Judy Schramm (Toledo Hospital); Eleanor Merrill (Manor); all those we name in our hearts.


Annie Grace Williams, daughter of Scott and Megan Williams, will be baptized at the 11:00 a.m. service. As she becomes a member of God’s family of grace, she also becomes a member of the royal priesthood of Christ through her baptism. God bless Annie as she grows up in this identity and serve in Jesus’ name.


We offer our prayers and support to the family of Ron Moenter, who passed away this past week. As Easter people we hold onto the promises of our loving and living Savior!


Altar flowers are from Don and Jan Schmidt in honor of our daughter Kristy Schmidt and new son-in-law Tom Lichtenberg’s wedding on June 24. We also welcome our new granddaughter Peyton Lichtenberg to the family.


The special offering for June is World Vision. Please use your special offering envelope or a pew envelope marked “special offering”.


Zoar’s item for the month of June is crackers. Please place it in the cupboard by the elevator. Also, save for Wood Lane, your coupons and labels from Campbell Soup, Franco-American, Pepperidge Farm, Prego, Swanson, and V8 Juice & Splash. Put the items in the cabinet near the elevator.

BIBLE STUDY READINGS for June 28 @ 8:00 a.m.

Jeremiah 28:5-9; Romans 6:12-23; Matthew 10:40-42

GIFTS GIVEN: Energized by Jesus, a Grateful Zoar…

Truly we are amaZed and grateful for the gifts of our loving God, and by the gifts and activities of God’s people. Our youth, 35 of whom are headed to Sky Ranch next month, continue to do mission projects around our community. Bible Studies and Prayer Partners, Hymn Festivals, Redeemer’s Summer Program, Vacation Bible School (July 10-14), Quilters, Baptisms, other ministries and Worship all are causes for our gratitude for God’s faithfulness. Out of this gratitude flows also our financial giving. May God bless us through all the ways we share His love.

Gifts given through the end of May 2017: $342,205

Expenses through the end of May 2017: $376,412


Headed out of town on a summer adventure? Send Zoar a postcard to be displayed in the Gathering Area. Share about your experience, or let us know what God is up to at your destination! Send postcards to 314 E. Indiana Ave. Perrysburg, OH 43551


A product of the horrors of Thirty Year’s War, O God, My Faithful God (ELW 806) reflects the piety, personal strength, and also the many afflictions of its writer, Johnn Heermann (1585-1647). At the start of the seventeenth century, Heerman – the only surviving child of five, grew to be the best hymn writer of his generation, second only to Paul Gerhardt (1607-1676). The compilation Devoti Musica Cordis, published in Breslau in 1630, saw the first printing of this hymn under the rubric “A Daily Prayer.” We owe the first English translation to Katherine Winkworth (1827-1878), who was the most prominent English translator of German hymnody in the nineteenth century. WAS FRAG ICH NACH DER WELT may be anonymous, but it may also be from Ahasuerus Fritsch (1629-1701), who as a child, witnessed the great tumult of religious massacres of the XVII century, and as an adult became a statesman and compiled two great hymn collections.


Each week the Prayer Partners invite you to pray with us for a specific concern. This month’s special offering will go to World Vision. This organization works to improve the lives of children worldwide who live in poverty or abusive situations. Please pray for the children who live under such conditions. Pray that there will be workers and resources available to equip these children to move into safe situations and grow into whole and productive lives.


There are a variety of supplies needed to make this summer’s VBS a success! Please see the board in the Gathering Area for needed items. Donations can be returned to the L4 classroom downstairs by July 1st. Thank you!


On Sunday, July 2, our only Worship service will be at 10:00 a.m., as we gather behind Lutheran Church of the Master for praise and worship. You are encouraged to bring a lawn chair or blanket, and join in this festive time for both Churches, as well as a time of thanksgiving for the gift of this land. We will have our normal 6:00 p.m. Worship here at Zoar on Saturday, July 1.


The Men’s Golf League will play this Thursday, June 29, at Hidden Hills in Woodville, Ohio. We will meet in the parking lot and leave at 8:00 a.m. for a 9:00 a.m. tee time. We play a different course each week and make up foursomes before we leave. We don’t keep track of scores and players of all levels are welcome. Bring a friend or neighbor and join us for a nice round of golf. Contact Tom Downs at 419-382-6216, if you have any questions.

CSI (Christian Seniors Interacting)

We will meet at Abundant Life #2 on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. The schedule for our next meeting on June 27, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. is: Bible Study with Pastor John Ruitz of Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran

Church, lunch by Heatherdowns Rehabilitation and Residential Care Center, Program: George Kalbouss, pianist. There is a $1.00 charge for misc. expenses. For additional information or to make reservations, please call Phyllis Morton at 419-872-0846. The deadline is the Thursday prior to each meeting.


If you've yet to attend one of our sessions of bible study for men, you've missed a great study of Matthew. We still have this Tuesday for our last chapter. Then it will be break time for the Disciples until fall. Pastor Mike will be getting material for us to study the Gospel of Luke. Keep watching the church newsletter and Blast for any updates to our study. We will be starting up again Tuesday, Sept. 12, ending again Tuesday, November 14, aweek before Thanksgiving. Enjoy your summer and we'll look forwardto seeing

you all in September.


Online registration for VBS is now available! Vacation Bible School will be July 10-14, from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Registration is open to all children 3 years old through 4th grade. We will need lots of volunteers to make VBS a success! Want to share your gifts as part of this community outreach? Let Madeline know as soon as possible!


Lutheran Church of the Master is having a Rummage Sale July 7 & 8, starting at 8:00 a.m. Donations accepted starting June 1 to July 5. Donation slips are available. Help for transporting large items can be obtained by calling 419-874-7986. We look forward to seeing you at the LCM Rummage Sale!


We invite you to stop by Zoar at 5:30 p.m. on Thursdays for a grilled hot dog, followed by a Slow Roll through the streets of historic Perrysburg. Bikers will leave from the Zoar parking lot at 6:00 p.m. and enjoy a casual ride that ends at the Commodore just in time for Music at the Market at 7:00 p.m Rides will run every week June 1 – Aug 24. Check the Perrysburg Slow Roller or Zoar Facebook pages for updated information with inclement weather.

Weekly Calendar

Sunday, June 25

7:15 a.m. Worship

8:30 a.m. Worship

9:45 a.m. Adult Sunday School

11:00 a.m. Worship

5:00 p.m. High School Youth Group

-Water Balloon Extravaganza!

Monday, June 26

6:00 p.m. Flutes – MR

7:00 p.m. Yarns of Love – L1

7:30 p.m. Vision for Ministry – Conf. Room

Tuesday, June 27

6:00 p.m. VBS Leader Meeting – L3/L4

6:30 p.m. Stewardship Committee – L1/L2

7:30 p.m. Men’s Bible Study (Last one) – Conf. Room

Wednesday, June 28

8:00 a.m. Bible Study – FLC

11:00 a.m. Staff Meeting – Conf. Room

1:30 p.m. Abundant Life I

2:30 p.m. Heartland

3:30 p.m. Waterford – Levis Commons

Thursday, June 29

8:00 a.m. Men’s Golf Group – Meet in parking lot

1:00 p.m. Men’s Bridge – Top Floor

5:30 p.m. Hot dogs in Parking Lot before the Slow Roll

6:00 p.m. Slow Roll Bike Ride

Friday, June 30

12:00 p.m. Feed Our Families – FLC

Saturday, July 1

6:00 p.m. Worship

Sunday, July 2

10:00 a.m. Worship @ Lutheran Church of the Master