/ Assignment No. 02
Semester: Fall2017
CS615: Software Project Management / Total Marks: 15
Due Date:25th January, 2018
Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting assignment:
You need to use MS word document to prepare and submit the assignment on VU-LMS.
It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:
  • The assignment is submitted after due date.
  • The assignment is not in the required format(.doc or docx)
  • The submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.
  • Assignment is copied(partial or full) from any source (websites, forums, students, etc)
The objective of this assignment is to learn:
  • Estimation of projects
  • Project Planning

Question No. 1 [10 marks]
Suppose you are a project manager at a reputed software house and working on a new project. You have to calculate the estimated total effort of that project which is having 400 KLOC.
Calculate the estimated effort for each of the following three types of projects using basic constructive cost modelfrom the data given below:
Types / Effort constant 1 / Effort constant 2
Organic / 2.4 / 1.05
Semidetached / 3.0 / 1.12
Embedded / 3.6 / 1.20
Question No. 2 [5 marks]
M-tech is an international software development company that is currently undergoing the planning phase for development of a Hospital Management system. This system is required to be developed in Java language. The project manager has estimated that there will be total 23 reports included in reporting component of this system.
The historical data similar to this project specifies that total 1053 lines of Java are required for each report.
You need to estimate the total no. of Lines Of Code that will be required for reporting component of this system and provide the answer in given table.
Calculation / Lines of Code
Best of Luck!