Language Honors:
A Series of Unfortunate Events:
Lesson Plan:
Spring 2010
Class one: Introduce BookChapters 1-3
Read, Write, Listen, and Speak
1.Active Prior Knowledge: Prereading Organizer:
Explain elements of graphic organizer.
2.Distribute text
Students complete prereading organizer in pairs
3.Share predictions and review map
4.Review Vocabulary from Chapter one. Have students read and define words.
5.Read Chapter 1: (pages 1-10) teacher begins to model level of reading and difficult words, continue with round robin method.
6.Review difficult words, explain, check for understanding.
7.Review Prereading Organizerchecking predictionsdiscuss.
8.Review Vocabulary for Chapter 2
9.Read Chapter 2
10.Complete worksheet:Draw Count Olaf
11.Review vocabulary for Chapter 3
12.Read Chapter 3and Journal Writing #1
Chapter three begins with, “I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed this, but first impressions are often entirely wrong. You can look at a painting for the first time, for example, and not like it at all, but after looking at it a little longer you may find it very pleasing.” Question to write on: What are your first impressions of Count Olaf? Do you think they will change throughout the book? Why or why not?
Class Two: Explore Characters Chapters 4-8
Read, Write, Listen, and Speak
1.Activate Prior Knowledge: Ask for a summary of chapters three
2.Review Chapter 4 vocabulary
3.Read Chapter 4 andJournal Writing #2
At the end of Chapter 4 the Baudelaire children are crying themselves to sleep. When was the last time you cried for a long period of time? Why? Did it make you feel better to cry? Or worse?
4.Review Chapter 5 and 6 vocabulary
5.Read Chapter 5 and 6
6.Complete:Character ID
7.Separate students in groups (6 groups)
Complete Character ID graphic organizerfor:
Justice Strauss
Mr. Poe
Count Olaf
8.Group presents graphic organizer to class
9.If time permits: Revisit Prereading Organizer, discuss.
10.Review Vocabulary for Chapter 7 and 8
11.Read Chapter 7 and 8
12.Complete:story map
13.Complete:Journal Writing #3
What character is most like you? Why? How would you handle the current situation (to include: living with Count Olaf, chores, upcoming play, and the lack of basic necessities)?
Class Three: Identifying with Characters (books) Chapters 9-13
Read, Write, Listen and Speak
- Activate Prior Knowledge: Review the journal writings.
- Review vocabulary for chapter 9 and 10
- Read Chapter 9 and 10
- Return to groups and complete:In the Middle ofCharacter ID
- Explain Character Connections
. Model use and allow students to complete.
- Present Character Connections
- Review vocabulary for chapters 11, 12, and 13
- Read: Remaining of book.
Chapter Four: Exploring the Plot and Outcomes, Literature vs Film
Read, Write, Listen and Speak
- Activate Prior Knowledge: Quick Write:
Describe the ending of the book, what happened.
- Groups: Finish all graphic organizers
- Discuss all elements of the graphic organizers
- Begin movie.
- Complete:Journal Writing #4
How is the movie like the book? How is the movie different than the book? Where the characters as you expected? How about the setting? What did you like? What didn’t you like?