POLICY 4.01: Strategic Plan & Planning Process

ORIGINAL DATE: November 2009


The strategic planning process within CMHA Huron Perth is designed to create a process which engages staff, board members, volunteers and clients with agency partners (mental health and addictions) in its strategic planning process. The process also formally requests feedback from agency partners in the mental health and addictions sector.

The plan has a review cycle of approximately two years. Staff, board and volunteers participate in a facilitated session to identify directions and strategies consistent with the vision and mission of the organization. Sessions took place in June 2010 and June 2012. Comments are also solicited from agency partners – Hospital Programs, Family Health Teams, Community Addictions, Alzheimer’s, Children’s Mental Health and others. Focus groups have been held with CMHA Huron Perth clients. Strategic directions are prominent on the agency’s web site and promotional material.

The Board’s focus and allocation of time at meetings, monitors achievements in relation to the strategic directions and holds the Executive Director accountable for the strategic plan.

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats Analysis:

The planning process has identified through the engagement of stakeholders key

themes which contributed to the development of the selected strategic directions.

·  CMHA Huron Perth is recognized as a credible service provider with a history

of over 40 years, however, the agency has not engaged in significant efforts to communicate its work to the community and create a strong sense of organizational identity.

·  The organization can be divided by the traditional separations of geography and needs to embrace that it serves the geography of Huron Perth.

·  Staff/volunteers do not work together in a central office space which often contributes to a sense of separation and disconnection to the broader organization.

·  CMHA Huron Perth has not personalized the results of our work. More emphasis on personal stories of recovery will help to demonstrate the work that is done.

·  There is a misperception that the agency is not seen to be as professional as some other community service providers (particularly in comparison to the hospital sector). Attention is directed to greater clarity of policies and organizational procedures and efforts towards formal accreditation.

·  Essential to the effectiveness of a largely ‘community based’ workforce, technology solutions will need to support staff working outside of a central office environment – electronic client system, common assessment, email system, website, on line community for staff, and social media.

·  The funding environment places an increasing emphasis on integration of organizations. CMHA Huron Perth is relatively small and the development of formal partnerships will be essential to its survival. The agency must strive to achieve standards which include accurate and timely reporting of financial and program results, expectations for governance, program delivery, and measurement of program quality.

Vision and Mission

The agency’s vision and mission statements are reviewed, were reviewed and

reaffirmed at the planning sessions in 2010 and 2012.


A society that values human dignity and enhances mental and emotional well-being for all.


To advocate with and provide programs and services for people with mental disorders, and to enhance, maintain and promote the mental health of all individuals and communities in Huron and Perth Counties.

Strategic Directions (2012)

CMHA Huron Perth will:

·  Enhance a sense of internal organizational identity so that all staff, volunteers and members continue to feel commitment to the vision and mission of CMHA Huron Perth.

·  Undertake actions to strengthen its staff resources and maintain morale of staff through its Human Resources Strategies.

·  Increase its identity and professionalism within Huron Perth through processes, resources, and events which demonstrate the results of our work.

·  Invest in technology solutions to achieve state of the art communications and record management.

·  Work co-operatively with the Mental Health and Addictions Network and LHIN Coalition to implement the principles of the Ministry’s 10 strategies.


Organizational Identity:

CMHA Huron Perth will seek to enhance a sense of internal organizational identity so that all staff, volunteers and members continue to feel commitment to the vision and mission of CMHA Huron Perth.

This will be accomplished by:

·  Promotion of membership, letters and donor recognition to achieve a 10% increase in member donations in 2013.

·  Hold agency events which bring together all those associated with CMHA Huron Perth (clients, volunteers and staff) – an annual Christmas party, AGM program and awards, Mental Health Week activities.

Human Resources

CMHA Huron Perth will undertake actions to strengthen its staff resources and maintain morale of staff through its Human Resources Strategies.

This will be accomplished by:

·  A comprehensive review of HR policies and procedures (fall 2012).

·  Continue staff service recognition at AGM.

·  Group and training opportunities for staff and volunteers.

·  Increase salaries and benefits of staff within the limitations of Provincial Policy and Legislation (increase in staff salaries by 2% in July 2012).

·  Annual staff satisfaction survey (summer of 2012)

·  Social events for staff and regular meeting opportunities.


CMHA Huron Perth will seek to increase its identity and professionalism within Huron Perth through processes, resources and events which demonstrate the results of our work.

This will be accomplished by:

·  Professional presentation package showing success stories of clients.

·  Agency programs (created in 2010 and updated in 2012, seek inclusion of other personal stories in 2013).

·  Established a dedicated community education/outreach staff role in 2012 to develop presentation materials and coordinate community educational activities.

·  More involvement in social media through cooperation with National Office – My New Head Campaign (fall 2012).

·  Implemented changes in the design of peer support programs – more groups, peer mentors, events for group participants.

·  Preparation for CARF accreditation preparation and submission planned 2013.

·  Improved reporting of service indicators and development of quality measures.

·  Information privacy training and updated policies and procedures 2012.


CMHA Huron Perth will invest in technology solutions to achieve state of the art communications and record management.

This will be accomplished by:

·  Increased competence in utilizing the electronic file system begun in 2011

·  Updates to website (summer 2012)

·  Upgrade Msword software (2012)

·  Upgrade security procedures (2012)

·  Create on line community for staff (spring 2012)

·  Achieve OCAN/IAR milestones by December 2012

·  Continue to explore and identify equipment and software enhancements

·  Obtain equipment for OTN (Ontario Telemedicine Network) 2013

Organization Partnerships

CMHA Huron Perth will work co-operatively with MHA Network and LHIN Coalition to implement projects which promote the directions of the Ministry’s 10 year strategy.

This will be accomplished by:

·  Participation in meetings of MHA Network

·  Membership in a new legal partnership of 6 MHA agencies, Addictions and Mental Health Alliance – sign agreement fall 2012

·  Support Alliance activities:

o  Creation of helpline

o  Improved referral procedures

o  Explore group purchasing

o  Staff training opportunities within the partnership

o  Feedback process to member organization boards