The meeting was held at the County Court House in the City of Apache Junction.

Board Members present were: Malia Chavez, Acting Chairperson and Vice Chairperson, Pam Gaston, Secretary, Jeanne Kennedy, Treasurer, Judy Hood, Membership, Danielle Anforth, Member-At-Large and Barbara Houck, Member-At-Large. Members of the General Membership that were present were Peggy and Chip Wilson, Equine Welfare.

The meeting began at 7 p.m.

General Membership:

1.  Chip Wilson – Li’l Buckaroo Insurance – Chip Wilson would like to utilize the SHA Insurance to assist with the Li’l Buckaroo Event. He would like to bring a horse for children to touch and ride at this event. The horse would be led and children would be riding it. The children would be riding with helmets. Malia Chavez volunteered her helmets for the children and Danielle Anforth volunteered her children’s saddle and children’s stirrups. He wants to do this as a representative of SHA.

The meeting was called to order.

Secretary’s Minutes: The minutes of the last Board Meeting was sent out to all Board Members ahead of time via email. Judy Hood made a motion to accept the Secretary’s minutes and Jeanne Kennedy seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Parade: A report received from the Parade Committee several weeks ago spoke about the lack of participation in the National Day of the Cowboy Parade. Discussion ensued regarding this lack of participation at this event. As the Board viewed participation at past parades, the Board decided that past participation in parades was adequate except for this event. It was decided the lack of participation at this event was a result of the short length of the parade and the heat at this time of year.

Publicity: Helen Mitchell will be available to do the Pony Tracks next month. This month Helen had some personal emergencies and Jeanne Kennedy and her daughter, Kara, wrote, compiled and published the Pony Tracks. A big thank you to Jeanne and her daughter. It was also discussed that we could have a volunteer box on the website. This would publicize volunteer opportunities. Discussion ensued regarding the volunteer list and whether to call volunteers or email them. It was decided it was a personal preference of the person needing volunteers. Also Danielle Anforth would like to put in an election’s page and asked members who are running for an office to submit a “bio” and a picture. Terrence, from the Independent, would still like to publicize an article once in a while for SHA. A volunteer is needed to write some of these articles.

Black Stallion: The Governor’s Office will hopefully be recognizing a Black Stallion Day. Legislators will be coming to see the “first touch” on the lawn at the Capitol Building. Lobbyists through ASHA are working toward pushing this through. Also the Arizona Horse Festival will be hosting the Arizona Equine Youth Festival in October for youth. Malia Chavez wanted to know if there was a way that SHA could assist with this endeavor. The Board will look into this opportunity to serve the community.

Activities: Allison Strathearn was absent and no report was sent.

Trails: The first three rides for SHA are planned. The next trails meeting will be at Barb Houck’s home, at 6 p.m., and the Board Meeting will be after it at 7 p.m. For her address, please call #928-476-2431.

Political: Maricopa County is addressing a four-item document regarding boarding. The first part of the document stated that only 24 people including the residents were allowed on horse property. Set backs had to be met and if not, a special use permit had to be issued. Now it has passed without any limitations for conditional use and will go before the County Supervisors. This will involve limitations of 50 people and 50 trailers. If you are interested in learning more about this, go to or The meeting will take place at 205 W. Jefferson, in the auditorium, on August 19th, 2009, at 9 a.m. Get there early as standing in the back is prohibited. There were 220 people who showed up there the last time.

The arena in Pinal County close to Casa Grande is once again before the County but the case has not been accepted at this time. The arena’s lack of compliance has been addressed several times by a neighbor who continues to find fault with it.

Equine Welfare: Chip and Peggy Wilson, Wendy and Eric Messina, Allison Strathearn and Ed Dison assisted in an extrication of a horse out of a trailer on Highway 60. The trailer popped off the hitch of a moving vehicle. It was determined the hitch equipment was old and was not working properly. Luckily for the horse, the older trailer protected the horse as the trailer skidded on its side down the roadway into the median. The horse came out of the accident fairly unscathed thanks to the expertise of all the people that worked hard to remove it. It was transported to Circle M Ranch and recuperated there for two days.

Treasurer: There was no income for the month of July. There was $1,093.27 in expenses largely due to the publication and distribution of the Pony Tracks.and the rest was for advertising in the Independent and the AJ News for the National Day of the Cowboy. The savings account balance and checking account balance is $1,766.20. The sum total of the CDs at this time is $14,401.09.

Pam Gaston made a motion for Jeanne Kennedy to go to Paula’s Crazy Horse and purchase the buckle for the CTR. The cost is $126. Jeanne Kennedy seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Discussion ensued about selling t-shirts on Ebay. Jeanne Kennedy made a motion to put t-shirts on Ebay and sell them. Danielle Anforth seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Membership: There are 108 renewals and 53 new memberships for a total of 161 memberships and a total of 271 members. Judy Hood asked the Board for suggestions as to how to build the membership. Discussion ensued. Also there was discussion about the email affiliated with the Association. It was suggested the email for the Association needed to be unaffiliated with a private account. The current email, , meets this criterion.

Old Business

Step Over at McKellips: The step over at McKellips is open at this point. Bryan Martyn has said there will be a new step over at Mining Camp. It was agreed that Pam Gaston would send out an email to Steve and Beth Boesen regarding this matter and the fact that resolution has been found. regarding this access.

Free Thursday Nights: The question is, “Do we keep the Rodeo Grounds open every Thursday night?” Discussion ensued. There were at least 40 riders at the last Thursday night program. Discussion ensued. Pam Gaston made a motion to continue Free Thursday Nights at the Rodeo Grounds through October 8th, 2009 unless participation wanes. At that time, the issue will be revisited and resolved. Judy Hood seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Discussion ensued regarding having a membership table at this event. The table would simply contain membership applications for people to fill out and send in.

Day of the Cowboy: At the booth at the Day of the Cowboy event, SHA made $58 on the sale of drinks. We made $53 on the total merchandise sold from the store and $95 on the sale of saddle raffle tickets. Out of all the beverages, SHA sold water the most even though it was given away at the event. Malia Chavez made a suggestion to start an activities book. The purpose of the book would be keep track of activities, sales and what SHA does at each activity.

New Business:

Li’l Buckaroos: Chrystal Sawer asked SHA for $300 to help sponsor the Li’l Buckaroos event. Pam Gaston made a motion to give Li’l Buckaroos $300 for the function. Barb Houck seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Pam Gaston made a motion to allow Chip and Peggy Wilson to represent SHA at the Li’l Buckaroos function and to utilize SHA insurance. Danielle Anforth seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Elections: Danielle Anforth is donating condiments. Jeanne Kennedy is donating plates, cups, napkins and utensils. Triple R Riders, Inc., is donating the chicken and hamburgers. One drink will be provided and then the rest of the drinks will need to be bought by members if they desire more than just the one drink. All sides, salads and desserts will be provided by the membership. Members with last names beginning with A-L are asked to bring a side or salad and members with last names beginning with M-Z are asked to bring a dessert. Discussion of meal and drink tickets and the number needed was discussed. Also discussion ensued regarding ballots and when they need to be handed out. Judy Hood will work at the membership table and hand out the ballot as members sign in. She will choose helpers to assist her. Pam Gaston will complete the ballot after August 28th.

The SHA members who are running for office at this time are:

·  Ed Dison, Chairperson

·  Eric Messina, Vice Chairperson

·  Patricia “Jodi” Beekman, Secretary

·  Judy Hood, Membership

·  Barb Houck, Member-At-Large

·  Helen Mitchell, Member-At-Large

·  Pam Kantowski, Member-At-Large

·  Jeff Watson, Member-At-Large

·  Jim Foster, Member-At-Large

No one is running for Treasurer at this time.

Pam Gaston will call Wendy Messina to see if she wants to run the SHA Store for the elections.

Glen Davis, Horse Soccer: Glen runs a horse soccer club and will make a presentation about this to the new Board in October.

Trail Horse Riding Program: Sandy Berttunen suggested logging hours and giving prizes away for the most hours logged on the trail. This issue was tabled for the new Board in October.

Pam Gaston made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Jeanne Kennedy seconded the motion.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Pamela D. Gaston

SHA Secretary