Last updated: May 2011
University of Southern California5330 Franklin av. #31
Dept. of French and Italian,Los Angeles, CA Taper Hall 155 90027
Los Angeles, CATel: 323-461-3419
90089-0359Cell: 323-3016640
2010-2013Ph.D. Candidate in French Literature, University of Southern California.
2010 M.A. in French, University of Southern California.
2007 M.A. with honors in French Literature, University of Montreal, Canada.
2005 B.A. with honors in Art History, University of Montpellier III, France.
2003Certificate in Contemporary Dance, Anne-Marie Poras School of dance, Montpellier, France.
Academic Honors:
2010:Merit Award, USC.
2009:Summer Research Scholarship, French Department, USC.
2007:"Visage au féminin" Research Scholarship, University of Montreal.
Summer Dissertation Award, University of Montreal.
Research Interests:
Twentieth century French medical discourses: the representation of the filthy body in French medical literature.
Disgust and Desire: literature and art in France.
Hygiene and Dirt in 20th century France.
Teaching Interests:
French 20th/ / 21st century culture
French Theory
Medical Literature
Surrealism and French pop culture
French Canadian Literature and Culture
Psychoanalysis approach
Teaching Experience:
Since 2009:Lecturer in the Department of French and Italian, USC.
2010:Teaching Assistant, Dept. of French and Italian, USC.
2007:Invited Lecturer in the Department of French Literature, University of Montreal, Canada.
Courses taught:
* First, Second and Third Year French
* Reading French
* Advanced Composition
* French for Oral Expression
* Théories des identités sexuelles (Sexual Identities Theories), University of Montreal
Services and Committee at USC:
Special Events on Campus:
* Organizer, COLT Symposium, USC, April 2009.
* Depute at the GPSS committee since 2009.
Services at University of Montreal:
* Organizer, Symposium Du kitsch au trash: excès de mauvais goût et éloge du rebut (From Kitsch to Trash), University of Montreal, 2008.
* Organizer, Symposium Transfiguration, Espace Go, Montreal, 2007.
"The Last Supper in the 21st Century. Migration or Subversion of the Symbol?” Prophetic Migrations. Walid El Khachab, Cambridge University Press, 2011 (forthcoming).
"La communication ou le risque de sa propre voix(e) – discussion avec Peter Starr"Apprendre, Enseigner, Transmettre la théorie. Mirella Vadean,Toronto: Marengo Press, 2010.
"Petit éloge de la souillure"Lignes de fuite. Mathilde Brathomme, Aix-en-provence:2010.
"From Fashion to Pornography: The Viewer Confronts Himself in Current Photography"Lignes de fuite. Mathilde Brathomme, Aix-en-provence:2009.
"La représentation du corps gai au Québec et en France dans les années 1980 : un discours, deux medias"Traversées plurielles, Montréal: CRILCQ Presses, 2007.
Presenter, “Nelly Arcan ou le crachat sexuel,” Nelly Arcan et l'écriture (ob)scène. 2010, University of Montreal, October 1.
Presenter, “Orlan ou la médecine performée,” Ne jurer que par un livre: la sacralisation du texte profane, la profanation du texte sacré. 2010 ACFAS Convention, Montreal, May 10.
Presenter, “Petit éloge de la souillure,” Le malaise. 20th Century French Studies Colloquium, University of Montreal, May 7-8, 2009.
Presenter. “Journal télévisé ou Infotainment?" Figures of Violence, University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM), Montreal. February 5, 2009.
Presenter, “L'horreur-réalité: quand le corps est néantisé,” Representations. John Hopkins University, Baltimore, October 30-31, 2008.
Presenter, “The Last Supper in the 21st Century. Migration or Subversion of the Symbol?,” Prophetic Migrations, ACLA Convention, Long Beach, April 26, 2008.
Organizer, Du kitsch au trash: excès de mauvais goût et éloge du rebut, University of Montreal, April 17-18, 2008.
Presenter, “Porn chic,” Images et figures du corps en photographie : photographie et corps politiques, ACFAS Convention, Trois Rivières, Canada, May 8, 2007.
Presenter, “Marylin ou l'insaisissable visage,” Insaisissable visage au féminin : rapport écriture-photographie, UQAM, Montreal, May 5, 2007.
Moderator, “Sophie Calle,” Insaisissable visage au féminin : rapport écriture-photographie, UQAM, Montreal, May 5, 2007.
Presenter, “La représentation du corps gai au Québec et en France dans les années 1980: un discours, deux medias," Colloque des jeunes chercheurs en littérature et culture québécoise, UQAM, Montreal, April 7, 2006.
Frenchnative fluency
Englishexcellent speaking, writing, reading ability
Spanishgood speaking, writing, reading ability