Tim Singer for CSA President!!!!

Practical changes to improve Carleton

Experience and Qualifications

6 terms as a CSA Senator, 3 terms as Chair of the CSA Governance Committee, Involved in campus-wide environmental efforts, leader of a student organization (Men’s Lacrosse)

5 Practical Goals

1. Improve Campus Sustainability

-The CSA needs to join with other campus organizations to make Carleton a more sustainable community.

What I'll do about it:

Composting: Get the CSA Senate to help fund composting units for our Dining Halls.

Carbon Neutrality: As CSA President I'll spearhead a petition drive asking the College commit to being Carbon Neutral by 2020.

2. Help Students Understand the Budget Process Better

- Last year, as a CSA Senator I helped to start the Friday Crepes program to help student groups raise money. We need to continue to think of reliable and innovative ways to help student groups meet their funding needs.

What I'll do about it:

- Set up a mentor system between the Budget committee and student groups, so student groups know how the Budget process works and how it can work for them.

3. Wireless Internet throughout Campus

- There should be wireless internet running throughout this entire campus.

What I'll do about it:

Work with the ITS department to find ways to improve campus internet so someday soon we can be on the internet on the Bald Spot!

4. CSA Projects Term Projects

- Students need to have their immediate needs from the CSA Senate met and acted upon.

What I’ll do about it:

As CSA President, I’ll oversee the CSA Senate’s collaborative undertaking of at least one main project to be completed each term.

5. Make Sure Student Interests are Heard and Met!

The CSA exists to help meet the needs of Carleton students. Whether the issue is a debate over a hot campus issue or to fund Rotblatt t-shirts (which I have always supported) students need to know that the CSA is a resource for them.

What I’ll do about it:

As CSA President, I'll work to make sure this is always the case!

Cherise Jones for CSA President

Who I am

I am an outspoken Junior History and Women and Gender Studies major. I am personable, friendly, hard working, and approachable. I want CSA to be place where students can voice their concerns on campus beyond those that are related to money.


·  3 terms as a Senator

·  4 terms on Budget Committee

·  Have severed on several ad-hoc committees to address budgetary concerns

What I hope to do

·  Better hours for the library and computer lab hours

·  More on-campus housing to fix housing shortage

·  More on-campus jobs

·  Encourage more student participation on CSA and its committees

·  Support the continuation of subscriptions to national newspapers

·  Review all CSA rules and bylaws

·  Support new ideas and suggestions

If you have any questions about my platform, feel free to e-mail me at: .


Tom Duda for CSA Senate Vice President

My name is Tom Duda, and I am a member of the class of 2008. I am both a former Senator—who served on the Governance and Task Force Committees—and the former Intercampus Liaison. During my time as a voting member of the CSA Senate, I became frustrated with the bureaucratic nature of Senate’s proceedings and the Senate’s seeming inability to respond EFFECTIVELY and flexibly to address IMMEDIATE student concerns. If you choose to elect me as Vice President, I pledge to COMPREHENSIVELY review the Constitution and Bylaws in the hopes of working with Senators and Students-at-Large to make our organizational structure more EFFICIENT. As co-chair of Budget Committee, I will carefully SCRUTINIZE every budget request to ensure that all student groups receive PLENTIFUL funding for each event. As chair of Chartering Committee, I will ASSIST and ENCOURAGE students who seek to start new organizations. I also hope to make Senate RELEVANT in the lives of students by:

·  opposing renewal of Sodexho’s contract,

·  investigating College policies to see if they meet Student needs,

·  supporting continuation of CSA’s New York Times subscription,

·  and encouraging respectful dialogue between students, Senators, and Administrators.

If you have any QUESTIONS, please give me a call at 4599, facebook me, stop by Burton 121, or email dudat.

Peter Fritz for CSA Vice President

Peter Fritz: Get it done

What I Did As Treasurer:
Saved You Money
- Recovered $30,000 of your money lost by previous treasurers' accounting errors (caused by inaccurate revenue estimates used in previous Spring Allocations)
- Negotiated the permanent funding by the Office of the Vice President for External Relations of costs associated with shipping the yearbook to seniors - saving $5,000 a year for other student activities
Fairly Considered Requests
- Helped Spring Concert obtain more funding earlier to make it easier to find excellent bands
- Ensured the Rotblatt allocation was given fair consideration on the Budget Committee level and a positive political decision reached by the Senate
Increased Transparency
- Increased the transparency of CSA Budget Committee-- meeting minutes are available here and an overview of Fall Term allocations may be found here.
- Implemented a Budget Committee guideline system with Governance Committee-- found here-- that show the current practices of Budget Committee in a clear, accessible form
- Began Budget Committee Member liaison system to improve the interaction between organizations and the CSA budget process (Don't know who your liaison is? Try here)
What I Will Do As Vice-President:
Improve Student Life
- Vigorously oppose mandatory Master's Degrees for the Hall Director staff
- Advocate for a real beer and wine licence for the Cave-- no more 3.2 beer
- Reinvigorate efforts to bring a coffee house to Carleton
Advocate for Club Sports
- Increase funding for Club Sports in order that participation is available for all members of the Carleton community without paying additional fees
- Work to attain parity for Club Sports athletes in the use of training facilities in a manner that does not impede current varsity users
Keep Saving You Money
- Improve CSA revenue and student convenience through the renegotiation of the beverage contracts for more favorable terms including OneCard readers and higher return on dollars spent
- Improve communication between Budget Committee and student organizations through "BC Office Hours"

What I Believe:
CSA does not always work. But when experienced people take on issues important to the student body, CSA can be a tremendously effective instrument for achieving amazing results. The Carleton community is best served when CSA funding effectively and efficiently supports student originated, directed, and focused initiatives.
Being Treasurer has taught me ways that CSA can effectively deal with the administration. My experience makes me the most capable advocate for student interests.


Becca Bartram ‘09

for CSA Treasurer!

I am seeking election to CSA Treasurer out of my adoration for the Carleton community. As an avid intramural enthusiast as well as a participant in Model United Nations and ACT programs, supplemented with the experience I gained as an RA and Economics major, I am confident I can represent the philosophy of Carleton and your interests with regards to Carleton’s finances. Please contact me at or x4896 with any questions!


·  Accountability: I will ensure that your money—provided via the student activity fee—will not be misspent. As a voting member of both Budget Committee and the CSA Senate, I will always advocate the interests of the student body as a whole.

·  Transparency: As students fund the CSA budget, they are entitled to know how it is allocated. As Treasurer, I will make certain that students have access to the CSA’s financial information and its procedures.

·  Flexibility: Student organization leaders, SWAs, RAs, and others frequently utilize the Alternative Beverage Fund and the Third Center Fund to provide food and beverage otherwise unavailable and to allow for student-staff interaction outside the classroom. As Treasurer, I will seek to allocate additional money into these funds to allow for them to be accessible for the entire term and to more students.

·  Communication: A successful Treasurer must communicate effectively with students, Budget Committee members, CSA Senators, and the administration. As Treasurer, I will strive for approachability, availability, honesty, and eloquence.

·  Sustainability: Environmental sustainability is certainly a Carleton value, and this should be reflected in the CSA budget.

Platforms for Election:

·  Budget Committee office hours: Students requesting funding from Budget Committee are often unsure of the budget process, often resulting in a decrease in their funding. I propose that members of the Budget Committee, including myself, hold office hours to help students succeed in securing funding and to expedite the budget process.

·  Environment-friendly driving: Transportation expenses compose a significant portion of the student budget. With the environmental costs from driving campus vans, I will support the college in its conversion of the college van fleet to biodiesel engines as well as in its other environmental initiatives.

·  Passionately advocate student financial interests to the administration: Given the ever-increasing costs of Carleton’s comprehensive fee, I will keep students’ needs at the forefront of any and all decisions with the administration. I also plan to review additional expenditures, including the immense costs of student publications as well as the under-utilized “Love” Bus that runs between St. Olaf and Carleton, to increase the financial potential of our budget.

·  Support Carleton traditions: As they are essential components of Carleton student life, all elements of Rotblatt, Spring Concert, Party Crew, the ACT Center, intramural sports, and the distribution of national newspapers, among others, should be fully funded.


Love’s Platform for Senate

Hello One and All,

My name is Love Emeka Anani and I am running for Senate as you can imagine. I have been on Senate for the past year and I have fallen in love with the whole process. I can’t imagine the rest of my days at Carleton not sitting on the CSA Senate. If you are reading my platform and truly care about Senate, you probably will be reading all the platforms so let me spare you and tell you what I am about.

1.  I’m a Senior and I know how things go so this isn’t a new game

2.  I love Senate! I started coming to meetings even before I was on a Senator

3.  I do not have big fancy plans because I would rather have people tell me what to do then for me to tell you what I am going to do

4.  I am here for the people

5.  I can guarantee that whoever votes for me will NEVER regret their vote.

If you don’t care about Senate that much and you just happened to stop on my platform or you are flipping through a book I have this to say:


Timothy Foran, ‘09

For CSA Senate!

Why am I running?

·  My brief stint on Senate has made me ever more interested in improving student life at Carleton.

·  I am interested in student government.

·  I know I can fairly represent Carleton citizens. You should agree.

Why should you agree?

·  I have experience:

o  I was appointed to be a senator by fellow Senators this term when other senators were studying off campus and thus currently serve of Senate.

o  I currently am a representative of the student body on DCRC, the dining contract review committee. This is a CSA committee designed to facilitate investigation into Carleton’s current dining situation, including finding solutions to the current problems.

·  I have a vision:

o  DCRC is just one manifestation of my interest in the current dining situation. I am fully committed to finding the best solution for students concerning price, sustainability, organically produced foods, and overall taste.

o  I feel that club sports deserve more respect from the college, especially regarding the availability of training resources. Currently, they are nonexistent. I fully support the current training resources for varsity teams, and I advocate for similar resources for club teams.

o  I feel as though many students do not know much about CSA and it’s workings. I support continued and even increased publicity regarding CSA happenings and student awareness of such.

o  The sophomore slump is something with which we’ve all dealt. Although this is very preliminary, I would be very supportive of some type of investigation into what the college can do to better support sophomores during the uncertainty of sophomore year.

·  I am committed:

o  I am fully committed to representing the student body in the Senate.

o  I am open to thoughts and opinions regarding various issues, and I am fully willing to advocate for issues that I feel will improve student life.

questions can be directed to forant

Yusi He

I am an active member of many facets of the Carleton community ? I play

both varsity and club sports, am an active participant in the LGBTA

community, have done work-study in the dining halls, custodial

services, and postal office, and have served on the Senate for three


Being in all these activities has shown me the importance of CSA as a

means of keeping the student body informed of the constant changes and

events at Carleton. Organizations and students as individuals bring

issues to CSA independently of one another, and I view it as a major

function of our job to redistribute that information as a whole back to

the student body.

I am currently a member of the dining committee, which will help make

the decision of whether or not to renew Sodexho?s contract this spring. While there are strong opinions both for and against Sodexho on the

committee and in CSA, I have remained neutral in order to bring about

productive changes to Carleton?s dining services. By not adopting a

polarized opinion, I have allowed myself to remain open to suggestions

and able to listen.

Voting for me will allow the continuation of my efforts to keep the

student body informed of what is happening around them, and preserve a