Picture Lady Program

School Year 2010-2011

Cassatt - Interactive Art Project Objective
Cassatt inspired free-standing paper figures using mixed media.
Materials for Class
Class teacher-

Sharpened pencils for each child
Coloring tools: to share

fine tip markers, crayons, colored pencils

Scissors for each child

Picture Lady Boxes-
Box 1

2 Card Stock 60 Sheets
2 Paper easels 60 Sheets
Glue sticks 30 Sticks
Send Home 30 Notes

Box 2

Fabrics and craftsscrap boxes

Box 3

Papers and Magazinescrap boxes

Preparation of Materials Before Class

Make sure there is enough scraps of each kind, large fabrics may need to be cut into wash cloth sizes. For more Collage Materials (please do not call them the day you need them)- Please contact your Advocate
Give send home notes to the teachers, for when the Avatars are ready to go home.
Write a guide for the kids on the board:

1. Drawing 2 figures
2. Cut Out
3. Add Layers
4. Fill in Details
5. Stand up Avatar
6. Create a Theater
Paper Avatars Project

Summary of Timing: The children may spend to much time worrying about how to draw the figures, once this step is past, layering the collage is easy. Leave time for kids to help clean up. To finish up, bring the point back to Cassatt, discuss the effect the avatars have on each other A.K.A. The Theater of the Moment.

Prep talk for Project Directions:

What is an avatar? (Discussing this stay away from the movies)
Draw an Example using the Whole Page, no details. This is just an outline of a shape.

*Hint Divide the Paper in Four Layers:
-Layer 1 is the head
-Layer 2 is the chest and arms
-Layer 3 is the waist
-Layer 4 is the legs and feet

Part A- Figure Out line
1. Pick out 2 colored Card Stock for the Avatar Figures
2. Draw an outline of a figure on each one.

*Hint for young kids: have themdraw a stick figure for the figure’s movement, help them increase the mass.

3. Cut the figures out.

*Remember anything that gets cut off by mistake can be glued back on, this adds dimension to the figures

Part B- Collage

Hand out the glue
Begin to Collage and give details to Figures
The scraps are in large low bins for easy shuffling through,
Use scrap of card stock to add things to the bodies. Hats, hands, belts, broom, chairs, wings, things to hold and shoes
Add details with coloring tools
Refine cutting at this point

Part C - Easels & Clean Up

Help put the easels on.
If the easel is to big, the top can be cut off before sticking it on.
If the child wants to add things (as this is often the case) let them by collapsing easel.
Child’s name and the name of their Avatar on the back edge
Make sure everyone stops to help clean up
Papers back into the Paper & Fabric bin

Class Discussion

Ask the children to set up their Avatars,Depending on the nature of the class, start having them interact. Use the Avatars to communicate without words. The desk is a stage for two actors: what are they saying? What are they thinking? Discuss their effect on each other. How are these mini theaters like the Cassatt Paintings?

Clean Up & Maintenance

Remind the teacher when finished with follow up program, please attach the Picture Lady Send Home notes.
Reorganize the Card stock and the easels for safe keeping.
Note collage materials levels. Tidy and separate them for next class.
For more Collage Materials - Please contact your Advocate
Make sure the tops are on the glue
Please monitor the glue levels, they are easily replaced by the Picture Lady
Please look at what the boxes look like when you are done with the class, does it look how you would want to find it?

Follow up Projects
1. Write a short story about your avatars. What happens when your characters meet another group?
2. Draw a moment between the avatars. Introduce your characters to other children’s avatars in the classroom. Draw their interaction. Trade and draw again.
3. Draw outside with Pastels, the other members of the class drawing.
4. Make a Comic strip about your character.