assist with some evaluation work.
- Funding – Try to allocate fudningthroughtour the financial year but also do this on a needs led but considered basis.
Youth - Youth consutation follow on and development of local youth steering group and activities.
Health – Parent evening information sessions in March and May 2015.
- Possible heatlh related Volunteer and staff training
5 / Learning Partnership Project Funding / Group held a discussion as to the possible allocation of this financial years Project funding pot as it is nearing the cut of point for allocation to budgets.
£320 has been used so far to support youth consultation event and Sistema information lunch and meeting. / Proposals which were provisionall agreed by the group.
Local area Z Map – previously looked at by Adult sub group – agreed. £2500 estimated.
Integrgenerational project – From partnership discussion - £500 for ongoaing work and trip for pupils and elderly group.
Youth steering group and activities - £1000 – agreed
Suppporting Volunteering and Asset based event - £500 –agreed.
AMS and group to discuss other possible uses for funding which has not been allocated.
Old Torry have a possible need for the Heritage group.
Agreement not to allocate funds towards Torry Lighthouse type event. But to plan for an event which involves the celebration events leading to the Closing of the Academy. / AMS – Adult sub group
AMS/ ACVO/Partners
AMS/ Partners
6 / AOCB / Sub Group Update - Youth / Kirsty Anderson from YW team is supporting AMS with the follow work on in the Academy with a workshop event to be held soon. / AMS/KA/JC
7 / Date and Time of Next meeting / Tuesday 7th of April 2015