Peachtree Ridge Cheer Lions

2015-2016 Expectaions Contract

Mandatory Events:

·  Uniform Fitting Day

·  Adopt-A-Road clean-up

·  Relay for Life

·  Toys for Tots

·  Summer Workouts

·  Cheer Lions Summer Choreography Camp

·  PRYAA Camp

·  Picture Day(s)

·  Duluth Fall Festival Parade

·  Donut Sales*

·  Selling programs at home Varsity Football games (9th Grade & JV)

·  Cheer 3rd quarter of Varsity Football Homecoming game (9th Grade & JV)

·  JV cheers during VBB games on Senior Night

·  Cheer Lions Winter Choreography Camp (exception – Varsity Football)

·  Football Spring Game (exception- Varsity Basketball)

·  Other community service projects as determined by coaches and board

*To be determined by Squad

General Rules of a Cheer Lion:

·  NO gum during cheerleading activities

·  NO nails beyond finger-tip length & NO colored nail polish while cheering

·  NO jewelry of any kind during practice or games

·  NO cell phones during cheerleading activities

·  NO PDA or other inappropriate behavior during a cheerleading event

·  Tattoos cannot be visible in uniform and hair cannot be dyed an unnatural color.

·  Hair must be up and off shoulders in a ponytail at all games

·  Must wear undergarments that do not show at games, practices & any event where you are representing the PRHS Cheerlions

·  Always show respect for yourself and your teammates

·  No rude or disrespectful behavior towards teachers, coaches, teammates, fans, or opposing team- this includes during school hours

·  No unsportsmanlike cheers or chants

·  Always represent PRHS in a respectful & positive manner AT ALL TIMES

·  NO drugs, alcohol, or smoking will be tolerated AT ANY TIME

·  Any Illegal Activity (including, by not limited to: Drugs, Alcohol, Smoking, Shoplifting, etc.) may result in serious consequences and/or dismissal from the squad.

Attendance at Practice, Games, & Mandatory Events*:

·  You must be present for at least half of the school day in order to participate in a game, practice, or pep rally

·  Prompt attendance is required for all cheerleading activities.

·  Excused absences:

o  Sickness with a Doctor’s note

o  Death in the family

o  Family emergency – only with notification from parent

·  Consequences for unexcused absences:

o  1st unexcused absence – sit out one game/ conditioning/ additional duties

o  2nd unexcused absence – sit out one game/ conditioning/ additional duties/ volunteer hour

o  3rd unexcused absence – dismissal from squad

·  Absences from any cheer activity must be prearranged with the Coach.

·  Absences will roll over into basketball seasons as well.

·  If a cheerleader must sit out of a game, they must sit alone with the coach and be in uniform.

·  Participation in other activities or jobs should not interfere with your role as a PRHS cheerleader.

* Consequences of not participating in a mandatory fundraiser will result in sitting out of one week’s worth

of games. The games missed will count as an unexcused absence.

Rules for Practices:

·  Be dressed out, mats out, and ready at 2:45PM

·  No cell phone use during practice

·  Practice is team time - not individual or social time.

Rules for Games:

·  You are there to cheer and support PRHS; you are not there to talk to people in the stands or each other

·  Designated team members will be responsible for calling cheers

·  No cheers or chants that are unsportsmanlike are to be used (“miss it”, etc.)

·  NO cell phone use during games

·  You may use the bathroom only during halftime or in emergency situations

·  After halftime, you need to be in your line-up with two minutes left on the clock

·  When not cheering, jumping, or showing spirit, you are to stand in ready position, facing the game

·  After the game, you must clean up cheer area, put all cheer materials away, and check with your coach before leaving

·  Cheerleaders are required to ride the bus to and from away games. Any exceptions should be requested in writing and pre-approved with the coach.

·  If the county cannot provide transportation, parent volunteers will be used to transport participants. A transportation form will be required if you are willing to transport and/or give permission for your child to ride with a coach or another parent.

During stunting:

·  NO TALKING while the stunt is “up”

·  NO ARGUING about whose fault it is if the stunt falls

·  Be positive and use constructive criticism when reviewing stunts

Consequences of misbehavior during practice, games, or mandatory events*:

·  1st – verbal warning

·  2nd – laps, lunges, & push-ups at coaches discretion

·  3rd – sit out first quarter of next game

·  4th – sit out entire game of next game

Dress Code:

·  Care of uniforms and spirit wear is to be excellent at all times. If lost, damaged, or stolen, the cheerleader is responsible for paying the replacement costs.

·  Do not let anyone borrow your uniform or spirit wear (camp clothes, warm-up, jersey, hoodie, etc.).

·  Do not perform any alterations on your uniform. The booster club will make arrangements for alterations if approved by the coach.

·  As a cheerleader for PRHS, you are expected to follow the PRHS dress code while at school. You should always wear appropriate clothing outside of school as well. Please use your best judgment when selecting your outfit. Remember, you are a representative of your school throughout the community.


·  Cheerleaders at PRHS must maintain passing grades in all classes and should not develop behavior/discipline problems in class. If you are failing a class, or have become a discipline problem in a class or been assigned ISS/OSS, you will adhere to the consequences of sitting out at games and/or dismissal of squad. Consequences will mirror those outlined in missing attendance to games (above).

Conflict Resolution

·  Communication between coaches, cheerleaders, and parents is a critical part in the success of the Cheer Lions Program. If a problem or concern arises, it is important to follow the appropriate chain of command.

o  1st- Cheerleader to coach, 2nd – Parent to Coach, 3rd – Parent to Head Coach, 4th- Parent/Head Coach to Athletic Director, 5th- Parent/Head Coach to Principal.

*Coaches reserve the right to amend, change, or add additional information to this contract at any time during the season with written notification.

I, ______, have read and understand what is expected of me as a PRHS Cheer Lions cheerleader in accordance with the 2015-2016 Cheer Lions Contract. I will abide by these rules and understand that if I choose not to, the above consequences will be set in place. I also understand that my actions and behavior can affect my placement on a future squad.

Signature ______Date ______

Parent Signature ______

Squad ______

**Please note- the most common misunderstanding/misconception is in the area of attendance and dismissal from the program. Please read those sections carefully!