
English 9 CP

The Odyssey

I am Laertes’ Son, The Lotus Eaters, The Cyclops

Scene: In the palace of King Alcinous in the land of the Phaeacians where Odysseus tells of his adventures in the Land of the Cicones and the Lotus Eaters as well as of the Island of the Cyclops. Odysseus has just been released from Calypso’s island. Remember – when Odysseus is telling the story of his journey ten years have already passed since the Trojan War has ended. This stop on Phaeacia is the last stop before Ithaca, his home. All of his men have been killed and he is telling the court of King Alcinous the story of how he lost his crew and got to where he is today.

“I am Laertes’ Son”

Setting: The island of the Cicones (first stop after leaving Troy) after the winds carried him there. He is now telling his story to Alcinous, King of Phaeacia

Pay attention to:

·  The treatment of Odysseus when he first arrives on Phaeacia (also known as Scheria island home of the Phaeacians, and the kingdom of Alcinous)

·  His description of Ithaca.

1. p. 895 l.____

·  His telling of the events on the island of the Cicones

1. p. 896 l. ____

2. l.____

·  The result of the fighting

1.  p. 897 l. ____

·  The weather after they depart from the Cicones

1. p. 898 l. ____

2. l. ____

3. l. ____

1. What impression do you get of Odysseus from his description of himself?

2. What central theme does Odysseus express in the passage on pg. 895 lines 135-146?

3. Why did the men feel that it was necessary to enslave the women and take their riches?

4. What do the actions of Odysseus’ men on the island of the Cicones indicate?

5. Does their mutiny reflect unfavorably on Odysseus?

6. What was the ritual of the dead?

Lotus Eaters

Setting: Second stop after Troy. After fighting the Cicones and when the sea rests, they land on this island.

Pay attention to:

·  His rescuing them in the land of the Lotus Eaters

·  Describe the temptation they faced.

The Cyclops

Setting: Third stop after Troy: Odysseus is still speaking to the court of King Alcinous.

Why is intelligence associated with his name?

What causes Odysseus to seek the Cyclops’s cave?

Pay attention to:

·  The way Odysseus saves his men in the land of the Cyclops.

·  The reverse of the hospitality found in Phaeacia.

·  The role of the gods (fate vs. free will)

·  Odysseus' cleverness in calling himself "Nobody."

·  Odysseus' flattery of the Cyclops.

·  The vividness of Odysseus' "attack." The similes used to describe this.

·  The cleverness of his escape.

·  The curse of Polyphemus.

·  Odysseus' leadership qualities; his adventurous spirit; his courage and cleverness; his lapse into pride (hubris).


1.  What did you learn in an earlier episode that explains why Odysseus gives the Cyclops this warning?

2.  Do you think it is courageous or foolish for Odysseus to demand to be treated with respect?

3.  What does Odysseus’ lie about the condition of his ship suggest?

4.  Why didn’t Odysseus just kill the Cyclops?

5.  List the similes used to describe the attack on Odysseus’ men.

6.  Who does Odysseus pray to for help? Why?

7.  What’s the plan?

8.  Is it smart to have a coin toss to determine which men will be chosen to carry out the plan to escape from the Cyclops? Why or why not?

9.  “The rams as well, this time, entered the cave: by some sheepherding whim – or a god’s bidding – none were left outside.” What does Odysseus mean by ‘a god’s bidding’? Relate this to the idea of fate.

10.  What is the gift promised to Odysseus?

11.  How did the name “Nohbdy” prove to be so helpful?

12.  How was Odysseus able to escape from the cave?

13.  How does Odysseus’ pride get them in trouble?

14.  What was the curse?

At this point in the story, Odysseus has left Troy and lost men in the battle of the Cicones, almost lost men to temptation by the Lotus Eaters, and lost men as a result of his curiosity with the Cyclops. He is still not close to getting home.