Tell us about the wonderful successes within your organization and the community

by honoring the very people who have helped make that success possible.

NJAPSE would like to honor their great workduring our upcoming conference,“Facing the Future 21: 21st Century Strategies for a Lifetime of Employment,” to be held March22, 2013 at the Somerset DoubleTree Hotel in Somerset, NJ.

Nominations are being sought for the following awards:

  • Employment Specialist of the Year
  • Employer of the Year
  • Transition Educator of the Year
  • Supervisor of the Year
  • Supported Employee of the Year

What a wonderful way to say thank you to those staff members, colleagues,employers, and supported employees who spend everyday facilitating employment successes!

Deadline:February 1, 2013

Please complete both pages 2 and 3 and submit by e-mail or mail to:

Dan Baker, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Pediatrics

The Elizabeth M. Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities/UMDNJ

P.O. Box 2688

New Brunswick, NJ 08903-2688

phone: 732-235-9312

(Two page nomination form is attached.)


THE APPROPRIATE CATEGORY(Complete and submit pages 2&3)

Employment Specialist of the Year

Purpose:To confer statewide recognition on employment specialists/job coaches for outstanding professional achievement.

Eligibility:Nominees must have a minimum of 1-year experience in supported employment.

Criteria:Trustworthiness, respectfulness, supportiveness, and innovation.

Employer of the Year

Purpose:To confer statewide recognition of an employer who has demonstrated exemplary commitment to the employment of people with disabilities.

Eligibility:A nominee must operate in the State of New Jersey.

Criteria:Consistently showed their commitment to people with disabilities in their workplace.

Transition Educator of the Year

Purpose:To confer statewide recognition on one educator for outstanding professional achievement in the area of transition from school to work.

Eligibility:One staff person from a school in NJ will be awarded Transition Educator of the Year.

Criteria:Helped students self-advocate and prepare for their future after graduation.

Supervisor of the Year

Purpose:To confer statewide recognition on a supervisor of a supported employment program for outstanding professional achievement.

Eligibility:Nominees must have a minimum of 1-year experience as a supervisor of a supported employment program.

Criteria:Supervisor demonstrates knowledge of supported employment and respectof the employees and the people served.

Supported Employee of the Year

Purpose:To confer statewide recognition on a supported employee for outstanding personal achievement in employment, including self-employment.

Eligibility:Nominees must have a minimum of 1-year paidwork experience, including self-employment.

Criteria:Nominees must exemplify quality employment and demonstrated personal achievement. The type of work must be explained in the application.

Submitted By:

Name of individual who is submitting this nomination

Mailing AddressCity, State ZIP

Email Address Daytime phone number

Relationship to Nominee


Name of Nominee

Job Title or Role in the CommunityAgency/Business

Mailing AddressCity, State ZIP

Email AddressPhone #

Please describe why you are nominating this person(s).







Feel free to attach another sheet for additional narrative. Only nominations with narratives will be considered.

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