Automotive Technology I

Course Syllabus

Instructor: Mrs. Robertson


1. Course Description

Automotive Technology I is a one-semester vocational/technical course that will instruct students in automotive shop safety procedures, hand and power tool use, vehicle systems andbasic vehicle maintenance. Students will also learn workplace skills to help prepare them for an entry-level position or further training in the automotive industry. The method of instruction will be a combination of lecture and demonstration, to be followed by student practice to provide for a competency based learning environment. This course is the first of a three-yearautomotive program and is open to Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors.

2. Course Goals

Students will understand and apply all personal and environmental safety practices associated with the automotive industry

Students will understand technical terms related to the field of study

Students will develop personal work habits required by employers

Students will develop mechanical skills necessary for an entry level technician position.

3. What I expect:

Follow all school rules in the handbook.

Students are expected to have their notebooks and writing utensils, and be seated once the bell rings. No one will be allowed to go back to their lockers. Class will begin once I have taken roll and have greeted you as a class.

During class time, raise your hand if you have a question or comment.

Show courtesy to everyone. Any inappropriate language, disrespect or harm to another student will not be tolerated.

Food and drinks are allowed, but are a privilege.

Follow instructions.

Ask questions.

4. Classroom Rules

Come to class prepared and be in your seat when the bell rings

Treat everyone respectfully

Do not interfere with instruction

Use appropriate language

5. Classroom Policies

Violating class rules will result in a warning. If the problem persists I will have a private conversation with you, explaining expectation and issues.

Further offenses will result in detention with Mrs. Robertson before or after school.

6. Cell Phone Policy

Cell phones are not to be used during class or shop time, unless for educational purposes.

Cell phones will be confiscated if I deem them to be an issue.

For each cell phone offense, you will clean the shop for 10 minutes on your own time. Each offense builds on the last one; which means the 2nd offense you clean for 20 minutes, 3rd offense 30 minutes, etc.

7. Course Work

If a student is absent, make-up work will be available from the instructor. Students will be given the number of days they were gone, plus one extra day to complete make-up work. It is the student’s responsibility to request make-up work. Missed daily grade scores will not be made up. PowerPoints can be accessed through Teacher Webpages.

Assignments or make-up work turned in late will be docked 10%. All work must be turned in before beginning shop activities.

8. Notebooks

Students are required to keep an orderly, dated notebookand bring it to class every day. Notebooks will be turned in at the end of the semester for grading.

9. Evaluation

A. Grading System

90-100% = A

80-89% = B

70-79% = C

60-69% = D

0-59% = F

B. Overall Evaluation

Students will be graded on a points system and will receive points for tests, worksheets, homework, notebook and shop activities.

10. Shop Rules- BE PROFESSIONAL!

Proper attire required when working in the shop(safety glasses!)

Clean up your area before leaving

Put all tools back where they belong


11. Shop Policies

Any student violating a shop rule will be issued a warning. If the problem persistsa cleaning duty will be assigned and daily points will be docked.

If I feel any student is a safety concern, I will have a private conversation with the student. If the issue is not remedied I will contact the parents/counselors, and if that doesn’t fix the problem I will have the student removed from my class.

In order for a shop to run successfully it must have tools. Should tools begin to disappear shop time will end immediately and instruction will be purely lecture/demonstration based until items are returned.

ALL incidences must be reported to the instructor so that proper first aid can be given and reports filed

No student shall enter or leave the shop area for any reason without instructor approval.

12. Safety

Emergency Procedures

  • Fire evacuation procedure (to be discussed in class)
  • Location of Safety Equipment (to be discussed in class)

No one is allowed to work or operate equipment or tools in the shop without prior permission from the instructor.

No vehicle will be allowed into the shop without instructor approval.

Automotive Technology I

Course Outline


Unit 1- Shop Safety

General Safety

Electrical & Compressed Air Safety

Hazardous Materials

Vehicle Lifting

Shop Activity

Shop Safety

Oils and Greases

Cleaning, Fires and EPA


Unit 2- Tools and Equipment


Ratchets and Sockets



Hammers, Chisels and Punches


Unit 3- Vehicle Systems

Body Styles


Cooling & Lubrication


Shop Activity

Drive Train


Steering & Suspension

Vehicle Maintenance

Tire Maintenance

Shop Rotation


Unit 4- Specialty Tools Equipment

Saws, Drills and Files

Testing Tools


Measuring Tools


Odds and Ends

Shop Rotation
