FIA NEZ 4x4 championshipstage 1,

Latvian, LithuanianandRussianOpen Trophy-raid Championship stage 1

Additional Regulations











1.1.The 1st stage ofFIA NEZ 4x4 Trophy-raid Championship 2011, the 1st stage ofLatvian, LithuanianandRussianOpen Trophy-raid Championship(hereinafter -Competition) takes place in Latvia, Kuldīga municipality Ēdole rural territory, Alsunga municipality and Ventspils municipality Ziru rural territory from April 1–3,2011. Base camp and registration – recreation centre „Pinkas”, GPS coordinates: N56’ 59,976 E21’41,047. Technical inspectionin Ālmalerepair shop. GPScoordinates: N 56’ 58, 983 E 21’ 37, 899.

Attention! – Technical assistance vehicles, trailers together with their towing cars and lorries must go to the area of Technical inspection in Ālmale repair shop to unload the sport vehicles. Guarded parking lot is guaranteed in this area.

1.2.A trophy-raid tourism competition “KURLAND TROPHY tourism cup 2011” takes place parallel to the stage of Competition – see attachment No.1.

1.3.Off-road racing lap „KURLAND TROPHY dublis 2011” competition for any off-road vehicle takes place parallel to the stage of Competition – see attachment No.2.

April 1

16:00 - 19:30Participant registration, categoryTR2 *

16:00 - 19:30Participant registration, categoryTR3 *

16:00 - 19:30Participant registration, categoryATV*

19:30 - 23:00 Participant registration, category TR1*

19:30 - 23:00 Participant registration, categoryOPEN*

16:00 - 23:30Technical inspection (arrival for technical inspection within 30 minutes after administrative commission, the exact time of arrival will be stated during the administrative commission)

24:00 –The first session of jury.

* the exact time of administrative commission will be stated on the list of participants and publised on website on March 28.

Each team will be provided with a GPS tracking device (GPS ”black box”), which will be handed out during the administrative commission. Team takes full material responsibility of the tracking device.

April 2

7:00 Publication of the Start List on the official information board near the secretariat of the Competition in recreation centre „Pinkas”, GPS coordinates: N56’ 59, 976 E21’ 41, 047 and on the website .

9:00 Briefing in the cafeteria of recreation centre „Pinkas”

9:20 – 9:40 Gathering and placing of the vehicles on the parade ground in the centre of Ēdole N57’ 01,117 E21’ 41,356

10:00Start of first participant in the centre of Ēdole.

24:00Finish of the first team.

April 3

7:00 Publication of preeliminary results on the official board, publication of the Start List on the official board near the secretariat of the Competition in recreation center „PINKAS” GPS coordinates N 56’ 59, 976 E 21’ 41, 047 and on the website .

9:00 Start of the first team

14:00Finish of the last team

15:30 Publication of preeliminary results on the official boardnear the secretariat of the Competition in recreation center „PINKAS” GPS coordinates N 56’ 59, 976 E 21’ 41, 047 and on the website

16:00 Publication of official results on the official boardnear the secretariat of the Competition in recreation center „PINKAS” GPS coordinates N 56’ 59, 976 E 21’ 41, 047 and on the website

Pl. 17:00Prize giving ceremony ( 10000 USD)

1.4The course of the Competition is in accordance with National Sport Code of the LAF (Latvian Automobile Federation), and Latvian Trophy-raid championship (LTC) regulations, andNEZ 4x4championshipyear 2011. Regulations and these regulations.


Competition is organized by SIA „ATV CENTRS”, Reg. No. LV40103179275,Lāčplēša street 114-24, Rīga, Latvia. GSM. +371 29458000 e-mail:

Director of the Competition – Arnis Namajuns GSM .+371 29458000

Head of steward jury - Gabriels Žīgurs Lic nr. TROFI003

Steward of the Meeting –RU

Steward of the Meeting – Audrius Sutkus Lic. Nr.

Clerk of the Course – Jānis Zaremba. Lic. Nr. TROFI300

Scruteneer – Māris Podiņš Lic Nr. xxx

Competitors Referee - Bruno Lielkāja Lic. Nr. TROFI320 GSM +371 26467917

Secretary of the Meeting – Krišjānis VīdušsLic Nr. TROFI001

Medical Assistance– Līga Lagzdiņa


3.1 Any private individual who has attained the age of 16 years and has Latvian Trophy-raid competitor’s license or other Trophy-raid driver license issued in other country (full season license or one time license) can participate in the Competition. One time license can be obtained on the day of the Competition at the registration. The driver must have valid driving license of appropriate category.

3.2 The categories of evaluation are:

- “TR1” – individual crew driving the vehicle of category TR1;

- “TR2” – individual crew driving the vehicle of category TR2;

- “TR3” – individual crew driving the vehicle of category TR3;

- “Open” – individual crew driving the vehicle of category Open

- ATV (quadricycles) has different category of evaluation. Competitors make a team of two vehicles.

- „Team competition” – Two crews united under one team, irrespective of categories


3.3 Equipment

Food and drinking water supply (minimum) for each crew member (for 10 hours).

Warm clothing.

Digital camera with memory card or USB cable.

GPS, laptop (recommended).

An orange vest with reflecting elements for each crew member.

Each competitor must wear a safety helmet: According to Paragraph 15.2 of LTC regulations for competitions 2011.

„The use of helmet is mandatory during all the Competition and all SS. It is recomended to use helmets of motro sports with certification „E22” or higher as well as helmets with firm outer cover, with impact reducing filling (foam plastic, foam polystyrene etc), with inner lining, that is integral part of helmet and with airholes. It is also allowed to use helmets of rafting corresponding EN 1078, EN 1077 or ASTM 2040, MTB helmets corresponding Snell B 90, down hill or ice hockey helmets.

It is forbidden ot use construction site, cycling as well as all kinds of soft (textile) helmets.

3.4. Each vehicle participating in the Competition must be equipped with charger plug-in to ensure power supply for route control device.

3.5. There are two ways to receive the coordinates of control points:

•rewriting them from information board,

•submitting USB memory module (flash card) at the registration for electronically introduction of coordinates. Other information mediums (GPS devices, laptops, etc.) are not accepted!


4.1 Total distance of Competition course is ~300 km or ~ 20 hours.

4.2 Competitor’s task – to complete the track, made by the Competition organizer, in a defined period of time using the legend issued and the map, to find and complete all tasks in control points by driving the vehicle close to them. The complexity of driving close to object depends directly from the category of vehicle!


5.1 During the race all vehicle movements must comply with road traffic regulations. Any damage caused to himself, to other competitor or other person is on competitor’s own liability.

5.2 Signed entry form confirms that participant has become acquainted with LTC regulations for competitions 2011,4X4 FIA NEZ CHAMPIONSHIP 2011 Regulationsand with regulations of the particular competition,fully agrees with them and undertakes to observe them


6.1 Amount of donation for categories TR1, TR2, TR3 and ”Open”, if submitted before March 1, –with LAF(or any other ASN license) LVL 70(100 EUR) with out LVL 80 (115 EUR) from one vehicle, after March 1 – LVL 80(115 EUR), in the day of the Competition – LVL 90(130 EUR).

6.2 ATV (quadricycles) if submitted before March 1 – LVL 20 (25 EUR) from one ATV, after March 1 – LVL 25 (30 EUR), in the day of the Competition – LVL 30 (40 EUR).

6.3 Donations can be made via bank transfer to the following account: organizer Arnis Namajuns, pk 260379-10522, IBAN LV46HABA0551000350814, A/S SWEDBANKA,SWIFT, HABALV2X, please indicate the name of driver and the aim of payment – donation to the organizer of “KURLAND TROPHY 2011” It can also be paid in the day of Competition at the registration.

6.4. In the day of Competition in case of delay of not more than 1 hour, competitor have to pay additional LVL 10.

6.5. To apply for the Competition, participant must send his or her Competitor’s entry form to e-mail address . If any questions arise about the registration, please call: +371 26664992.

6.6. For the payment via bank transfer, please call.+37129458000


Submission procedure of appeals and protests must be in accordance with LTC regulations for competitions 2011, National Sport Code of the LAF and Trophy–raid regulations of the competition, amount of financial guarantee for the objection - LVL 70 (100 EUR).


8.1. Possibilities of overnight stay for competitors:

Organizer guarantees parking place for technical cars and trailers, overnight, cafeteria providing catering in participants base “PINKA” GSM. +37129215542. In the recreation base pinka there will be cafeteria providing regular meal for competitors. 8.2. Information about competitors vehicles, evaluation, awarding and placement of advertising, see in LTC regulations.

Information to the spectators available in the day of the Competition in Secretariat, also on-line in web page and

8.3. For any additional information about the Competition, please call.+371 29458000 (Arnis)

Director of the Competition /Arnis Namajuns/
