Journalism 1

Mrs. Lindsey FrugeLCM High School

7327 Hwy 87 North

Room G-11Orange, TX 77632

Find Me:

  • Class Website: (LCM High School website, Departments, English, Lindsey Fruge)
  • Tutorials: 7:55-8:10 a.m., Monday-Friday, After school by appointment
  • Conference: Please email or call to schedule a conference

Classroom Expectations:

Students are expected to follow all rules in the school handbook. They are expected to be on time and prepared for class each day. Perhaps above all, students are expected to BE RESPECTFUL.

Required Materials: For this course students will need a 3-subject spiral notebook, a writing utensil (pen or pencil), and loose leaf paper.

Grading Criteria: Major grades will account for 67% of the final grade while daily assignments and quizzes will make up the remaining 33%. Student achievement will be assessed using a variety of methods that will include:

•Daily assignments


•Formal and informal presentations

•Tests and Exams


Make sure you have all necessary materials for this class. Enter the classroom quietly and go directly to your assigned seat. If you have homework to turn in, place it in the tray designated for your class period. Clean up your area and wait for me to dismiss you. Stay seated until you have permission to leave. Do NOT gather at the door waiting for the bell to ring.

Late Assignments:

I will abide by the school policy for late assignments. Homework assignments are due at the beginning of the class period.

“Any assignment not submitted upon the teacher’s request will be considered late work. A grade of 70 will be the highest grade allowed on late work. The student will have up to three days to submit the late work to the teacher. I will allow students a reasonable opportunity to redo major tests on which the student received a failing grade. A grade of 70 will be the highest grade allowed in a retake opportunity. If the original grade is higher than the retest/test correction, the higher grade will be recorded. (2016-2017 handbook)


“Students are expected to make up work missed while they were absent. They will be given full credit for work done that satisfies the conditions of the district policy for make-up work. ON THE DAY THE STUDENT RETURNS TO SCHOOL, THE STUDENT MUST CONTACT TEACHERS CONCERNING ARRANGEMENTS FOR MAKING UP WORK. A zero will be given for work that has been required by the teacher and has not met the guidelines for make-up work. (2016-2017 handbook)


Students should make every effort to use the restroom between classes. During class time, students should ask to use the restroom as long as I am not lecturing. Students will use their Fruge Bear Bucks to use the restroom and if all his or her Bear Bucks are used, no more restroom breaks will be allowed. I allow one student out of the classroom at a time. It is possible to lose restroom privileges by:

•Violating class rules

•Finding out you were doing something else while out

•Being regularly off task in my class

•Skipping class/frequent unexcused absences


Students are tardy if they arrive to class after the bell rings. Going to the restroom is not an excuse for being tardy unless I have given prior permission. Students must sign the tardy sign-in sheet by the door if he or she is tardy to class.

Remind 101:I will use this system to send reminders about assignments, upcoming tests, etc. To set it up and get reminders, send the class code “@c4139” to (503) 451-6128.