As Approved at Annual General Meeting September 22, 2011


The name of the Association shall be The St. Hugh's Preparatory School Parent -Teachers' Association.


The Aims and Objectives of the St. Hugh’s Preparatory Parent-Teachers’ Association are to develop between teachers, parents and the school community, united efforts to secure for all students the best environment for their improved welfare; to pursue the best advantages in intellectual, physical, emotional, social, educational and spiritual development for all students; and to provide continuous communication channels among the various members of the school community in order to promote an atmosphere of goodwill and cooperation.

To achieve these Aims and Objectives, the PTA is empowered to:

  1. Provide venues for the expression of views on matters of general interest to parents, faculty and teachers in order to facilitateopportunities for discussion on matters concerning instruction,guidance, upbringing and discipline of students;
  2. Provide services and programs in support of scholastic pursuits and extracurricular activities of the students;
  3. Propose to the school administration and/or the School Board any suggestions for existing educational programs or for the adoption of any new programs that may be responsive to the changing requirements parents, teachers and students;
  4. Provide social venues for parents, students and teachers to interact;
  5. Help parents to understand the educational system and the aims & objectives of the school;
  6. Co-operate with similar bodies for the promotion of the generalwelfare of the youth in the community;
  7. Conduct fundraising to support the meeting of the stated Aims and Objectives and promotion of the development and welfare of the school.


Full membership shall be open to parents, guardians and teachers of children at the school. Others persons interested in the welfare of the school may become Honorary Members without voting rights and subject to the prior approval of the Executive Committee.

Honorary Members are elected at a General Meeting.


  1. Membership subscription shall be such as are decided annually at the Annual General Meeting.Subscription is paid over to the school at Registration and then paid over to the PTA by the school.
  2. Teachers at the school and Honorary Members are exempt from membership subscriptions.


The Officers of the Association shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, an Assistant Secretary, a Treasurer, an Assistant Treasurer, and a Class Representative Liaison who shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting of the Association. Election shall be restricted to paid-up members only and shall be by acclamation and/or show of hands as a method of electing officers.

At each Annual General Meeting, all elected members of the PTA shall retire and shall be eligible for re-election, except for officers serving in the same capacity for more than two (2) consecutive terms in office. Any officer may, however, be eligible for election to a different post at anytime and shall be eligible for re-election to the original post after an elapsed time period of one (1) year.

Hand Over Period

The retiring members of the PTA shall remain in office throughout the Annual General Meeting at which they retire. The outgoing President shall be eligible for the post of Immediate Past President if available to serve; otherwise the next suitable officer of the past PTA executive can be selected to sit in this post. This is to allow continuity of the PTA functions during the handover period. The other officers of the PTA with financial authorizations will be allowed to act as signatories on the accounts of the PTA under the strict instruction and monitoring of the new President. This will be allowed until the transfer of accounts occurs; which should be completed before end of the current school year. The outgoing PTA executive will provide a letter to the new board stating their intention to be removed from any and all accounts pertaining to the PTA, as well as stating the approval and election of the new members and signatories. This letter will be written and addressed to all outstanding banks, building societies, and any other relevant institutions involving the PTA executive. The outgoing President/Treasurer will provide a comprehensive list of all accounts open and available to the PTA.

Conflicts of Interest

Any Conflicts of Interest pertaining to spouse or sibling should be stated prior to election of officers, after the stated conflict of interest is stated, and members of the present AGM are made aware, the vote for officers will commence as stated. Any potential conflict arising to disbursements of funds (i.e. 2 signatories) shall require an approval by a 3rd member of the executive committee. Where Conflicts of Interest involve the purchase of goods and services, a quotation must be accompanied with 2 additional quotations (from outside relevant sources); a written explanation on the award of said goods/service must be provided and agreed upon by the executive committee. A vote by the executive committee, recorded in the minutes of an official meeting, will be the final statement, only after these are satisfied will award be finalized.


a)PRESIDENT: The President has full responsibility for the functioning of the Association. As such, he/she shall preside at all meetings of theAssociation and of the Executive Committee and assume full responsibility for the Association’s performance in meeting its Aims and Objectives. This is required to prepare the annual report on the past year's activities for presentation to the Annual General Meeting.

The President shall: -

(1)Represent the Association at all levels.

(2)Sit on all Sub-Committees of the Association as an ex-officio member.

(3)Attend all PTA meetings.

(4)Maintain functional contacts with the school’s administration and the Board of Governors,

(5)Maintain broad functional contacts with the parents and teachers of the school.

The authority of the President shall be approved by the Executive Committee.

b)VICE PRESIDENT: The Vice President shall, in the event of the absence or disability of the President, perform the duties of the President and/or such other duties as the Executive Committee may from time to time prescribe.

The Vice President shall: -

(1)Act in the capacity of the President in case of any eventualities and until a new President is appointed.

(2)Represent the President in his/her absence.

(3)Act as the spokesperson on the Constitution of the Association.

(4)Coordinate the review and revision of Constitution as deemed necessary.

(5)Coordinate with the Secretary, the distribution of copies of the Constitution to each family and to each teacher.

(6)Coordinate resolutions for ratification at Executive Meetings, General Meetings and Annual General Meetings.

The authority of the Vice President shall be approved by the Executive Committee.

c)SECRETARY: The Secretary shall be the custodian of the record of activities of the Association. He/she is required torecord all meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee. The Secretary's Annual report shall include the record of attendance of the Executive members during the past year for presentation to the Annual General Meeting; and perform such other duties as may be directed by the Executive Committee.

The Secretary shall: -

(1)Record and prepare Minutes of all meetings and distribute same to PTA Executive Members.

(2)Record attendance of the meetings of the Association.

(3)Prepare and distribute the Agenda for all meetings.

(4)Notify members of the dates and time of extra-ordinary meetings.

(5)Book venues for PTA Executive meetings and arrange refreshments.

(6)Prepare all correspondences relating to the PTA.

(7)Attend and record all regular monthly and special meetings of the Association.

(8)Circulate one - page action points within two days immediately after monthly meetings to officers, Class Representatives, Principal and Teacher’s Representative.

(9)Send draft Minutes to the President for his/her approval a week after the monthly meeting.

(10)Distribute Minutes of monthly meetings to Officers, Class Reps, Principal and Teachers Representative(s) at least one week before the date of the next meeting.

(11)Maintain a comprehensive and current Address List of the Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee shall approve the authority of the Secretary.

d)ASSISTANT SECRETARY: The Assistant Secretary shall assist the Secretary in the performance of his/her duties, and in the event of the absence or the disability of the Secretary, shall perform the duties of Secretary.

The Assistant Secretary shall: -

(1)Assist the Secretary with the recording, photocopying and distribution of the minutes of the meetings.

(2)Assist the Secretary in any other related matters.

(3)Be prepared to take over the secretarial duties in case of any eventualities and until a new secretary is appointed.

The authority of the assistant secretary shall be approved by the Executive Committee.

e)TREASURER: The Treasurer Shall collect subscriptions from members and keep a record of their financial standing with the Association; he/she shall have custody of all funds and assets of the Association; keep and maintain a full and complete record of all financial transactions of the Association; prepare and submit to the Auditors financial statements covering the year's transactions, to be presented at the Annual General Meeting of the Association; and present a Statement of Accounts to the Executive Committee and to other meetings of the Association at such intervals as may from time to time be decided by the Executive Committee.

The Treasurer shall: -

(1)Act as custodian of the Association’s Funds.

(2)Maintain proper accounting records at all times.

(3)Prepare and present quarterly Financial Statements.

(4)Prepare and present updated Financial Reports at meetings.

(5)Work closely with the Bursar to ensure that all PTA fees are turned over to the Association.

(6)Have responsibility for investing the Association’s funds to yield the best returns at all times.

(7)Maintain functional contacts with the School’s Bursar, and support the school’s financial administration.

(8)Be responsible for the distribution of tickets of any function put on by the Association.

(9)Be responsible for the collection of all the funds from the sale of tickets and the return of tickets of any function put on by the Association.

The authority of the Treasurer shall be approved by the Executive Committee.

f)ASSISTANT TREASURER: The Assistant Treasurer shall assist the Treasurer in the performance of his/her duties, and in the event of the absence or disability of the Treasurer, shall perform the duties of Treasurer.

The Assistant Treasurer shall: -

(1)Work closely with the Treasurer at all times.

(2)Work closely with the Class Representatives in financial matters.

(3)Assists with the distribution of tickets of any function put on by the Association.

(4)Assist with the collection of all the funds from the sale of tickets and the return of tickets of any function put on by the Association.

The authority of the Assistant Treasurer shall be approved by the Executive Committee.

g)CLASS REPRSENTATIVE LIAISON will act as the intermediary between the PTA executive Committee and the individual class representatives.

The Liaison shall:

  1. Attend all meetings of the PTA.
  2. Coordinate monthly meetings with the all the class representatives and discuss upcoming events, executive decisions, class-room needs/issues.
  3. Present a written report at every monthly PTA executive meeting detailing classroom issues and activities, and parental issues presented by the class representatives.
  4. Ensure there are no class bank accounts. The Liaison will act as the intermediary between the class representative and the treasurer for issues requiring monetary support of the PTA. The Liaison will assist the class representative in the procedures necessary in soliciting funds and requests.
  5. Coordinate and solicit support from all class reps for projects/fundraising from the executive committee.
  6. Coordinate with the class reps for the creating of a parent/teacher database and will provide a copy to the PTA Executive.
  7. Any person who is an acting class rep liaison shall not be eligible for election as a class representative

The authority of the Class Rep Liaison shall be approved by the Executive Committee.

h) CLASS REPRESENTATIVE: The Class Representative, (Grade Rep.) shall act as a liaison officer between the class and the PTA.

The Class Representative shall: -

  1. Attend all meetings of the PTA.
  2. Give sufficient notice to the Assistant Class Representative for him/her to attend meetings where the class rep is unable to attend.
  3. Present a one-page written report on activities of the class at the monthly meetings.
  4. Ensure that the Association is aware of all planned parents' activities.
  5. Ensure that no separate class bank account is set up.
  6. Coordinate the holding of Class Socials.
  7. Prepare database of parents and teachers in class and provide a copy to the PTA.
  8. Disseminate information from the Association to parents on a timely basis.

The authority of the Class Representative shall be approved by the Executive Committee.

i)ASSISTANT CLASS REPRESENTATIVE: The Assistant Class Representative shall support the Class Representative in the carrying out of his/her duties.

The Assistant Class Representative shall: -

  1. Attend meetings in the absence of the Class Representative.
  2. Support the Class Representative in disseminating information to parents on a timely basis,
  3. Be prepared to assume the position of Class Representative in case of any eventualities and until a Class Representative is elected.

The authority of the Assistant Class Representative shall be approved by the Executive Committee.


(a)There shall be an Annual General Meeting of the Association to be held during the third term of each school year, at which time reports from the President, Secretary, Treasurer and Auditors shall be presented, a review of membership subscriptions made; a new Executive Committee (see Article 11) elected and Auditors (Article 10) appointed.

(b)There shall be at least one General Meeting or General Membership activity each term of the school year.

(c)Special General Meetings of the Association may be called:

(i)As is deemed desirable by the Executive Committee;

(ii)At the written request of at least fifteen (15) members of the Association;

(ii)At the discretion of the President

(d)Notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be given in writing to members at least one month before the date of the meeting. Other General Meetings of the Association shall be given in writing to members at least one week before the date of the Meeting. All notices shall contain the agenda of the proposed meeting.

(e)The Quorum for a meeting of the Association shall be twenty-five paid- up members.

(f)Decisions of the Association shall be reached when necessary by a simple majority of those paid-up members present and voting.

(g)The President or other person presiding at a meeting shall have both an original vote and a casting vote when there is equal division on any matter.


The financial year of the Association shall be 1st May to 30th April.


(a)The funds of the Association shall within one week after receipt be lodged by the Treasurer to the credit of the Association's account in such bank or Building Society, as the Executive Committee shall appoint.

(b)The Treasurer may retain in hand a Cash Float not exceeding an amount as approved bythe Executive Committee.

(c) The Bank account shall be operated on the joint signatures of any two of the following officers:

(I)TreasurerORAssistant Treasurer

(ii)President ORVice-President

(d)The funds of the Association shall be used to defray the normal expense in connection with the work of the Association. The expenditure of funds for other purposes may be approved by the Executive Committee. Expenditure of funds for any purpose may beapproved by a General Meeting. Funds generated for special projects shall only be used accordingly.

(e)If the Principal sets up a provisional committee under Rule 11 (i), he/she may nominate two (2) members of this committee to sign cheques or withdrawals subject to counter-signature, and they shall be responsible for the funds of the Association until a new committee is elected.


Two Honorary Auditors, not being members of the Executive Committee, shall be appointed annually at the Annual General Meeting. They shall perform the duties of auditing the Association's books and accounts and shall prepare the Auditors' report for presentation to the Annual General Meeting.


There shall be an Executive Committee responsible for carrying out the aims and objectives of the Association, which shall consist of the Officers of the Association and the elected Class Representatives. The officers shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting, and both the Class Representatives and the Assistant Class Representative(s) are elected annually at the first Parents meeting (Back to School Night) of the school year.

a)If a member fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the Committee after having been duly notified and without reasonable excuse, he or she shall cease to be a member of the Committee.

b)The Executive Committee shall meet at least once per month during the school term.

c)At all meetings of the Executive Committee, seven (7) members shall form a Quorum, provided that at least three are members of the executive.

d)The Principal or his/her nominee and two teachers appointed by the Principal shall be ex-oficio members of the Committee.

e)A member of the Executive Committee including an officer of the Association may be removed from office by a motion at a General Meeting provided that such motion is supported by a majority of those present.

f)The Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt members to assist with the running of the Association's affairs and to fill vacancies as may occur in its ranks during its year of office.