First-Year Spring Admits: Welcome toUNCW!

Here are some answers to your most frequently askedquestions…


What is the First-Year Spring Admitprogram?Why was I selected for thisprogram?


What is UniversityCollege?When will I meet myadvisor?

How do I learn more about JanuaryOrientation?

When do I register for my spring classes and how does thiswork?What isEarly-Registration?

Will there be classes available for me to take in the Springsemester?

Will I still be able to graduate in four years even though I start inJanuary?What placement tests do I take atUNCW?


Do I have to take college classes before entering UNCW inJanuary?

WhatcoursesshouldItakeduringthesummerorfallsemesteratanotheruniversity?What courses will transfer toUNCW?

What if I take a course that isn’t on the Transfer EquivalencyList?Do my AP/IB test scores count for UNCW collegecredit?

Do my CLEP exam scores count for UNCW collegecredit?How can I transfer credits toUNCW?


What is UniversityStudies?

How do I change my major interestarea?What is First-YearSeminar?


Where can I find out more abouthousing?Where can I find out more about financialaid?

Where can I find out more about tutoring and learningservices?Where can I find out more about disability supportservices?

Where can I find out more aboutparking?

Where can I find out more about the Student HealthCenter?Where can I find out more about the Cashier’sOffice?

Where can I find out more about the Technology AssistanceCenter?How can I locate other campus departments oroffices?


What is the First-Year Spring Admitprogram?

TheFirst-YearSpringAdmitprogram(FYSA)throughtheOfficeofAdmissionsisdesignedforstudentsto starttheirUNCWcareerintheSpringsemester,enablingthemtospendtheirfallsemestertraveling, working, or taking classes at a community college or four-yearuniversity.

Eachyear,UNCWhasbecomeincreasinglyselectiveandisunabletobringinallofthetalentedstudents we want to in the Fall. Because space becomes available in the Spring semester when someUNCW studentsarestudyingabroadorgraduating,Admissionsoffersaselectgroupofstudentstheopportunity for entrance at thattime.

While it is difficult to predict exactly how many students will take advantage of this opportunity,we usuallyhaveagroupofmorethan100students.TheFirst-YearSpringAdmitgroupthatenteredinthe January of this year has made a successful academic transition to UNCW and report that theywerewarmly welcomed into the studentcommunity.

Why was I selected for thisprogram?

Duringapplicationreview,AdmissionsidentifiesstudentswhomightnotfitUNCW’sacademicprofile preciselybutwhopossesstheleadershipskillsandacademicpreparationtomakethemsuccessfulatUNCW.ShouldyouhavequestionsaboutyouradmissionasaFirst-YearSpringAdmit,pleasecontact Admissions at (910)962-3243.


What is the UniversityCollege?

During your first semesters at UNCW, you will be a part of the University College, an academicoffice where your academic advisor will assist you with your transition to UNC Wilmington. As part ofthe University's commitment to excellence in undergraduate education, University College was createdto provideacademicadvisingandsupporttoUNCWstudentsfromthetimeoftheiradmissionuntilthey declaretheirmajor,whichisusuallyintheirsophomoreyear.TheprimaryfocusoftheUniversityCollege is to ensure thatstudents:

•make a successful transition toUNCW,

•are retained in good academic standing,and

•identify and declare an appropriatemajor.

Throughitsadvisorsandacademicsupportprograms,theUniversityCollegeworkswithstudentsin theirformativesemesterstoassistthemindevelopingtheirinterests,skillsandtalentstothefullest extent.

When will I meet myadvisor?

You will meet with academic advisors during January orientation to plan and register for yourSpring courses. Soon after your Orientation, you will be assigned an academic advisor who will continueto adviseyouthroughoutyourfreshman,andpossibly,sophomoreyear.

Although your advisor is available to meet with you as requested, students are required to meetwith their advisor at least once each semester to do educational planning forregistration.

If you have questions about academics or course selection during the Summer and Fall beforeyou attendUNCWintheSpringandneedtospeaktoanadvisor,contactUniversityCollegeat(910)962- 3425 or .

How do I learn more about the JanuaryOrientation?

VisitTransitionProgramstoregisterforOrientationonlineandtolearnmoreaboutwhatOrientation entails. At Orientation, you will attend numerous sessions about UNCW student resourcesand studentlife,aswellastakeUNCWplacementtestsandmeetwithanacademicadvisortobuildyour spring UNCW courseschedule.

When do I register for my spring classes and how does thiswork?

You will register for Spring classes on Day 2 of the required January Orientation. Students willbe assigned to small groups for general information and one-on-one assistance to plan and registerfor springcourses.AcademicadvisorswillhelpyounavigatetheUniversityStudiescourserequirements, possible prerequisite courses for your intended major, transfer credits, and will approveyour schedule. In order for advisors to best assist you, please complete the Transient Study Form (via your Seaport) by August 1 and bring unofficial copies of your transcripts with you to advising atOrientation.

StudentswillalsohaveanopportunitytoparticipateinEarly-Registrationandregisterforsome classes before attending Orientation. For more information, seebelow.

What isEarly-Registration?

Students who register for January Orientation by a particular deadline will have an opportunityto participateinEarly-RegistrationinDecember.DuringEarly-Registration,studentswillbegivenalink toanonlinetutorial,willhaveaccesstopre-registerforclassespriortoOrientation,andwillbeableto contact advisors withquestions.

Please note: Students must register for Orientation by a certain date in order to participate. MoreinformationwillbegiventostudentsviaUNCWemail,TransitionPrograms,andtheFYSAnewsletter andemails.AllstudentsarestillrequiredtoattendtheadvisingsessionatOrientation,regardlessof Early-Registration. At Orientation, students will be able to complete registration and workwith advisors to finalizeschedules.

StudentswhodonotparticipateinEarly-Registrationwillstillhaveclassesavailabletothemat Orientation.

Will there be classes available for me to take in the springsemester?

Yes,therewillbeclassesavailable,andyouradvisorwillhelpyoudecidewhatcoursesyoushouldtakeatUNCWtomeetyourUniversityStudiesrequirementsandprepareyouforentranceintothe academic program or major of yourchoice.

Will I still be able to graduate in four years even though I start inJanuary?

StudentswhotakeadvantageofbringingcollegecreditintoUNCWandwhouseeachsemesterwisely will be able to graduate in four years. If students choose to take fewer courses duringsome semesters, they would need to take additional classes during summer sessions in order to stayon track to graduate when theyplanned.

What placement tests do I take atUNCW?

UNCW requires a math placement test and a foreign language placementtest.

ThemathplacementtestwillbetakenduringyourJanuaryOrientation,andtheresultswillidentify which math course would be appropriate for you to take at UNCW. Learn more about themathplacementtest.

Theforeignlanguageplacementtestisavailabletoyouonline.Youshouldtaketheforeignlanguage placement test before Orientation. Learn more about the foreign language placementtest.

If the college you attend during summer and/or fall requires a placement test to allow you to take a specificcoursethere,youwillneedtotaketheirplacementtests,andadvisorstherewouldprovideyou with the information you would need for their placement testrequirements.


Do I have to take college classes before entering UNCW inJanuary?

If you plan to graduate within four years, it would be prudent to take advantage of the fallsemester beforeenteringUNCWinordertoaccumulatecredithours.Ifyouchoosetotakeclasses,wewouldencourageyoutodosoatacommunitycollegeoruniversitynearyou.Somestudentsprefertodoan internshiporworkduringthefall;thisisyourchoice,butitmayaffectyourgraduationdate.

What courses should I take during the summer or fall semester at anotheruniversity?

You would likely choose to take courses elsewhere that would also meet the UniversityStudiesrequirements(generaleducationrequirements)and/orprerequisitesforyourmajor(ifknown).Clickherefor a list of UNCW majors with requirements, although most majors do not require that studentsstart their major coursework until after their first semester. Taking courses that will transfer to UNCWasUniversity Studies is a good way to get started on UNCW coursework and stay on tracktowards graduation.

To findout ifacourse isamatchforaUNCWcollegecourse,usetheonlineTransferCreditEquivalencytool.TheFYSAwebsitealsoincludesastep-by-stepguidetoselectingcoursesandadvisorsareavailableto help in your selection. To contact an advisor, call University College at (910) 962-3245 .

How do I know I’m taking the rightcourses?

StudentsshouldcompleteaTransient Study Form,whichcan be located via their Seaport. The form willbesenttothe registrar’s office as well as aUniversityCollegeadvisorfor a transfer equivalency reviewbasedonUniversityStudies.Please complete theTransient Study Form by August 1 and resubmit if there are changes to yourcoursework.

Ifyouwanttotalktoanadvisoraboutwhetheryou’veregisteredforthebestcoursessomewhereelse, call University College at (910) 962-3245 or .

What courses will transfer toUNCW?

YouwillwanttotrytotakecoursesthatwilltransferinasequivalentUNCWcollegecredit.Tofindoutifthe course isamatchforaUNCWcollegecourse,usethe onlineTransferCreditEquivalencytooland fillout the Transient Study Form(located via your Seaport).Itis best to do this research before you register for a course elsewhere so that you stay on trackforyourUNCWacademicgoals.

What if I can’t find a certain course on the Transfer Equivalencylist?

IfyoucannotfindacourseontheonlineTransferCredit Equivalencytool,pleasesendthenameand address of the college, the course name and number (for example: ENG 101), and thecourse otheycanresearchwhetherthat course is a match. If the course is reviewed and found to be a match, it will then be posted onthe equivalency listing. Questions regarding course equivalency questions should be sentto .

Do my AP/IB test scores count for UNCW collegecredit?

Advanced Placement (AP) test scores must be sent by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) toUNCW’s OfficeoftheRegistrarforreview.Findoutwhatsortoftransfercredityoucouldreceivebasedontheminimum score in an APexam.

InternationalBaccalaureate(IB)scoresmustbesenttoUNCW’sOfficeoftheRegistrarforreview. FindoutwhatsortoftransfercredityoucouldreceivebasedonaminimumscoreinanIBexam.

Do my CLEP exam scores count for UNCW collegecredit?

The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) offers computer-based exams that allow individualsto demonstrate learning and earn college credit for that knowledge. CLEP scores must be sent toUNCW’s OfficeoftheRegistrarforreview.CLEPexaminformationisavailablethroughTestingServices.Findoutwhat sortoftransfercredityoucouldreceive,basedonaminimumscore inaCLEP exam.

How do I transfer credits toUNCW?

Afteryoucompletecoursesatanothercollege,pleasebesuretosendanofficialcopyofyourtranscripttothe UNCW Office of the Registrar at 601 S. College Road, Wilmington, NC 28403-5618. Oncetranscripts arereceived,theywillbeofficiallyevaluatedforUNCWequivalenttransfercreditandcoursesandcredits will be posted to your UNCW transcript. This process of posting to a transcript is not immediate andmaytake some time. You can check your UNCW transcript on SeaNet under “Student Records” to makesure the creditsshow.


What is UniversityStudies?

UNCW requires all students to complete University Studies, which are your generaleducation requirements for graduation. The University Studies program at UNCW encourages studentsto begin a life-long journey of engaged inquiry and societal contribution. As a consciouslyintegrated componentofeachstudent’soveralleducationalexperience,theprogramreflectsourinstitution’s fundamental commitment to fostering ethical and intellectual development and to promotingthe growth of well-informed, creative, literate members ofsociety.

Although there are several categories of courses required (e.g. Foreign Language, Historicaland Philosophical Approaches, Understanding Human Institutions and Behaviors), there areoften several choices of courses within these areas. Students must complete these requirements bythe time they graduate, not necessarily in their first two years or before starting majorcourses, although there may be someexceptions.

ManyFYSAstakecoursestowardsUniversitystudiesrequirementsduringtheirfallsemesterbeforecoming in theSpring.

How do I change my major interestarea?

WhenyoucompletedyourAdmissionApplicationtoUNCW,youindicatedanareaofinterestofstudy.If you are still deciding what major you would like to pursue, or if that major interest area haschanged, that is fine! You might change your major interest area a couple of times before you know whichmajor is right foryou.

CheckouttheUniversity CollegeMajorProgramSheetsandlearnmoreaboutallthemajorsofferedand theprerequisiteseachmajorrequires.StudentswillbeabletotalkwithanadvisoratOrientationabout their potential major requirements. Students will not officially declare their major until aftertheirsecond semester atUNCW.

What is First-YearSeminar?

First-YearSeminar(UNI101)isa3-credithourrequiredcourseinUniversityStudies.First-YearSeminarisdesignedtoprovidestudentswithskillsandstrategiesforsuccessincollege,assistyouindevelopinga cohort with your fellow FYSA students, and to join the UNCW campus community as quickly aspossible! Find out more information about First-Year Seminaronline.


Where can I find out more abouthousing?

Learn more about campus housing at the Office of Housing and ResidenceLife.

Where can I find out more about financialaid?

LearnmoreaboutfinancialaidopportunitiesattheOfficeofScholarships and FinancialAid.

Where can I find out more about tutoring and learningservices?


Where can I find out more about disabilityservices?

LearnmoreabouttheservicesandresourcesofferedtostudentswithdisabilitiesthroughtheDisability Resource Center.

Where can I find out more aboutparking?


Where can I find out more about the Student HealthCenter?

UNCW has many student health services available at the Student Health Center, Health Promotions,and the on-campus pharmacy. Incoming students must have a medical history on file andtheir immunizations must be sent to UNCW prior to their first semester on campus. Learn more aboutstudent health services at the Student HealthCenter.

Where can I find out more about the Cashier’sOffice?

Learn more about student accounts at the Student Accounts and Cashier’sOffice.

Where can I find out more about the Technology AssistanceCenter?


How can I locate other campus departments oroffices?

FindoutmoreontheUNCWwebsite.StudentresourcesareavailableonlineundertheCurrentStudentssection of the website or you can search directly for a person or campus department on theonlinedirectory.
